Quintet in spanish


pronunciation: kintetoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

quintet = quinteto. 

Example: This book presents a collection of essays on Mozart's string quintets.

Quintet synonyms

v in spanish: , pronunciation: vi part of speech: noun fin in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪn part of speech: noun five in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪv part of speech: noun, adjective phoebe in spanish: , pronunciation: fibi part of speech: noun quint in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪnt part of speech: noun pentad in spanish: , pronunciation: pentæd part of speech: noun cinque in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪŋk part of speech: noun fivesome in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪvzəm part of speech: noun 5 in spanish: , pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective quintuplet in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪntʌplət part of speech: noun little phoebe in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪtəlfibi part of speech: noun quintette in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪntet part of speech: noun
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