Quarry in spanish


pronunciation: kɑnteɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

quarry1 = cantera. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The article is entitled 'Mining the Metadata Quarries'.


» a quarry of information = una cantera de información.

Example: This should not be seen, she argues, simply as biography, nor as a quarry of information on social history, valuable though it may be for those purposes.

» quarry tile = baldosa, losa, loseta.

Example: I am thinking of using 2 layers of unglazed quarry tiles on the floor of my oven instead of fire bricks...any thoughts? .

» stone quarry = cantera.

Example: A 58-year-old taxi driver was found in an abandoned stone quarry on Sunday wearing only his underwear.

quarry2 = presa. 

Example: However, those who have tasted the succulent meat of this type of clam are more than willing to dig up to their armpits in the intertidal muck to capture such delicious quarry.

quarry3 = extraer de cantera. 

Example: Granite millstones were quarried in Louisiana as early as 1810.


» quarry for = investigar, analizar, estudiar.

Example: The surviging chronicles, annals, and histories have been extensively quarried for the information they reveal about the events of their time.

Quarry synonyms

pit in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪt part of speech: noun target in spanish: , pronunciation: tɑrgət part of speech: noun prey in spanish: , pronunciation: preɪ part of speech: noun fair game in spanish: , pronunciation: fergeɪm part of speech: noun stone pit in spanish: , pronunciation: stoʊnpɪt part of speech: noun
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