Put in spanish
pronunciation: poʊneɹ̩ part of speech: verb

put1 = poner. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio put]
Example: If you encounter an unlabeled document during charge-out, peel off one of the preprinted labels and put it in the document.more:
» be hard put to explain = encontrar difícil de explicar.
Example: The librarian searching for material on pop festivals who finds three substantial reports listed in the annual Government publications may be hard put to explain why he looked in such an apparently unlikely source.» don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today = no dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy.
Example: One saying that I try hard to live by in my personal life as well as my professional career is 'don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today'.» if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it = en boca cerrada no entran moscas.
Example: But a wise man once said: 'If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it'.» more than all of us put together = más que todos nosotros juntos.
Example: In fact, he boasts that he knows more about library work than all of us who have our master's degrees put together.» output = producir. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio output]
Example: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.» put + a bullet in + Posesivo + head = meterle una bala en la cabeza a Alguien.
Example: The day I swan around in expensive suits is the day I hope someone puts a bullet in my head.» put across (to) = hacer entender, hacer comprender, hacer ver, explicar.
Example: What I tried to put across to her was that she was getting her wires crossed between cause and effect.» put + a damper on = estropear, echar a perder, arruinar, aguar, aguar la fiesta.
Example: Heavy and gusty storms will put a damper on the end of the weekend in parts of Texas.» put + a feeler out = tantear el terreno.
Example: 'Well, do we have anything from the last visit? The report we must have had to prepare?', she put the feeler out cautiously.» put + a few things together = preparar algo.
Example: It would be of enormous help to us if you could put a few things together for us to look over.» put + a finger on = precisar, concretar, identificar.
Example: It's hard to put a finger on the exact formula that adds up to someone becoming successful.» put + a finger up to = mandar a tomar por culo a, hacer un corte de mangas. [Mostrando el dedo medio en el aire con la mano hacia arriba]
Example: Let's break the rules, let's put a finger up to the establishment and do something wrong.» put + a (good) word in for = romper una lanza en favor de, interceder por, hablar bien de, recomendar.
Example: I just wanted to tell you thank you so much and I just wanted to put a good word in for the three guys who installed it, they were fantastic, fast, polite and professional.» put + a gun to + Posesivo + head = poner una pistola en la cabeza, apuntar a la cabeza con una pistola.
Example: The man came up from behind and put a gun to my head.» put + a halt to = poner fin a, dar fin a, poner punto (y) final a, dar el puntillazo a, dar la puntilla a, dar por terminado, dar por concluido, acabar con.
Example: This financial crisis put a halt to the project since their lender went bankrupt that year.» put + a keener edge on + Nombre = hacer que Algo sea más importante e interesante.
Example: The fact that information is becoming recognized as being a commercially viable product puts a keener edge on LIS professional activities.» put + Algo + on the agenda = dar importancia a Algo, dar relevancia a Algo.
Example: The author suggests a strategy for putting library needs on the agenda of government and lists a few cardinal rules to be observed.» put + Alguien + on the spot = vertedero municipal, vertedero de escombros municipal, vertedero de basura municipal.
Example: More than 4 million poultry died or were culled in a 2002 outbreak in Virginia, and the carcasses were disposed of in municipal landfills.» put + Alguien + in jail = meter en chirona, meter en la cárcel, meter en prisión, encarcelar, enviar a la cárcel, enviar a prisión.
Example: Putting her in jail only makes the problem worse and uses up more tax payer money.» put + Alguien + up to speed (on/with) = poner a Alguien al día (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al tanto (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al corriente (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al loro (de/sobre).
Example: She was way behind academically but her teacher has been an essential part in the difficult task of putting her up to speed with the rest of her classmates.» put + all of + Posesivo + eggs in one basket = poner todos los huevos en una canasta, jugárselo todo a una sola carta, poner toda la carne en el asador, echar toda la carne en el asador.
Example: They agree that serials librarians do need vendors and that using more than one vendor is preferable to putting all of one's eggs in one basket.» put + a lot of effort into = dedicar mucho esfuerzo a, poner mucho esfuerzo en.
Example: If you put a lot of effort into losing weight but just don't seem to get results, you may be your own worst enemy.» put + a lot of work into = dedicar mucho trabajo a, poner mucho trabajo en.
Example: I was really upset; I had put a lot of work into that project, and my boss just brushed it off. = Estaba realmente enfadado ya que había dedicado mucho trabajo a aquel proyecto y mi jefe simplemente lo ignoró.» put + a (monkey) wrench in the works = joderlo todo, fastidiarlo todo, estropearlo todo, jorobarlo todo, aguarlo todo.
Example: However, the one crucial factor that could put a wrench in the works is that the self-healing process is almost entirely dependent on the availability of water.» put + an end to = poner fin a, dar fin a, poner punto (y) final a, dar el puntillazo a, dar la puntilla a, dar por terminado, dar por concluido, acabar con.
Example: The abolition of the central and of the district libraries in 1803 put an end to a project which had met too many problems.» put + an idea on the back burner = aparcar una idea, dejar una idea a un lado, dejar una idea en suspenso, relegar una idea a un segundo plano.
Example: My girlfriend and I looked at rings together about a year ago, then put the idea on the back burner because of money issues.» put + a plan in place = planificar, organizar un plan.
Example: One key to success is a principal who knows what is needed and can put a plan in place.» put + a premium on = hacer que tenga más valor, dar mucha importancia, hacer hincapié en, sobrevalorar.
Example: Businesses work to deadlines that put a premium on convenience and ready availability.» put + a price on + Posesivo + head = poner precio a + Posesivo + cabeza.
Example: He was living in swank hotels and enjoying the finer things in life until he was fingered by a squealer who ratted him out to the Mob for the price they had put on his head.» put + a roof over + Posesivo + head = dar techo, dar cobijo, dar amparo, amparar.
Example: Wealthy Lilian will honour her promise and put a roof over Melissa's head, but only if she can earn her keep.» put aside for + a rainy day = ahorrar para cuando lleguen las vacas flacas, ahorrar para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles, guardar Algo para otra vez.
Example: A fifth of Britons admit to having no savings whatsoever while only just over a third of adults had less than £500 put aside for a rainy day = Una quinta parte de los británicos dice que no tienen ningún tipo de ahorro mientras que un poco más de un tercio tiene menos de 500 libras ahorradas para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles.» put a sock in it! = ¡corta el rollo!, ¡cierra el pico!, ¡chitón!.
Example: Last week's statement should be seen as the last word and a signal for the industry to put a sock in it for a while.» put + a spanner in the works = joderlo todo, fastidiarlo todo, estropearlo todo, jorobarlo todo, aguarlo todo.
Example: Chelsea have put a spanner in the works of Real Madrid and Barcelona over the future destination of Valencia forward David Villa.» put + a spin on a ball = darle efecto a una pelota.
Example: Putting a spin on the ball can change the direction the ball takes through the air or after it bounces.» put + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheel = ponerle un palo en la rueda, meterle un palo en la rueda, fastidiarle los planes, joderle los planes, estropearle los planes, aguarle los planes, jorobarle los planes, hacerle la pascua.
Example: Again, she too could be just as corrupt as the others, but I have a sneaky feeling that she cheesed someone off, and they decided to put a spoke in her wheel.» put + a spotlight on = llamar la atención sobre, centrar la atención en, prestar atención a, resaltar, destacar.
Example: The article 'Electronic security has put a spotlight on theft' concludes that electronic theft detection systems are the single most effective deterrent to library material loss.» put + a stop to = poner punto (y) final a, poner fin a, dar fin a.
Example: Distressed, anxious, not a little angry, she at first decided to confront her daughter and put a stop to the affair at once, brooking no argument.» put at + Posesivo + fingertips = poner a + Posesivo + disposición.
Example: These tools put a wide variety of Internet resources at your fingertips.» put at + the disposal of = poner a disposición de.
Example: The main aim of the work of the department is to steer students towards self-education and to help them deepen their knowledge by putting at their disposal modern instructional aids.» put away = consumir, ingerir, zamparse, engullir.
Example: He put away twice as much wine as usual and it went to his head, so he stretched out on his bed for a nap.» put away = guardar.
Example: She took all photos, sorted them out, stuffed them into boxes, and put them away in storage.» put away = ahorrar.
Example: This way, you'll get into the habit of putting away a certain amount each month.» put + a word in for = recomendar a, defender a, hablar en favor de.
Example: This also means that you almost have to know someone who can put a word in for you or have a well-known name in order to reasonably quickly rise to the top.» put + bread on the table = poner el pan en la mesa, mantener (a) la familia, traer el pan a casa, ganarse el pan, ganarse las habichuelas, ganarse los garbanzos, ganarse las lentejas.
Example: If in your mind your job is solely for the purpose of 'putting bread on the table,' you are, in a sense, prostituting your labor.» put by = apartar, separar.
Example: The raw material of white paper was undyed linen -- or in very early days hempen -- rags, which the paper-maker bought in bulk, sorted and washed, and then put by in a damp heap for four or five days to rot.» put + criminals behind bars = poner a los delincuentes entre rejas, encarcelar a los delincuentes, meter a los delincuentes en la cárcel, meter a los delincuentes en prisión, meter a los delincuentes en chirona.
Example: But putting criminals behind bars gave us all a purpose and made us feel better about ourselves.» put down = matar, sacrificar. [Usado para animales por razones generalmente de enfermedad o vejez]
Example: My 17 year old dog had to be put down a few weeks ago and it's heartbreaking.» put down + a deposit = dar una entrada, dar una señal.
Example: Of course, it's crazy to put down a deposit for a car when so much is still unknown.» put down + a fire = apagar un fuego.
Example: A well-established fire in bookstacks without automatic protection may have to be put down with large hoses, causing extensive water damage.» put down + Posesivo + guns = deponer las armas.
Example: The truce saw soldiers at several places put down their guns at Christmas to fraternise with the enemy.» put down + Posesivo + weapons = deponer las armas, abandonar las armas, dejar las armas.
Example: The Iraqi army still cannot give the order to put down weapons and to raise white flags.» put + emphasis = poner énfasis.
Example: Focusing on this function, however, would put an unproportional emphasis on our archival tasks.» put + focus = poner el énfasis, poner el centro de atención, dirigir la atención.
Example: Tonight's vote puts the focus back where it rightly belongs -- on the issue of Reduce, Re-use and Recycle.» put forth + an effort = realizar un esfuerzo, esforzarse.
Example: Because of this human characteristic of dislike of work, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort.» put forth + energy = esforzarse.
Example: The goal may be of little value or of high scientific or cultural significance, but energy is put forth to accomplish a task.» put + hairs on + Posesivo + chest = resucitar a un muerto.
Example: And the coffee was so freaking strong it could put hairs on your chest!.» put + icing on the cake = ponerle la guinda.
Example: It is in fact, like putting icing on the cake and it certainly makes you stand out in the crowd.» put in = incluir, introducir, meter, insertar.
Example: For those of you who are not familiar with OCLC and the way we work the data base is not a vast receptacle into which we throw any kind of record that anybody wants to put in.» put in + a great performance = tener una gran actuación.
Example: The boys in Blue put in a great performance to clinch the game by 19 points to 6.» put in + an appearance = aparecer, presentarse, hacer acto de presencia.
Example: While odd red-footed falcons put in appearances locally every year, the birds nest regularly no nearer to Britain than Eastern Europe.» put in charge of = poner a cargo de.
Example: Soon she was put in charge of evaluating American Studies collections at universities throughout Finland and asked to conduct a variety of smaller projects.» put in + doubt = poner en duda.
Example: Significant changes made in many libraries because of limited funds now put in doubt the long-term value of the report.» put in + order = poner en orden, ordenar.
Example: The archives of Magdalen College were put in order and abstracts prepared in the 15th century.» put in + place = instaurar, poner en funcionamiento, implantar, poner en funcionamiento, poner en práctica.
Example: Compromise organization schemes, making allowances for weaknesses of individuals, will naturally be put in place as necessary.» put in + place = poner en su sitio.
Example: The article 'Entering unchartered territory: putting CD-ROM in place' is a contribution to a special issue devoted in part to CD-ROM.» put in + place of = sustituir a.
Example: The 'problem-solving and inference machine' is put in place of today's processor.» put in + some hard work = trabajar duro, trabajar con ahínco.
Example: For our season to end in such climactic, orgasmic fashion, some hard work is going to have to be put in.» put in + the place where = colocar en el lugar donde.
Example: Documents should be put in the place where they have the greatest social use.» put in + the way of = interponer en el camino de.
Example: It discusses the non-tariff barriers that China puts in the way of American computer games.» put in + time = dedicar tiempo, echar tiempo.
Example: Some employees just put in time, doing enough to get by, but never really trying to take on responsibility or learn anything new.» put into = incluir, introducir, insertar.
Example: If the bibliographic record is found, it can be put into the system catalog immediately.» put into + a port = atracar en un puerto.
Example: This railway station was built in the hope that it would attract passengers from sailing ships putting into the port of London.» put + Nombre + in touch with = poner a Alguien en contacto con.
Example: Such libraries now offer advice on benefits, employment, careers, housing, pensions, consumer affairs and other similar matters, or put people in touch with other sources.» put in + train = poner en funcionamiento, poner en marcha, activar, iniciar, comenzar.
Example: Following that vote, the Government put in train an analysis of the reasons the document was voted down.» put it + in a different way = ponerlo de otra manera, ponerlo de otro modo, ponerlo de otra forma, decirlo de otra manera, decirlo de otro modo, decirlo de otra forma.
Example: Other reports put it in a different way, saying that one out of every ten male children born today in China will never find a woman to marry.» put it on = fingir, aparentar, tener (mucho) cuento.
Example: I suppose you think people in asylums are just putting it on so they get a rent free room?.» put it + to rest = confirmar de una vez por todas, confirmar definitivamente.
Example: If one has any doubt about Mitt Romney's mendacious temperament, the first presidential debate should have put it to rest.» put it + to rest = aceptar, asimilar.
Example: Until you have put it to rest, you can't move forward in another relationship.» put + Posesivo + knowledge to work = utilizar los conocimientos de Uno.
Example: Having devoted herself to medical librarianship in her elective course work, she hoped when she received her degree to put her knowledge to work at a university medical school.» put + make-up on = maquillarse, ponerse maquillaje.
Example: I've always wondered why you bothered putting make up on -- you don't need it .» put + matters right = hacerlo bien, corregirlo, enmendarlo.
Example: Thirdly, because it is the socializing that goes on in preschool years that matters above all we must do more to put matters right at this stage.» put + meaning + back in + Posesivo + life = devolver el sentido a la vida.
Example: Through the study group I put some meaning back in my life - on Monday mornings it's easier to get out of bed.» put + money by = ahorrar dinero.
Example: I worked hard, put money by, and after a few years I found myself a small restaurant.» put + money in = ingresar dinero, depositar dinero.
Example: You can open a bank account at any time, but remember you have to put money in before you take it out.» put + Nombre + out of the question = descartar.
Example: My first intention was to prepare the third edition for publication in 1976, to celebrate the centenary of Dewey and Cutter, but a stroke in June 1975 put this out of the question.» put + Nombre + in the driving seat = hacer + Nombre + responsable de.
Example: This programme aims to put doctors and nurses back in the driving seat in managing their resources and information.» put + Nombre + ahead in = poner a + Nombre + a la cabeza de.
Example: The article 'Europe in the pole position of global patent information' reports on a new initiative to put Europe ahead in global patent information provision.» put + Nombre + ahead of = poner Algo por delante de.
Example: 'The old maid' is an 'ingenue' who put her career ahead of her love life.» put + Nombre + aside = apartar, dejar a un lado, posponer.
Example: If there is one, the borrower must be notified, and the copy somehow put aside for that borrower for a limited amount of time.» put + Nombre + aside = ahorrar, guardar.
Example: Many financial experts suggest that you take 10% of your income, and put it aside for your long-term savings.» put + Nombre + at ease = calmar, sosegar, tranquilizar, hacer que Alguien se sienta a gusto.
Example: The osteopath was accused of being off-hand with a female patient and not putting her at ease.» put + Nombre + at risk = poner en peligro, poner en riesgo.
Example: The article 'Security and automated library systems: a ticking time bomb?' considers ways in which records might be put at risk and outlines a security action plan.» put + Nombre + back = retrasar.
Example: The spiral begins its downward swirl very early in life when a child has difficulty learning to read since this puts him back in his other school work.» put + Nombre + back = volver a colocar.
Example: Other Democrats say the President must come up with an aggressive strategy to put himself back in the driver's seat.» put + Nombre + back on track = reactivar Algo, reavivar Algo, volver Algo a su estado anterior.
Example: The article is entitled 'Using project management to put client/server projects back on track' = El artículo se titula "El uso de la gestión mediante proyectos para reactivar los proyectos cliente/servidor".» put + Nombre + back together = volver a ensamblar, reensamblar, volver a montar, volver a armar.
Example: The first time I took the thing apart it took a few hours to finally figure out how to put it back together.» put + Nombre + (back) to right(s) = arreglar, poner en orden, poner en su sitio.
Example: Ever since her mother had left, Mindy's life had been chaotic and Spenser was doing everything in his power to put it back to rights.» put + Nombre + behind = dejar pasar Algo, olvidarse de Algo, superar Algo.
Example: And then the young librarian, as in a dream, heard from the lips of her supervisor the words, 'Jeanne, please let bygones be bygones and put this year's evaluation behind you. I'll try to make it up to you next year'.» put + Nombre + behind bars = poner entre rejas, encarcelar, meter a Alguien en la cárcel, meter a Alguien en prisión, meter a Alguien en chirona.
Example: A 92-year-old woman has been put behind bars for sitting on her front porch shouting abuse at passers-by.» put + Nombre + down = soltar, dejar, deponer.
Example: The implication is that these are books to be picked up, looked at, leafed through and put down again.» put + Nombre + down to = atribuir Algo a, achacar Algo a.
Example: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.» put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities = dar un nivel de prioridad alto.
Example: With the advent of devolved management and delegated responsibility, schools should be putting library provision high on their list of priorities.» put + Nombre + in a chokehold = hacer una llave al cuello.
Example: He was accused of illegally selling cigarettes on a sidewalk when Pantaleo put him in a chokehold from behind and tackled him with the help of other officers.» put + Nombre + in an awkward situation = poner a Alguien en un apuro, poner a Alguien en un compromiso, poner a Alguien en un aprieto, poner a Alguien en un brete.
Example: I know she has difficulty talking about their breakup and I didn't want to pressure her or put her in an awkward situation.» put + Nombre + in charge of = poner a Alguien al cargo de, poner a Alguien al mando de, poner a Alguien al mando de.
Example: In any case, the company thinks she has what it takes and is putting her in charge of a number of businesses, including publishing, TV and radio.» put + Nombre + in danger = poner en peligro.
Example: She had dishonoured him and his village, but worst of all she had put herself in unimaginable danger.» put + Nombre + in difficulties = poner en dificultades, poner en apuros.
Example: This situation often puts librarians in difficulties by their reacting to problems, rather than anticipating them.» put + Nombre + in front of = poner + Nombre + en frente de, colocar + Nombre + en frente de, poner + Nombre + al frente de, colocar + Nombre + al frente de.
Example: Mind you some of right lane road hogs should be put in front of a firing squad.» put + Nombre + in hock = empeñar.
Example: Every day hundreds put their possessions in hock to get the quickest and easiest loans available.» put + Nombre + in jeopardy = poner en peligro.
Example: The recent price increases of journals in the science fields have put into jeopardy the ability of libraries to support the literature needs of researchers.» put + Nombre + in + Posesivo + place = bajarle los humos a Alguien, pararle los pies a Alguien, poner a Alguien en su sitio, poner a Alguien en su lugar.
Example: You have got to stand up and put her in her place until then she will keep trying to push your buttons.» put + Nombre + in + Posesivo + place = poner a Alguien en el lugar de Otro, sustituir a Alguien por Otro, reemplazar a Alguien por Otro.
Example: I think they should get rid of Steve and put her in his place.» put + Nombre + in the picture (about) = poner a Alguien al día (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al tanto (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al corriente (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al loro (de/sobre).
Example: This article puts the reader in the picture about the use of robots.» put + Nombre + into abeyance = dejar en suspenso, dejar aparcado.
Example: He decided there would be other opportunities to broach the subject and so put it into abeyance.» put + Nombre + in(to) a splint(s) = entablillar, inmovilizar con tablillas.
Example: When you think you have a broken or fractured wrist, put it in a splint until you get to the doctor to prevent further damage and to help ease the pain.» put + Nombre + into effect = poner en práctica, realizar, llevar a la práctica.
Example: In other words, they should be encouraged to put their decisions into effect to demonstrate how they would actually proceed.» put + Nombre + into operation = poner en práctica, llevar a la práctica, poner en servicio.
Example: None of them were put into operation in a significant manner because of the economics.» put + Nombre + in(to) perspective = poner en perspectiva, no desproporcionar, entender mejor, comprender mejor.
Example: Let children talk about their feelings and help put them into perspective.» put + Nombre + into place = colocar en un lugar, ubicar, implementar, poner en práctica, poner en funcionamiento.
Example: Garvey suggests that the list of references is a key part of any scientific paper, since they help to put the research described into its proper place in the development of the scientific consensus.» put + Nombre + into practical effect = poner en práctica, llevar a la práctica.
Example: Two other possibilities have been floated but not yet put into practical effect.» put + Nombre + into practice = poner en práctica, llevar a la práctica.
Example: The objective here is to illustrate how some of the techniques introduced in other parts of this book may be put into practice.» put + Nombre + into reverse = dar marcha atrás.
Example: My car sometimes makes a slight metallic clinking sound when I put it into reverse.» put + Nombre + into service = poner en servicio, poner en práctica, llevar a la práctica.
Example: Shortly after being put into service, some buses have developed cracks on the underside of the main frame.» put + Nombre + into working order = poner en funcionamiento.
Example: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to give orderly structure to, put into working order.» put + Nombre + off + Posesivo + food = quitarle a Alguien las ganas de comer.
Example: In the summer of 2001, Toby our cat became seriously ill with a severe ear infection that put him off his food.» put + Nombre + off + Posesivo + oats = quitarle a Alguien las ganas de comer.
Example: We trust the news he's just received won't put him off his oats.» put + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard = hacer a Alguien precavido, poner a Alguien en guardia.
Example: That experience was instructive, and it puts us on our guard.» put + Nombre + on a pedestal = poner a Alguien en un pedestal, ensalzar, enaltecer, exaltar.
Example: Native American children should have books that do not demean or embarrass them or their heritage nor put them on a pedestal.» put + Nombre + on high alert = poner en estado de alerta, declarar en estado de alerta.
Example: Airports in five states have been put on high alert after intelligence agencies warned of a possible attack following the surgical strikes carried out by the Army.» put + Nombre + on hold = poner en espera, hacer esperar, aparcar, posponer, detener, parar.
Example: But for the time being, the natural gas boom has been put on hold until we find out what's really going on.» put + Nombre + on ice = paralizar Algo, aparcar Algo, dejar Algo aparcado, posponer Algo, arrinconar Algo.
Example: Any action that the government might have considered taking was put on ice pending the results of the Royal Commission on Legal Services set up in 1976.» put + Nombre + on mothballs = paralizar Algo, aparcar Algo, dejar Algo aparcado, arrinconar Algo, posponer Algo.
Example: Substantial differences caused the breakup and the project was put on mothballs.» put + Nombre + on notice = advertir, avisar, prevenir.
Example: I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.» put + Nombre + on one side = apartar, apartar a un lado, poner a un lado.
Example: Brown the meat all over and then remove from the pan and put it on one side.» put + Nombre + on paper = plasmar Algo en papel.
Example: Before we even start a job, we make sure you know each and every aspect of it, we put it on paper and see it to the end.» put + Nombre + on the back burner = relegar a un segundo plano, dejar aparcado, dejar en suspenso.
Example: She put her education on the back burner for several years so that her husband could get his first.» put + Nombre + on the chopping block = eliminar, quitarse de en medio, suprimir, prescindir de.
Example: I think this article is very inflammatory and unbelievably false -- no one, especially Obama, has 'put social security on the chopping block'.» put + Nombre + on the gridle = apretarle las clavijas a, apretarle los tornillos a, apretarle las tuercas a, ejercer presión sobre, darle caña a, poner a raya.
Example: Since I've already made my choice, and so have the others, now you have a chance to put us on the griddle.» put + Nombre + on the map = poner en el candelero, poner de actualidad, dar a conocer, poner en el mapa.
Example: Congratulations to the many medalists who put the USA back on the map.» put + Nombre + on the market = comercializar, sacar al mercado, lanzar al mercado, poner a la venta, poner en venta.
Example: I have a new product i want to put on the market but I have no idea where to start.» put + Nombre + on the (right) path to = poner en el buen camino hacia, encaminar a, orientar a, conducir a, llevar a, guiar a.
Example: Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.» put + Nombre + on the (right) road to = poner en el buen camino hacia, encaminar a, orientar a, conducir a, llevar a, guiar a.
Example: This book is a virtual encyclopaedia of information on success that will put you on the right road to a bright future.» put + Nombre + on (the right) track for = preparar para.
Example: This experience put him on the right track for future academic success.» put + Nombre + on the (right) track to = poner en el buen camino hacia, encaminar a, orientar a, conducir a, llevar a, guiar a.
Example: The most natural way out is to ask the enquirer: usually he will know, or at least will be able to put the librarian on the right track.» put + Nombre + on the slate = fiar, apuntar en + Posesivo + cuenta.
Example: Those were the days -- you could buy stuff and put it on the slate and pay at the end of the week.» put + Nombre + on the spot = señalar a Alguien, poner a Alguien en un apuro, poner a Alguien en un aprieto, poner a Alguien en un compromiso, poner a Alguien contra las cuerdas, poner a Alguien en un brete.
Example: 'I'm really not trying to put anyone on the spot and, frankly, I'm not too surprised and only a little disappointed at your collective ignorance,' he commented.» put + Nombre + out of action = dejar fuera de compate, dejar fuera de acción, dejar en el dique seco, dejar fuera de circulación, dejar fuera de servicio.
Example: After a brilliant first season with Benfica, Mantorras had a terrible second one; a traumatizing knee injury put Mantorras out of action.» put + Nombre + out of business = arruinar.
Example: The author discusses whether it is possible for the scholarly community to take over scholarly publishing altogether and put greedy publishers out of business.» put + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + misery = acabar con el sufrimiento de Alguien, dejar de hacer sufrir, hacer un favor.
Example: Surely the writing is on the wall for Gordon Brown and ministers will act in October to put him out of his and our collective miseries.» put + Nombre + out of work = dejar a Alguien sin trabajo, hacer que Alguien pierda el empleo.
Example: I think it's not a question of putting people out of work; it's redeploying people.» put + Nombre + out of work = dejar sin trabajo.
Example: I think I had rather see 5,000 filers than a machine put 5,000 people out of work.» put + Nombre + right = enmendar, corregir, remediar.
Example: The author emphasises the importance of the early stages of planning, where the seeds of failure are often sown, and mistakes made then will be very difficult to put right later.» put + Nombre + through = hacer pasar.
Example: All the shit this bastard had put him through in high school was water under the bridge now..» put + Nombre + through + Posesivo + paces = poner a prueba.
Example: But the company is keen to name his successor by early next year so that Ratan Tata can put him through his paces.» put + Nombre + through the wringer = hacer a Alguien pasar por el rodillo, hacer que Alguien las pase canutas, hacer que Alguien sude tinta, hacer que Alguien las pase negras.
Example: Laurel is through with love; the last boyfriend put her through the wringer and she's got the police report to prove it.» put + Nombre + to bed = acostar.
Example: To keep a horse in top shape, you should put it to bed no later than 10 pm.» put + Nombre + to good account = usar Algo bien, hacer buen uso de Algo, sacar provecho de, aprovechar, dar buen uso a Algo.
Example: They have begun not only to preserve the heritage but also to put it to good account.» put + Nombre + to good use = usar Algo bien, hacer buen uso de Algo, sacar provecho de, aprovechar, dar buen uso a Algo.
Example: Your advice, suggestions, comments are greatly appreciated and you can rest assured that they will be put to good use.» put + Nombre + to one side = dejar a una lado, ignorar.
Example: Putting such support to one side for a moment, it is important to recognize the economic imperative to develop an excellent staff.» put + Nombre + to one side = apartar, apartar a un lado, poner a un lado.
Example: Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.» put + Nombre + to rest = dar un descanso.
Example: Your mind is a powerful instrument, but you must learn to put it to rest sometimes, otherwise it will get blunt and/or turn against you.» put + Nombre + to shame = avergonzar, ridiculizar, poner en evidencia, dejar en evidencia, dejar en ridículo.
Example: I will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered, I will give them praise and honor in every land where they were put to shame.» put + Nombre + to sleep = dejar dormido, hacer que Uno se quede dormido.
Example: You wait a little and catch your breath and hear the song of the mourning dove, its cooing nearly putting you to sleep.» put + Nombre + to sleep = sacrificar. [Usado generalmente para los animales]
Example: After three days of shots and tests, Coco became so sick that they had to put her to sleep.» put + Nombre + to sleep = anestesiar.
Example: Putting him to sleep will help the doctor get his work done faster, which is best for everyone.» put + Nombre + to the test = probar, poner a prueba.
Example: There are 2 important areas where the librarian's interpretation of his role are put to the test: his involvement with audiovisual materials, and his attitude towards teaching.» put + Nombre + under + Posesivo + spell = embelesar, hechizar, encandilar, cautivar.
Example: One glance from her eyes so dark and so brown, put him under her spell, his world spun around.» put + Nombre + under pressure = poner en tensión.
Example: However, the tremendous drain on staffing resources occasioned by the events put all staff, whether directly involved or not, under pressure.» put + Nombre + under surveillance = vigilar, espiar, poner bajo vigilancia.
Example: This is a list of some of the prominent citizens who are known to have been put under surveillance by the government.» put + Nombre + under the spotlight = analizar, examinar detenidamente, escudriñar, investigar.
Example: It is paramount to put designers themselves under the spotlight for investigative purposes.» put + Nombre + up = alojar, hospedar, dar alojamiento.
Example: Room rates are so steeply discounted that the top resorts will put you up today for the same price that downscale hotels charged two years ago.» put + Nombre + up for the night = hospedar, alojar, quedarse a dormir, pasar la noche.
Example: A very special thanks to Mary Miracle for putting me up for the night, thus saving me from the wet and wild wilderness.» put + Nombre + up to + Algo = convencer a Alguien de que haga Algo, persuadir a Alguien de que haga Algo, enredar a Alguien para que haga Algo, darle la idea a Alguien de que haga Algo, incitar a Alguien a hacer Algo, instigar a Alguien a hacer Algo.
Example: In May 2009, both her attacker and the man who put him up to it were gaoled for life.» put + Nombre + within reach = poner al alcance, poner a mano, poner a disposición.
Example: The article 'Megadoc PC puts archives within reach' concludes that despite predictions of the dawn of a 'paperless society', computers have until recently tended to increase the volume of paper in the workplace.» put + Nombre + off = desanimar, disuadir, quitársele a Uno las ganas, detestar, estar molesto, echar para atrás.
Example: Whatever the situation, prepared for or unexpected, it is always too easy to overplay one's hand, praising a book so extravagantly, so effusively, that many children are put off.» put off = posponer, aplazar.
Example: Thus the day for practical application of bibliographical hypotheses is continually being put off.» put on = organizar, montar.
Example: A book fair cannot be put on at a few days' notice.» put on = ponerse.
Example: The first thing Cecily put on was her smock, also called a shift.» put on + a demeanour = adoptar un comportamiento.
Example: Putting on an acting-for-the-best demeanor, she approached him and extended her hand.» put + Nombre + on a diet = poner + Nombre + a dieta.
Example: The author suggests that university libraries can put their unmanageably overweight serials budget on a sensible diet by limiting new subscriptions.» put on + a display = montar una exposición.
Example: In every school, from kindergarten onwards, there are opportunities for children to help with the organisation and provision of books: in putting on displays, in ordering and preparing stocks, in promotion and publicity, and the like.» put on + alert = poner en alerta, poner en estado de alerta.
Example: Hospitals were immediately put on alert to be on the lookout for symptoms of bioterrorism.» put on + a musical event = organizar una actuación musical.
Example: Libraries both public and academic sometimes put on shows, plays and musical events to promote the library.» put on + an act = fingir, aparentar, dar una falsa impresión, hacer el paripé, hacer teatro.
Example: Singers, dancers, and actors must now all know how to sing, dance and put on an act.» put on + an exhibition = montar una exposición.
Example: Her class teacher began it all by putting on an exhibition of about thirty of the best picture books in the school's infant-class library books for the five-to-seven-year- olds = Todo empezó con la exposición que montó su profesora de los treinta mejores cuentos de los libros de la biblioteca de la clase de primaria para los niños de cinco a siete años.» put on + an image = adoptar una imagen.
Example: Most centres will be found in Town Halls, but a few have put on a more attractive image by being located in shop-front premises in the high street.» put on + a performance = hacer una actuación, dar una actuación.
Example: Plays and music performances put on by staff and children at set times are always popular.» put on + a play = representar una obra.
Example: Plays and music performances put on by staff and children at set times are always popular.» put on + a show = montar un espectáculo.
Example: Libraries both public and academic sometimes put on shows, plays and musical events to promote the library.» put on + a united front = presentar un frente unido, presentar un frente común, presentar un frente único.
Example: Both she and her new new boyfriend put on a united front as they walk arm-in-arm following cheating rumours.» put on + a waiting list = poner en lista de espera.
Example: If a class is filled to capacity, please contact the secretary and ask to be put on a waiting list.» put on + blinkers = ponerse las orejeras.
Example: Two of the 'deadly sins' of a contemporary librarian would be a preference to work 'in silence', i.e. no contact with users and no advertising, and put on blinkers, i.e. no research and no analysis of the librarian's work.» put + one foot in front of the other = poner un pie delante del otro, poner un pie enfrente del otro.
Example: Pressures only make you procrastinate, thus generating more pressure -- I just take a day at a time, put one foot in front of the other.» put on + manner = adoptar un comportamiento.
Example: The classic example quoted by Jourard is the brisk, super-efficient nurse, whose manner appears to be something that she puts on when she dons her uniform.» put on + Posesivo + shoes = ponerse los zapatos.
Example: Cecily had a number of servants to do her hair and put on her shoes after she dressed.» put on + Posesivo + war paint = maquillarse para matar. [Sentido humorístico usado generalmente para una mujer]
Example: It's actually kind of nice to see that she puts on her warpaint just like the rest of us!.» put on + Posesivo + war paint = ponerse la pintura de guerra, prepararse para la batalla, prepararse para la guerra.
Example: They made a huge fire, put on their war paint, danced vigorously around the fire to the sound of a large drum, waving their knives and their spears.» put on + record = hacer constar, dejar constancia, manifestar, poner de manifiesto, poner de relieve, dejar claro, hacer explícito.
Example: First of all, I'm going to put on record that I am not really opposed to miscegenation, provided that it is born out of mutual respect and actual love.» put on + sale = poner en venta, poner a la venta.
Example: Experience will tell how many and which hardbacks to put on sale.» put + Nombre + on show = exhibir, exponer.
Example: Putting books on show is a way of making recommendations by, as it were, remote control and anything tatty, botched-up and sloppily makeshift should be avoided.» put on + standby = poner en alerta, poner en estado de alerta.
Example: Local emergency services were also put on standby.» put on + the defensive = poner a la defensiva.
Example: In these instances, it is important to avoid putting one's colleagues in another unit on the defensive or deprecating another unit to a patron.» put + Nombre + on the rack = atormentar, castigar, torturar.
Example: The article 'Putting publishers on the rack' discusses the implications for publishers of supermarkets' greater interest in books.» put on + trial = llevar a juicio, enjuiciar.
Example: Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and condemned to death by drinking the poision hemlock.» put on/up + a bold face = guardar la compostura; mantenerse compuesto; mantenerse impasible; mantener el tipo; no sucumbir ante las emociones; no inmutarse; sacar pecho; aguantar el tipo; hacer de tripas corazón; echarle cara; poner al mal tiempo buena cara; poner buena cara; hacerse el valiente; aceptar las cosas (tal y) como vienen; si te dan limón, haz limonada. [También se
Put synonyms
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: set
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: kæst
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: leɪ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: ɔrdɜr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: pleɪs
part of speech: noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: freɪm
part of speech: noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: pəzɪʃən
part of speech: noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: kəmɪt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: rɪdækt
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: əsaɪn
part of speech: verb
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: poʊz
part of speech: verb
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: kaʊtʃ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: ɜreɪndʒ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: ɪnvest
part of speech: verb
set up
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: setʌp
part of speech: verb, adjective
put option
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: pʊtɑpʃən
part of speech: noun
Put antonyms
pronunciation: kɔl
part of speech: verb, noun
pronunciation: daɪvest
part of speech: verb
call option
pronunciation: kɔlɑpʃən
part of speech: noun