Racism in spanish


pronunciation: rɑθismoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

racism = racismo. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: And what I'm trying to suggest is that there's something shameful about a profession that has allowed this kind of blatant and rank ethnocentrism, racism, chauvinism, the whole schmier, to persist this long.


» anti-racism = antirracismo.

Example: Anti-racism designates a branch of critical theory and activism that debunks the validity of the concept of 'race'.

» combat + racism = luchar contra el racismo.

Example: One of the most effective ways of combatting racism is through enlightened, moderate and courageous work colleagues.

Racism synonyms

racialism in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪʃəlɪzəm part of speech: noun
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