Quickness in spanish


pronunciation: rɑpideθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

quickness = rapidez, prontitud, celeridad. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: His subordinates -- everyone reports through him to the director of the Medical Center library -- suffer from the quickness and depth of Fury when he disapproves of something.

Quickness synonyms

facility in spanish: , pronunciation: fəsɪlɪti part of speech: noun celerity in spanish: , pronunciation: səlerəti part of speech: noun adroitness in spanish: , pronunciation: ədrɔɪtnəs part of speech: noun adeptness in spanish: , pronunciation: eɪdeptnəs part of speech: noun rapidity in spanish: , pronunciation: rəpɪdəti part of speech: noun deftness in spanish: , pronunciation: deftnəs part of speech: noun quick-wittedness in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪkwɪtədnəs part of speech: noun mental quickness in spanish: , pronunciation: mentəlkwɪknəs part of speech: noun
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