Policy in spanish


pronunciation: poʊlitikɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

policy = normas, política de actuación, política de trabajo, política interna, normativa. 

Example: This policy of reflecting the subject labels and relationships present in the literature of a subject is known as being consistent with literary warrant.


» abstracting policy = normas para la elaboración de resúmenes.

Example: It is suggested that editors have developed abstracting policies from their own experience of free-text searching, rather than from any research results.

» acquisition policy [acquisitions policy] = política de adquisiciones. [Principios y normas que sigue una biblioteca en cuanto al tipo de material bibliográfico que compra]

Example: Professionals need to be shown that with the increasing use of computers, data collection need not be expensive: an automated circulation system, for example, will readily generate information for modifying acquisition policy.

» administrative policy = política administrativa. [Normas de actuación y gobierno de una organización]

Example: It seems to be only 'common sense' to attempt to understand administrative policy and practices in a library in which one aspires to work.

» area of policy = área de actuación.

Example: Commission decisions are taken collectively, although each Commissioner is responsible for one or more portfolios, or areas of policy.

» as a matter of policy = como norma.

Example: The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.

» assistance policy = política de ayuda.

Example: It is well worth the trouble to examine and negotiate financial matters with NGOs within reach in the country or the region to take advantage of their various assitance policies.

» carry out + a policy = poner en práctica una normativa.

Example: It was clear at the meeting that it was the board's responsibility to establish policy and the library director's duty to carry out that policy.

» claim policy = normativa de reclamaciones.

Example: The claim policy establishes when the first, second, and third claims for an overdue order are to be sent and when the order is to be canceled.

» collection development policy = política de desarrollo de la colección.

Example: This statistical methods course emphasizes the 'people' aspect of library use so that relevant data for collection development policy would be gathered primarily from user studies, questionnaires, and community analysis and surveys.

» collection policy = política de adquisiciones.

Example: The library's collections and collection policy covers not only the Nazi atrocities but also genocide wherever its has occurred in modern times.

» Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) = Política Agrícola Comunitaria.

Example: One of the fundamental operating principles of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) is financial solidarity between member states.

» competition policy = política de competencias.

Example: And competition policy is one area of activity where the European Commission does have the power to impose legislation which is binding in all member states.

» conservation policy = política de conservación.

Example: This article describes the development of preservation and conservation policies in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.

» cultural policy = política cultural.

Example: At that time key decisions were taken regarding the library system and cultural policy in the Soviet Zone of Occupation.

» draft + a policy = diseñar una política.

Example: Based on the results of this study, factors to consider when drafting a collection development policy are provided.

» educational policy = política educativa.

Example: The effects of educational policy and the crisis in Brazilian universities upon the university library are discussed.

» enforce + a policy = hacer cumplir una norma.

Example: Clearly a more formal structure will be necessary if the commissioners are to establish and enforce policies on bodies such as Interpol.

» establish + a policy = establecer normas de funcionamiento.

Example: As used in their book, planning covers a wide range of activities, including establishing policies, clarifying objectives, and making decisions.

» financing policy = política de financiación.

Example: The intelligent library needs a financing policy related to the number of potential users who have to make decisions on well-informed grounds.

» fine policy = política sancionadora, política de sanciones, política de multas.

Example: If the document is returned late, any fine is calculated according to the library's fine policy = Si el documento se devuelve tarde, la sanción se calcula de acuerdo con la politica sancionadora de la biblioteca.

» fire insurance policy = póliza de seguros contra incendios.

Example: Fire insurance policies discourage the planting of trees in towns and villages because of the fear of lightning strikes.

» fiscal policy = política fiscal.

Example: Information about capital has finally replaced gold as the standard by which fiscal and monetary policies are set.

» foreign policy = política exterior.

Example: Contemporary debates over the appropriate balance of unilateralism and multilateralism in U.S. foreign policy reflect disagreements about the practical effectiveness of these alternative options = Los debates actuales sobre el equilibrio adecuado entre el unilateralismo y el multilateralismo en la política exterior de los EEUU reflejan desacuerdos sobre la efectividad práctica de estas opciones alternativas.

» formulate + a policy = formular una política, elaborar una política, confeccionar una política, redactar una política.

Example: This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.

» frame + a policy = formular una política.

Example: As data are received from many different sources, control is essential if the statistics needed to frame new policies are to be comparable.

» funding policy = política de financiación.

Example: The University Grants Committee should take a greater interest in individual universities' library funding policies.

» green policy = normativa verde.

Example: However, there are those with huge financial stakes in green energy and green policy that continue to push forward with this agenda because if new legislation goes through, they stand to make a fortune.

» honesty is the best policy = lo mejor es ir con la verdad por delante.

Example: Honesty may be the best policy, but some things are better left unsaid.

» immigration policy = política de inmigración.

Example: This article highlights the root causes of nativism against both immigrants and U.S. immigration policy arising from increasing legal and illegal immigration.

» indemnity policy = seguro contra indemnizaciones, póliza contra indemnizaciones.

Example: Software licensees should take out adequate insurance cover and licensors should take out professional indemnity policies = Los titulares de las licencia de programas deberían hacer una póliza de seguros adecuada y los distribuidores que conceden las licencias también deberían hacerse seguros contra indemnizaciones.

» information policy = política de información.

Example: Responsibility for the implementation of information policy rests primarily on the shoulders of those two departments mentioned above, which work closely together.

» institute + policy = establecer una política.

Example: Personnel policies instituted to combat absenteeism have generally proved a failure, because those measures attack the symptoms, not the cause.

» insurance policy = póliza de seguros.

Example: This article examines the potential power of hypertext technology for the domains of journal and book publishing, insurance policy management, and software engineering.

» labour policy = política laboral.

Example: The title of the work is slightly misleading: the focus of its key chapters is more on labor policy than on industrial unrest and political dissent.

» library policy = política bibliotecaria.

Example: The 1981 report gives prominence to libraries and stresses the need for a national library policy with cooperation between all types of libraries.

» library's policy = política de la biblioteca.

Example: From its inception the library's policy has been to use exchange arrangements only as a last resort as a means of acquiring current literature.

» loan policy = normativa de préstamo.

Example: This condition occurs when the loan policy indicates that the document may not be lent to particular types of borrowers.

» long term policy = política a largo plazo.

Example: One of the key recommendations for long term policy was the confirmation of the responsibility of the national bibliographic agency for establishing the authoritative form of name for its country's authors.

» make + policy decisions = adoptar una política.

Example: Each library must make policy decisions concerning whether it will indulge in analytical cataloguing.

» monetary policy = política monetaria.

Example: Information about capital has finally replaced gold as the standard by which fiscal and monetary policies are set.

» national information policy = política de información nacional.

Example: In principle, the emergence of a national information policy as a framework for developing information resources and institutions was welcomed by most countries in Africa with a messianic zeal.

» national library policy = política bibliotecaria nacional.

Example: The objective of a national library policy should be universal availability of information.

» overdue policy = normas de préstamos vencidos.

Example: This information is defined by the overdue policy of the library.

» personnel policy = política de personal.

Example: The personnel policy should also include a statement concerning number and length of work breaks and a statement regarding attendance at library meetings -- who attends, whether time off with pay and/or travel expenses are awarded.

» policy and practice = teoría y práctica.

Example: The first part of this book explains the policies and practices adopted by Community institutions regarding the provision of information and the arrangements made for its dissemination and use.

» policy area = área de actuación.

Example: The reduction and reorganization of working time is another policy area in which the Community is involved.

» policy decision = decisión sobre qué política de actuación seguir.

Example: Critical and accurate analyses of citation figures is required when such data are used in policy decisions, such as library subscriptions.

» policy-driven = intervencionista.

Example: Evidence suggests that the policy-driven agenda of East Asia is likely to be more successful than the market-driven approach of the West = La evidencia nos sugiere que la agenda intervencionista de Asia oriental sea probablemente más exitosa que la estrategia mercantilista de occidente.

» policy formation = elaboración de políticas.

Example: This conclusion is strongly supported by contemporary examples of policy formation on technical questions.

» policy-forming = de elaboración de políticas.

Example: Early access to information is of particular importance to those groups who wish to participate in the policy-forming process.

» policy formulation = elaboración de políticas.

Example: The aim is to encourage the better use of information in resource allocation decisions and local policy formulation.

» policy framework = marco legal.

Example: This document prescribes a policy framework for discharging offical functions under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980.

» policy issues = cuestión de reglamento.

Example: Some of the cases presented in this book are concerned with broad policy issues, while others are less encompassing and present some of the narrower problems that cross the library manager's desk.

» policy maker [policy-maker/policymaker] = responsable de tomar decisiones, político.

Example: The library can offer well-informed service to policy-makers, analysts, students, the media and political groups.

» policy making [policy-making/policymaking] = elaboración de políticas, confección de políticas, fijación de políticas, determinación de políticas.

Example: The locus of government policy making has been shifted to the Ministry of Research and Technology.

» policy of containment = política de contención.

Example: Their policy of containment said that America shall not go to war with countries that are already Communist or if the willingly become it.

» policy officer = responsable de políticas, encargado de políticas.

Example: Prior to joining Hartleys, he spent 16 years as a policy officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

» policy statement = declaración de intenciones.

Example: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.

» preservation policy = política de preservación, política de conservación.

Example: This article considers how a national preservation policy for library materials may be evolved and the guidance that it might be expected to provide.

» pricing policy = política de fijación de precios, política de precios.

Example: Update is incremental and may be slow, and pricing policies show evidence of the presence of a supporting printed product.

» privacy policy = política de privacidad.

Example: Companies should handle consumer information according to enterprise-wide privacy policies.

» public policy = política pública. [Cuestiones relacionadas la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar social que afectan a la mayoría de los ciudadanos]

Example: Public policy is applied to matters of public health, safety and welfare.

» purchasing policy = política de compras.

Example: Anita Brack follows the liberal purchasing policy and her reasons include the opinion that censorship is opportunistic and random in its effect.

» research policy = política científica.

Example: Research policy at the European Community level has itself come under scrutiny.

» retention policy = política de retenciones. [Normativa que establece qué tipo de documentos y/o registros se mantendrán en la colección y cuáles se expurgarán]

Example: The results will contribute to the development of a national preservation and retention policy.

» science policy = política científica.

Example: The relationship between bibliometrics and science policy remains underdeveloped.

» science policy makers = responsables de la política científica.

Example: Information on current research and development is vital to science policy makers.

» scientific policy = política científica.

Example: In addition, the economic, social, moral and political implications of scientific research need to be considered as important, but not the only determinants of scientific policy.

» security policy = política de seguridad.

Example: Japan has approved a major change to its post-war security policy of pacifism, paving the way for its military to fight abroad.

» selection policy = política de adquisiciones.

Example: Use-based selection policies represent a sound principle, but their implementation depends upon a more effective feedback from user to abstractor than most abstracting agencies can achieve.

» social policy = política social.

Example: This article subjects the much-heralded Chilean 'model' of social policy reform to a critical analysis.

» staff policy = política de personal.

Example: This article sets out those staff policies that the library board has approved and their dates of approval or revision.

» take out + an insurance policy = hacerse un seguro, hacerse una póliza de seguros, contratar un seguro, contratar una póliza de seguros.

Example: By taking out an insurance policy, you are transferring the risk of an unforeseen event to the insurance company.

» tax policy = política fiscal.

Example: The Louisiana Legislature is edging closer toward a full meltdown that would derail not only its tax policy but also the state budget plan for next year.

» uphold + a policy = cumplir una política, hacer cumplir una política, atenerse a una política.

Example: Every member of this university community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations.

» user policy = política de usuarios, normas de uso.

Example: Ease of access to such archives is limited by the absence of easily discoverable user policy.

» weeding policy = política de expurgo, plan de expurgo.

Example: The library could develop a weeding policy that will enable it to remove from the shelves those materials that have remained unused or little used for 25 years or more.

Policy synonyms

insurance in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnʃʊrəns part of speech: noun insurance policy in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnʃʊrənspɑləsi part of speech: noun
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