Pre in spanish
pronunciation: pɹ̩e part of speech: adjective

pre = anterior a, con anterioridad a, antes de.
Example: The number of withdrawn books from academic libraries has fallen to about one third of the quantity in the 'pre Atkinson' period, whereas public library relegations have increased.more:
» preadolescence = preadolescencia.
Example: More recently, these years have been identified as an important developmental stage known as preadolescence formally, and the 'tween years' popularly.» preadolescent = preadolescente.
Example: The preadolescent experiences physical growth that is more rapid than at any other time since infancy.» pre-agreed = predeterminado, preestablecido.
Example: You will receive all your serials promptly and at a pre-agreed frequency.» preappointment = antes de conseguir empleo.
Example: With this goal in mind, strategies and tactics to bring about greater understanding of information technology in archival science can be devised to meet needs in both preappointment and postappointment education.» prearranged = preestablecido.
Example: A short narrative is provided to assist in browsing the collection, and/or the digital exhibit can be searched by prearranged topics.» pre-assigned = asignado de antemano.
Example: A software package is a set of programs intended to achieve a specific objective, or designed to instruct the computer to execute a set of tasks in order to organise information in a pre-assigned manner.» preattentive = de atención básica, de atención primaria.
Example: We were interested in the impact of epilepsy and its treatment on preattentive cognitive functions and enrolled 107 subjects.» pre-authorised [pre-authorized, -USA] = autorizado de antemano.
Example: With the advent of computers, standing orders (pre-authorized payments) and the preparation of statements could also be automated.» prebinder = preencuadernador. [Encuadernador que refuerza las cubiertas blandas de los libros pero sin llegar a encuadernarlos de nuevo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]
Example: 50 titles of popular books were purchased from a prebinder and 2 additional copies of each title were purchased in paperback.» prebinding = preencuadernación. [Refuerzo de las cubiertas de un documento, normalmente superponiéndole algún tipo de material]
Example: Prebinding of paperback books has been claimed to enable such books to last an average of 60 circulations compared to 10 circulations for ordinary paperbacks.» pre-book = reservar de antemano, reservar con antelación.
Example: It may be best to pre-book a hire car to ensure you get the best deal, but you can get one at the airport on arrival.» prebound = preencuadernado.
Example: 80% of the school libraries were found to buy prebound paperback books for their library collections.» pre-calculation = previsión.
Example: However, several factors affect annual pre-caulculations.» precapitalist [pre-capitalist] = precapitalista. [Nombre y Adjetivo]
Example: Most social and economic historians use preindustrial as a synonym for precapitalist.» pre-cast = fundido de antemano.
Example: The solution that was eventually discovered was to equip the machine with matrices, rather than pre-cast type, and to return the type after printing to the machine's metal pot for recasting.» precast = prefabricado.
Example: Then, jack hammers will be used to remove the concrete and precast concrete beams will be installed.» pre-Christian era = era anterior al Cristianismo.
Example: The term 'public library' may be applied to some libraries in the pre-Christian era but its meaning differed considerably from that of today.» pre-Civil War = anterior a la Guerra Civil.
Example: This article outlines the history of the 2 pre-Civil War barns which were to be converted and describes the restoration and conversion of the building which cost $2.5 billion.» preclass = anterior a la clase.
Example: Students who slight preclass preparation are a drag on the class; they will not know what is going on and if they speak at all will frequently attempt to wrest the discussion away from the case to more comfortable topics.» precoded [pre-coded] = precodificado, codificado de antemano.
Example: Perhaps most importantly, in each of the categories, there were precoded and scannable use categories that the library could define.» pre-Columbian = precolombino.
Example: She has created a database that can be used to identify bogus pre-Columbian jade, crystal, and other stone artifacts.» preconceived = preconcebido.
Example: Users in academic libraries have preconceived attitudes regarding the use of particular formats of indexes and other materials.» preconception = idea preconcebida.
Example: Moreover, they very often perpetuate preconceptions that reinforce prejudice.» precondition [pre-condition] = condición previa, prerequisito.
Example: A classification of readers according to their social background is a necessary precondition of a differentiated and effective library service.» preconditioned [pre-conditioned] = condicionado.
Example: The predecessor can have his or her favorites, and I can be pre-conditioned to expect more from them -- the so-called 'halo' effect.» preconference [pre-conference] = precongreso, reunión celebrada con anterioridad al congreso.
Example: The objective of the preconference was to address the problem of lack of space within libraries.» precontact = anterior a la colonización.
Example: French explorer Louis Catat discovered badly looted precontact graves in 1889 in the valley's southwest corner.» pre-cooked [precooked] = precocinado.
Example: Most supermarkets sell pre-cooked and pre-sliced cold meats.» pre-coordinate = precoordinado.
Example: In the interest of some polarisation for effective analysis, indexing systems can be divided in two basic groups: pre-co-ordinate and post-co-ordinate.» pre-coordination = precoordinación.
Example: The future importance of pre-coordinate indexing depends upon the recognition of the value of pre-coordination of concepts in computerized information retrieval.» pre-crisis = anterior a la crisis, con anterioridad a la crisis.
Example: Exports still have not regained their pre-crisis peak, and in fact remain below their level of a decade ago.» predate = antedatar, anteceder.
Example: The UDC, in its basic structure, predates CC and, as we shall see, it lacks much of this latter scheme's consistency and predictability.» predate = fijar fecha con antelación.
Example: Orders may be predated by up to 30 days, if desired.» predefine = predefinir.
Example: The system also predefines the result of the resolution of the conflicting features.» predefined [pre-defined] = predefinido, predeterminado.
Example: The data entered into a fixed-length field may be of variable length, but cannot exceed the pre-defined length of the field.» predesignated = predeterminado.
Example: Cyberattacks involve routers acting at a predesignated time or trigger time and flooding various targeted Web sites with data -- effectively shutting down the Web site.» predestination = predestinación.
Example: It was almost like predestination, and predestination stinks.» predetermined [pre-determined] = predeterminado.
Example: In machine-readable data files, a format is a predetermined order or arrangement of data in a record.» pre-digested [predigested] = preparado, elaborado.
Example: This material includes case studies, games, and model making kits, each containing a pre-digested gobbet of information.» predigital [pre-digital] = predigital.
Example: In the predigital world the advantages of a geographically dispersed system of local depository collections remained rational.» predoctoral [pre-doctoral] = predoctoral.
Example: Attempts were made to relate post-doctoral research to pre-doctoral research and experience, but these proved unsuccessful.» pre-drilled = perforado de antemano, ya perforado, perforado de fábrica.
Example: Flat television screens come with pre-drilled holes on the flip side.» pre-emergency = antes de una emergencia.
Example: Pre-emergency planning in the library should cover displaying of emergency telephone numbers, marking locations of fire extinguishers, and organising alternative storage sites.» pre-eminence [preeminence] = preeminencia, importancia.
Example: Despite its pre-eminence, or possibly because of it, DC has its critics.» pre-eminent [preeminent] = preeminente, sobresaliente, superior, prevalente.
Example: Often it is this factor which is pre-eminent in a decision to provide an in-house bulletin.» pre-eminently [preeminently] = preeminentemente.
Example: Henrietta Rood was preeminently a comfortable woman, with a certain elegance and a graciousness of heart that expressed itself in her face.» pre-employment [preemployment] = antes de la contratación, con anterioridad a la contratación.
Example: Criminal record checks have been an accepted form of pre-employment vetting for those with access to children for some years,.» preempt [pre-empt] = invalidar, anular, evitar.
Example: This article concludes that the main value of the indicators is as a management tool, as a means of preempting problems.» preemption [pre-emption] = derecho preferente de compra.
Example: Companies mounted a successful campaign for federal preemption of all local moratoriums that communities had used to buy more time to assess issues, risks, and opportunities.» preemptive [pre-emptive] = superior, preventivo. [Que anula o hace obsoleto algo anterior o que se anticipa a algo que va a ocurrir]
Example: Coincidentally there has emerged a pre-emptive new technology for the storage, handling and transmission of information, potentially better suited to the convenience of users.» pre-enactment = ensayo.
Example: And literature is part of that essential human behavior; it engages us in pre-enactments and re-enactments.» pre-established [preestablished] = preestablecido, establecido de antemano, predeterminado, determinado de antemano.
Example: EDI refers to the exchange of electronic data in a pre-established standardized format between a sender and receiver using telecommunications links.» pre-exist [preexist] = preexistir, existir de antemano.
Example: The development of a retrospective programme is based on the premise that some fragmentary retrospective provision must pre-exist the establishment of a formal organization charged with the responsibility to do so.» pre-existing [preexisting] = preexistente, previo, ya existente.
Example: Effective subject indexing is expensive and future subject indexing strategies are best based on pre-existing controlled vocabularies.» prefabricated = prefabricado.
Example: Even the earliest cloth-covered bindings of the 1820s appear to have been made with prefabricated cases.» prefabrication = prefabricación.
Example: They were, first, the replacement of the traditional process of building up a binding for each book in turn by the speedier prefabrication in bulk of complete binding cases which were attached subsequently to the sewn and cut books.» pre-fit = premontar.
Example: The system is supplied with a range of standard doors pre-fitted with hinges and door catches.» preformatted [pre-formatted] = con un formato predefinido, ya preparado.
Example: Input of data into a record may be onto a preformatted screen, perhaps with reverse video (black on white) characters for the field names and with space next to each field name for the data.» preheat = precalentar.
Example: To save energy, modern cement plants preheat the materials before they enter the kiln.» pre-industrial [preindustrial] = preindustrial.
Example: Most social and economic historians use preindustrial as a synonym for precapitalist.» pre-install = preinstalar.
Example: This allows the manufacturer to pre-install the software on computers it supplies to end users.» pre-interview = entrevista previa.
Example: Occassionally, a pre-interview is conducted at a conferece or over the telephone before the applicant is invited for a formal interview.» prejudge = prejuzgar, juzgar de antemano.
Example: In varying degrees we all have a tendency to prejudge at one time or another.» preliterate [pre-literate] = anterior a la escritura, anterior a la invención de la escritura, anterior a la introducción de la escritura.
Example: As is typical in preliterate cultures, the mothers sleep naked against their children and regularly masturbate them 'to make their penises grow'.» premature = prematuro, precoz, antes de tiempo.
Example: The idea of a critical role for libraries is premature.» prematurely = prematuramente.
Example: Management became frustrated with the lack of progress being made and prematurely cancelled the project.» prematurity = nacimiento precoz, precocidad, precipitación.
Example: The most likely causes of brain damage among low birthweight infants are prematurity and infections, not oxygen starvation.» premedication = premedicación, medicación previa.
Example: Acupuncture may be an effective tool for helping to alleviate nausea and vomiting in patients refractory to standard premedication = La acupuntura puede ser una herramienta eficaz para ayudar a aliviar las náuseas y los vomitos en pacientes reacios a la premedicacion estándar.» premeditated = premeditado.
Example: Unfortunately for any student of the process, the sequence and direction of these steps is often more impromptu than premeditated.» premeditation = premeditación.
Example: To have chosen this occasion to make this political overture was not free from premeditation.» premenstrual = premenstrual.
Example: Relieving premenstrual symptoms is one of the health benefits of nettle tea.» pre-modern [premodern] = premodernista.
Example: Modern art is often characterized by its overt acknowledgement of materials and process, whereas the licked surface of academic art is perceived as a sympton of pre-modern concerns.» prenuptial = prenupcial.
Example: While all the respondents were particularly in favor of a religious marriage as a means to reinforce parental ties for offspring, they also favored a probationary prenuptial cohabitation period.» pre-op = preoperatorio, anterior a la operación, antes de la operación. [Abreviatura de pre-operative]
Example: If you are about to undergo surgery, your doctor will request that you get a number of pre-op or pre-surgery exams.» pre-operative = preoperatorio, anterior a la operación, antes de la operación. [A veces abreviado pre-op]
Example: Research suggests that pre-operative information helps to decrease post-operative stress and leads to a quicker recovery.» pre-order = hacer un pedido de antemano, encargar de antemano, pedir de antemano, solicitar de antemano.
Example: You can pre-order select movies, music, and books and have them delivered to you as soon as they're available.» pre-packaged information = información preempaquetada. [Se aplica a todo tipo de información que el bibliotecario o documentalista no tiene que preparar, recoger o compilar sino que se adquiere con un contenido y un formato ya "predefinido" por el editor literario o comercial]
Example: The traditional role of libraries and librarians as handlers of pre-packaged information will still be relevant in most organisations for some time to come.» prepaid [pre-paid] = prepagado, pagado con antelación, pagado por adelantado, franqueado, con saldo, prepago.
Example: Libraries may use this service through the medium of a prepaid voucher which covers the cost of handling and despatch of the document to be borrowed.» prepayment [pre-payment] = prepago, pago anticipado, pago por adelantado.
Example: There are some 'phoney publishers' who collects prepayments for books which are never published.» pre-planned = organizado con antelación, planificado con antelación, organizado previamente, planificado previamente.
Example: A minority of respondents indicated that their public libraries provide some form of formal training (i.e., pre-planned sessions or classes) = Una minoría de los encuestados indicó que su biblioteca pública ofrece algún tipo de formación reglada (es decir, clases o sesiones organizadas con antelación).» pre-prepared = preparado de antemano.
Example: The teacher may use pre-prepared acetate sheets home-produced using a spirit-based pen to ensure permanence.» prepress [pre-press] = etapa anterior a la impresión. [Generalmente se refiere a los procesos que hoy día realiza el propio autor de una obra al componerla en formato electrónico ante de su impresión]
Example: Advances in digital prepress that have occurred during 1980-81 are reviewed, and the continuing progress in electronic publishing techniques is described.» preprogramme [pre-programme] = preprogramar.
Example: The entries that result from the rotation mechanism have standard layout, punctuation and typography, all of which have been pre-programmed.» prepubertal = prepubescente.
Example: Results suggest that accelerated prepubertal growth may reduce mammary development in grazing dairy cow.» prereading = prelectura, período previo a la lectura.
Example: At the time, I thought it was a form of prereading, a mimicking of his parents whom he constantly saw engrossed in books.» pre-recorded = pregrabado, grabado de antemano.
Example: Reveille should also be played live by a bugler or prerecorded.» pre-registration = preinscripción.
Example: The check-list is intended to be used for self-assessment for newly qualified librarians during the pre-registration period.» pre-rehearsed = ensayado de antemano, practicado de antemano.
Example: The two nominees used sharply different strategies: Kaine aggressive, hurling pre-rehearsed insults; and Pence calmer with an edge of disdain.» pre-retrieved = recuperado con anterioridad.
Example: The final capability is whether proximity is implemented on the whole database or operates on a pre-retrieved set.» pre-revolutional = prerrevolucionario, anterior a la revolución.
Example: `Society and Puritanism in pre-revolutional England' is the book's title.» pre-revolutionary = prerrevolucionario.
Example: This article discusses the pre-revolutionary shortage of books on agriculture economy in 1913, and how existing books only discussed the miserable, hopeless life of the peasants.» preschool [pre-school] = preescolar, de párvulos.
Example: The author describes how, as a teacher, she introduced pre-school children to books by reading to them, and developed older children's critical interest by reading, discussing and enacting popular fables.» preschooler = preescolar, niño en edad preescolar, párvulo.
Example: Services to preschoolers in public libraries in Texas are offered by the majority of the libraries.» pre-schooling = preescolarización.
Example: During the two decades prior to the 1970s there were negligible family allowances and no reliable or universal provisions for social work, pre-schooling or child care in Australia.» prescreening = preselección.
Example: If a point system can be created, the prescreening stage is greatly simplified.» pre-search = anterior a la búsqueda.
Example: Not the least of the valuable side effects that the computer has had on reference work is an increased awareness of the critical importance of this pre-search stage of the reference process.» preseason = pretemporada.
Example: He took a blow to the head during a preseason game.» preselected [pre-selected] = preseleccionado.
Example: But documents with the following terms assigned would be rejected on the grounds that their combined weights did not exceed the pre-selected threshold.» preselection [pre-selection] = preselección.
Example: Proposes that search services should concentrate on a quality control programme which would begin before training, at the preselection stage.» presenile = presenil.
Example: The study was aimed at establishing the clinical features of the psychoses of senescence (senile, presenile, and cerebral arteriosclerotic dementias) in 155 mentally retarded patients.» pre-service = anterior al trabajo.
Example: This is a new journal concerned with the implications for teacher education, both pre-service and in-service, of all aspects of information technology.» Pre-Session Seminar = Seminario Presesión.
Example: In this way 15-20 persons can attend both the Pre-Session Seminar and the General Conference annually at no personal cost.» pre-shopping advice = asesoramiento antes de la compra.
Example: Some consumer advice centres would not only handle complaints but also provided pre-shopping advice, combined with attractive exhibitions, leaflets, price-comparison tables, and other consumer education activities.» preshrink = prearrugar.
Example: To preshrink, wash the fabric the same way you intend to launder the finished garment.» preshrunk = preencogido.
Example: This short-sleeved tee shirt is made of 100% preshrunk cotton.» pre-sliced [presliced] = preparado en lonchas, preparado en rodajas, ya cortado en lonchas, ya cortado en rodajas.
Example: Most supermarkets sell pre-cooked and pre-sliced cold meats.» pre-specified [prespecified] = predefinido, especificado previamente.
Example: Information extraction (IE) may be defined as the activity of extracting information about a pre-specified set of entities, relations or events from natural language texts and to record this information in structured representations called templates.» pre-stored [prestored] = almacenado previamente, prealmacenado.
Example: The challenging part comes in matching the spoken utterance to one of a wide range of possible, pre-stored words, phrases or sentences.» pre-surgery = preoperatorio, anterior a la operación, antes de la operación.
Example: If you are about to undergo surgery, your doctor will request that you get a number of pre-op or pre-surgery exams.» preteen = preadolescente.
Example: Everyone 6 months of age and older -- including preteens and teens -- should get a flu vaccine every year.» pre-trial = prueba preliminar, ensayo preliminar.
Example: The safety and potency of the vaccine were checked in pre-trials.» pre-trial = vista preliminar, audiencia previa.
Example: Your appearance at pre-trial is mandatory -- if you are unable to appear in person, you have the right to hire an attorney to represent you and appear for you.» pre-war [prewar] = de antes de la guerra, de la preguerra, anterior a la guerra.
Example: The situation is rather different from pre-war days when living costs were lower and writers would try to get by on very small incomes from writing.