Purpose in spanish
pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊpoʊsitoʊ part of speech: noun

purpose = propósito, objetivo, función, fin, finalidad.
Example: Chapters 7 and 8 introduced the problems associated with author cataloguing and have surveyed the purpose of cataloguing codes.more:
» all-purpose = comodín, multiuso, universal, para todo uso, de muchos usos, de uso múltiple, de utilidad geneal.
Example: In UDC the colon has to act as an 'all purpose' facet indicator to a very large extent.» be at cross purposes = ir en contra de.
Example: These two functions of the library have often been at cross purposes to one another, because each has been associated with a conflicting view of the kind and amount of assistance to be offered to the reader.» bend + the rules to suit + Posesivo + own purposes = interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno.
Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.» bring + purpose = dar razón de ser.
Example: A shift of emphasis from facts to people brings strength and purpose to library operations.» defeat + Posesivo + purpose = ser contraproducente, no tener sentido.
Example: Objectives are the basis of 'control' in the first sense; but they must never become the basis of 'control' in the second, for this would defeat their purpose.» dual-purpose = con un doble objetivo, con una doble finalidad.
Example: In the 18th century, Hackneys were mainly used as dual-purpose nags by farmers, who greatly valued them for their courage, soundness and endurance.» everything happens for a reason (and a purpose) = las cosas no pasan así como así, las cosas no pasan (así) porque sí, todo ocurre por una razón, todo ocurre por algo.
Example: 'Everything happens for a reason,' several of them told me last fall, when I was suffering through a string of losses = "Las cosas no pasan así porque sí," algunos de ellos me dijeron el otoño pasado, cuando atravesaba por una serie de pérdidas.» fit for purpose = adecuado, pertinente, relevante.
Example: Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.» fitness for purpose = adecuación, idoneidad. [Se utiliza para indicar el grado de adecuación de un producto, recurso, servicio, sistema, edificio, etc. a las necesidades de los usuarios]
Example: Use is better explained as a function of 'fitness for purpose': the extent to which the information resource is of appropriate quality for the situation in which it is to be used.» for all intents and purposes = a efectos prácticos, en (la) realidad, en efecto, de hecho, a todos los efectos.
Example: In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.» for all manner of purposes = para todo tipo de uso, para todo tipo de finalidades.
Example: The Bible has been used for all manner of purposes throught history, including justifying war crimes, slavery, opression of women, burning/executing witches and heretics, etc.» for all practical purposes = a efectos prácticos, para todos los efectos prácticos, a todos los efectos.
Example: The superintendent stated that this was an area she herself was anxious to investigate, because for all practical purposes salary increases were automatic and equal 'across-the-board'.» for all purposes = para cualquier propósito.
Example: Because there is no accepted standard for all purposes, system designers have developed their own schemes for their own needs.» for all purposes = a todos los efectos.
Example: Copies of the contents of any certificate on file in the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original = Las copias de los contenidos de cualquier certificado ubicado en los archivos del departamento tendrán, a todos los efectos, el mismo valor que el original.» for + Nombre + purposes = con vistas a + Nombre.
Example: For example, a university library might have several types of borrowers for circulation purposes, graduate students (intermediate-term loans) and undergraduate students (short-term loans).» for + Nombre + purposes = para + Nombre.
Example: Subfield codes are used in MARC to subdivide name, title, and other fields for data processing purposes.» for + Nombre + purposes = por razones + Adjetivo, con fines + Adjetivo.
Example: It is occasionally useful for administrative purposes to be able to tag borrowers so that they may be intercepted during charge-out.» for purposes of = para, en relación con.
Example: This article discusses the advantages to libraries of computer technology for purposes of bibliographic control and on-line access.» for the purpose(s) of + Nombre = con (el) objeto de + Verbo, como, a efectos de.
Example: Taking the second situation for the purpose of illustration, there are four options for choice of title.» fulfil + Posesivo + purpose = desempeñar + Posesivo + función, desempeñar una función.
Example: There are many kinds of library and information centre each fulfilling their own purpose.» general-purpose = de aplicación general, de propósito general.
Example: Most information-retrieval systems are based on special-purpose text- or information-retrieval software which runs on general-purpose computers.» give + Nombre + purpose (in + Posesivo + life) = dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida, dar razón de vivir.
Example: In a strange kind of way, he saved my life a number of times and gave me purpose when I was a young woman.» have + no other purpose than = no tener otro objetivo que el de.
Example: As a reader of books, I am frequently irritated by 'introductions', which appear to me to have no other purpose that to hinder me from getting into the meat of the text.» in confusion of purpose = confuso.
Example: Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.» lose + purpose = perder sentido.
Example: The concept of the main entry has lost any meaningful purpose in current online cataloguing.» meet + a purpose = cubrir un objetivo, cumplir un objetivo.
Example: Union catalogues may be compiled to meet differing purposes, and thus can be expected to exhibit a variety of styles.» multipurpose [multi-purpose] = multifuncional, multiuso, para fines múltiples, polivalente.
Example: The idea has been suggested to set up multipurpose community centres where services like a grocer, a chemist, a doctor's surgery, a family planning clinic, and a bank, could all be located.» on purpose = a propósito, a conciencia, intencionadamente, deliberadamente, adrede, aposta.
Example: Most consumers felt confident that once a letter is written and posted, no one will read it either accidently or on purpose except for the intended addressee.» purpose and scope = objetivo y alcance.
Example: The abstracts of research papers will typically have each of the following: the purpose and scope of the investigation; the methodology employed; the results obtained; the conclusions drawn; incidental findings.» purpose-built = construido expresamente, construido expresamente para tal fin.
Example: In 1961 the library moved into a small purpose-built building.» purpose-designed = hecho a medida.
Example: This is to opt for local cataloguing using either a purpose-designed software package or a standard software package.» purpose-driven = con una idea clara de lo que se quiere, con unos objetivos muy claros, que sabe muy bien lo que quiere, que sabe muy bien a dónde va.
Example: Understanding how to live a purpose-driven life at work is one of the keys to a fulfilled and happy life.» purpose-oriented = con una idea clara de lo que se quiere, con unos objetivos muy claros, que sabe muy bien lo que quiere, que sabe muy bien a dónde va.
Example: The final step in the purpose-oriented approach is Ihe development of a master plan.» purpose rule = regla de la necesidad. [Norma de comportamiento del bibliotecario por la cual no sólo debe limitarse a determinar lo que el usuario busca sino también lo que realmente necesita]
Example: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.» purpose statement = declaración de intenciones, declaración de objetivos.
Example: The author proposes a mission or purpose statement for each library, which explains why a library exists in a community.» put to + purpose = dar un uso, utilizar para un fin.
Example: This can still be provided, but account must be taken of functions and qualities of the building and the purpose to which it will be put.» repurpose [re-purpose] = rediseñar, volver a diseñar, readaptar, remodelar, replantear. [En especial, adaptar algo al nuevo entorno de Internet]
Example: This software application will take computer files and help the user to store, tag, find, manage and reuse or even repurpose those files for publication or for sale.» satisfy + a purpose = cumplir un objetivo.
Example: It is sufficient to satisfy this purpose that the rural inhabitant should be rendered a happier (and not necessarily a more learned) man.» sense of purpose = motivación, finalidad, razón de ser, norte, sentido, rumbo.
Example: This article argues that those in leadership roles bear a special responsibility for creating a sense of purpose in the organisation.» serve + a purpose = cumplir un objetivo.
Example: It should, therefore, be clearly understood that these catalogs will have to continue to be based on the traditional main entry if they are to serve the purposes they were intended to serve.» suit + a purpose = adecuar a una necesidad.
Example: The terminology, much of it being either newly coined or adapted to suit the purpose at hand, is sometimes rather intricate.» to all intents and purposes = a efectos prácticos, en (la) realidad, en efecto, de hecho, a todos los efectos.
Example: To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.» to good purpose = con provecho, con buenos resultados, provechosamente, productivamente.
Example: James argued that a sufficiently alert novelist could catch knowledge from everywhere and use it to good purpose.» to no purpose = en vano, en balde, para nada, sin ningún resultado, inútilmente.
Example: What is true of mankind as a whole is true of each of us individually: we are here to no purpose.» with purpose = con determinación.
Example: It is not that we consciously set out to create our social institutions and with great care and purpose establish their structure.» with the purpose of = con (el) objeto de, con el propósito de, con el objetivo de, con la finalidad de, con el fin de.
Example: Many libraries were visited with the purpose of understanding the structure and management of library services to children in that country = Se visitaron muchas bibliotecas con objeto de de conocer la organización y gestión de los servicios bibliotecarios para niños en este país.» work at + cross purposes = ir en contra de.
Example: Libraries in developing countries may represent part of an alien cultural package, an importation ill suited to the country's needs, even working at cross purposes to the people's interests.» wound + Reflexivo + on purpose = autolesionarse, lesionarse a propósito.
Example: She wounded herself on purpose with a safety pin as well as pretended to be having a miscarriage in order to be released by the terrorists.