Preferred in spanish
pronunciation: pɹ̩ibilexiɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
pronunciation: pɹ̩ibilexiɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prefer (to) = preferir (a/sobre).
Example: In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations.more:
» much prefer = preferir, preferir mejor.
Example: Many people shun organised tours completely, however, much preferring to go solo or travel with a small group of friends.» prefer + Nombre + over + Nombre = preferir una Cosa a Otra, preferir una Cosa sobre Otra.
Example: The author discusses the differences between quantitive and qualitative evaluation and the instances in which one approach may be preferred over the other = El autor analiza las diferentes entre la evaluación cuantitativa y la cualitativa y los casos en los que un método puede preferirse sobre el otro.» prefer + Nombre + versus + Nombre = preferir una Cosa a Otra.
Example: Bristow's study found that the majority of users preferred e-mail reference versus telephone reference.preferred = preferido.
Example: The determination of authentic or preferred name should be based upon the literature of the people themselves (not upon outside sources or experts) and upon organizational self-identification.more:
» non-preferred term = término no admitido. [Sinónimo o quasi-sinónimo de un término admitido]
Example: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.» preferred heading = encabezamiento admitido.
Example: In the LC subject headings list terms that are related to the preferred heading are shown by means of relationships of the type NT, RT and BT.» preferred order = orden preferido.
Example: Serials are one of those categories of materials about which there is little consensus as to their preferred order.» preferred term = término admitido. [Término escogido como descriptor de entre un grupo de términos equivalentes]
Example: These unused terms will normally be present in an index only in order to direct the user to the used or preferred terms.