Quid in spanish


pronunciation: libɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

quid = libra. [Forma coloquial de referirse a la libra inglesa, usada sólo en singular]

Example: I'm sat here, galloping towards thirty without a quid to my name, living and working out of my bedroom, unable to sell even a single copy of my dead dog's comic.


» quid pro quo = compensación, contrapartida, retribución, hoy por mí y mañana por ti.

Example: This has occurred because publishers have required a transfer of copyright as a quid pro quo for publication.

Quid synonyms

pound in spanish: , pronunciation: paʊnd part of speech: noun plug in spanish: , pronunciation: plʌg part of speech: noun wad in spanish: , pronunciation: wɑd part of speech: noun chew in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃu part of speech: verb, noun cud in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌd part of speech: noun chaw in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃɔ part of speech: noun, verb pound sterling in spanish: , pronunciation: paʊndstɜrlɪŋ part of speech: noun british pound in spanish: , pronunciation: brɪtɪʃpaʊnd part of speech: noun
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