Random in spanish


pronunciation: ɑleɑtoʊɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

random = fortuito, al azar, aleatorio, disperso. 

Example: Where the subcategory is small the subsequent arrangement is random.


» at random = aleatoriamente, de un modo aleatorio, al azar.

Example: Observations were made at random by uninvolved observers.

» fuzzy random variable = variable aleatoria de lógica difusa.

Example: Fuzzy random variables (also referred to often as random fuzzy sets) were introduced as a valuable and well-formalized model to deal with probabilistic and statistical problems involving fuzzy data when these data are supplied by an existing fuzzy-valued quantification process = Las variables aleatorias de lógica difusa (a las que también se les conoce conjuntos aleatorios de lógica difusa) se introdujeron como un modelo valioso y bien formalizado para tratar los problemas probabilísticos y estadísticos relacionados con los datos difusos cuando éstos han sido suministrado por un proceso existente de cuantificación de valores difusos.

» pick at + random = escoger al azar, escoger aleatoriamente, seleccionar al azar.

Example: So, in practice, instead of exploiting the rich coordination of natural language, most systems ignore these links between concepts and resort to picking words from text at random.

» random access = acceso aleatorio.

Example: Discs provide 'direct' or 'random' access, the 'read/write' head can go straight to the data required.

» random access file = fichero de acceso aleatorio.

Example: This article considers a random access file which consists of a given number of buckets.

» random access memory (RAM) = memoria de acceso aleatorio (RAM).

Example: Random access memory (RAM) is the most important type of central memory in general-purpose microcomputers.

» random act of = acto espontáneo de.

Example: Teachers are facing random acts of violence seldom faced in the past.

» random clumping = plantación irregular. [Siembra de grupos de plantas de un modo desigual intentando imitar la naturaleza]

Example: Sometimes the librarian may recognise the words in the question but be uncertain of their meaning in the context, eg, a query about trolley dressing, or random clumping, or topping-out.

» random facts = hechos dispersos.

Example: This time it was a collection of random facts that added up to nothing.

» random fuzzy set = conjunto aleatorio de lógica difusa.

Example: Fuzzy random variables (also referred to often as random fuzzy sets) were introduced as a valuable and well-formalized model to deal with probabilistic and statistical problems involving fuzzy data when these data are supplied by an existing fuzzy-valued quantification process = Las variables aleatorias de lógica difusa (a las que también se les conoce conjuntos aleatorios de lógica difusa) se introdujeron como un modelo valioso y bien formalizado para tratar los problemas probabilísticos y estadísticos relacionados con los datos difusos cuando éstos han sido suministrado por un proceso existente de cuantificación de valores difusos.

» random graph hypothesis = ?.

Example: Results indicate that consistent numbers of components are produced under the random graph hypothesis across various applications.

» random sample = muestra probablística, muestra al azar. [Conjunto de individuos de una población cuya probabilidad de ser escogidos es la mima]

Example: This study uses multiple regression analysis to investigate the determinants of the variations in prices for a random sample of 439 periodicals.

» random sampling = muestreo probabilístico, muestreo al azar.

Example: This research examined a random sampling of 500 public libraries serving populations of 25 000 or more.

» random shot = disparo al aire, disparo al azar.

Example: She was killed by a random shot that blasted through a window hit a plaque on a wall then ricocheted into her body, killing her almost instantly.

» random shot = foto al azar.

Example: I took a few random shots of the boys warming up before the game started.

» simple random sampling = muestreo probabilístico simple, muestreo al azar simple.

Example: The article is entitled 'The effectiveness of simple and stratified random sampling in broadcast news content analysis'.

» stratified random sampling = muestreo probabilístico estratificado, muestreo al azar estratificado.

Example: The article is entitled 'The effectiveness of simple and stratified random sampling in broadcast news content analysis'.

Random synonyms

haphazard in spanish: , pronunciation: hæphæzɜrd part of speech: adjective stochastic in spanish: , pronunciation: stoʊkæstɪk part of speech: adjective unselected in spanish: , pronunciation: ənsəlektɪd part of speech: adjective hit-or-miss in spanish: , pronunciation: hɪtɔrmɪs part of speech: adjective

Random antonyms

nonrandom pronunciation: nɑnrændəm part of speech: adjective
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