Quotidian in spanish


pronunciation: koʊtidiɑnoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

quotidian = cotidiano. 

Example: Most people's to-do lists are, almost by definition, pretty dull, filled with those quotidian little tasks that tend to slip out of our minds.

Quotidian synonyms

mundane in spanish: , pronunciation: məndeɪn part of speech: adjective everyday in spanish: , pronunciation: evrideɪ part of speech: adjective routine in spanish: , pronunciation: rutin part of speech: adjective, noun ordinary in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔrdəneri part of speech: adjective unremarkable in spanish: , pronunciation: ənrɪmɑrkəbəl part of speech: adjective workaday in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrkədeɪ part of speech: adjective
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