Publicity in spanish


pronunciation: publiθidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

publicity = publicidad. 

Example: The publicity adopted for the promotion of this type of documentation seems ill-suited to the purposes envisaged.


» give + publicity = dar publicidad, hacer propaganda.

Example: Virtually no publicity was given to the service, since the library administration did not want to raise expectations, as they were unsure whether it was going to be possible to continue the service, due to budgetary restrictions at the time.

» joint publicity = publicidad conjunta.

Example: Libraries can cooperate closely with advice agencies through local coordinating committees, shared premises, joint publicity, referral and the sharing of professional expertise.

» publicity campaign = campaña publicitaria, campaña de publicidad.

Example: Neither campaign had much impact, mainly because the decisions to use publicity campaigns were misconceived.

» publicity flyer = hoja publicitaria.

Example: The author makes recommendations for improving the impact of publicity 'flyers'.

» publicity industry, the = industria de la publicidad, la; industria publicitaria, la.

Example: Working in the publicity industry has definitely made me a believer of the old cliché 'Good things come to those who wait'.

» publicity material = material publicitario, publicidad.

Example: Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes, in addition to publicity materials, were acquired.

» publicity ploy = ardid publicitario.

Example: This is a publicity ploy aimed at generating a visceral reaction among potential clients.

» publicity stunt = ardid publicitario.

Example: After all, librarian and community know each other intimately without expensive surveys and publicity stunts.

» receive + publicity = recibir publicidad.

Example: Large scale book thefts have received publicity in newspapers and journals.

Publicity synonyms

promotion in spanish: , pronunciation: prəmoʊʃən part of speech: noun promotional material in spanish: , pronunciation: prəmoʊʃənəlmətɪriəl part of speech: noun
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