Radii in spanish


pronunciation: rɑdioʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

radius1 = radio, área, zona. 

Example: The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.


» radius of + Posesivo + action = radio de acción.

Example: Also the radius of their action is frequently limited and does not have government support.

» within a + Distancia + radius = en un radio + Distancia.

Example: The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.

radius [radii/radiuses, -pl.]2 = radio. [Hueso del antebrazo]

Example: The ulna is the longer of the two bones of the forearm, the other being the radius.
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