Paper in spanish


pronunciation: pɑpel part of speech: noun
In gestures

paper1 = papel. 

Example: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.


» absorbable paper = papel absorbente.

Example: A back-up option is to train Bailey to poop in a litter tray that has absorbable paper in the bottom of it = Otra alternativa es adiestrar a Bailey a hacerse caca en un cajón de arena con papel absorbente en el fondo.

» absorbing paper = papel absorbente.

Example: All the work is done in trays covered with liquid absorbing paper.

» acid-free paper = papel neutro, papel no ácido, papel sin acidez. [Papel que ha sido tratado especialmente para que su grado de acidez, medido en valores pH, sea bajo pues ésta es una de las causas principales del deterioro del mismo]

Example: Acid-free paper is now available at a price which competes with acid paper.

» acidic paper = papel acídico, papel ácido. [Papel normal que normalmente tiene un grado de acidez alto, lo que contribuye a su deterioro y que generalmente se utiliza como contraposición a acid-free paper (papel no ácido)]

Example: Most publishers still use acidic paper, despite the availability of permanent paper.

» acid paper = papel ácido. [Papel normal que normalmente tiene un grado de acidez alto, lo que contribuye a su deterioro y que generalmente se utiliza como contraposición a acid-free paper (papel no ácido)]

Example: However, the consequences of progressive deterioration, both as a result of acid paper and environmental conditions as well as by increased use, are just beginning to be realised.

» alkaline paper = papel alcalino. [Papel que ha sido tratado especialmente para que su grado de acidez, medido en valores pH, sea bajo pues ésta es una de las causas principales del deterioro del mismo]

Example: The widespread use of acid-free or alkaline paper will drastically reduce costs to US libraries and taxpayers.

» art paper = papel estucado, papel cuché. [En imprenta, papel que ha sido sometido a la operación de estucado, es decir, que ha sido recubierto por una o por las dos caras conun estuco: una mezcla constituida por uno o más pigmentos minerales]

Example: Art paper (the shiny paper used for printing fine-screen half-tones from the 1880s) had a coating of china clay applied in a special machine to one or both sides of a web of body paper.

» a sea of + paper = un mar de papel.

Example: In recent years, then, there has been much less scaremongering about the imagined horrors of drowning in a sea of paper.

» as white as a sheet (of paper) = blanco como la nieve, blanco como una sábana, blanco como la pared.

Example: Again, it's very rare to find people whose skin tones are as white as a sheet of paper.

» ballot paper = papeleta para votar.

Example: Please remember that the ballot papers should be signed by the authorised signatory of the Member registered for the Section concerned.

» Bible paper = papel de biblia. [Papel de imprimir muy delgado y de gran calidad que se utiliza especialmente para las obras que por su extensión se desea editar en un volumen compacto]

Example: Bibles, prayer books, and other books requiring many pages in compact form are normally printed in Bible paper.

» bind in + paper covers = encuadernar en rústica.

Example: Whilst books bound in paper covers are not excluded from British Books in Print, a separate Paperbacks in Print (London, Whitaker, 1960 annual) is published and it has a counterpart in the United States Paperbound Books in Print (New York, Bowker, annual).

» blotting paper = papel secante.

Example: Flexible moulds made of laminated paper called 'flong' were first used in Lyons in 1829 and were blotting and tissue paper pasted together, and the mould was formed by beating damp flong on the face of the type.

» body paper = papel soporte para estucado. [En imprenta, papel sobre el que se aplica el estuco]

Example: Art paper (the shiny paper used for printing fine-screen half-tones from the 1880s) had a coating of china clay applied in a special machine to one or both sides of a web of body paper.

» bond paper = papel hilo, papel de escritura. [Papel especialmente fabricado para la impresión o la escritura de pasta de fibras de algodón o de pasta química de madera]

Example: If the information on a newspaper clipping rather than the clipping itself is required, the clipping can be photocopied on acid-free bond paper.

» brittle paper = papel debilitado.

Example: A report is given on a research project commissioned by the British Library to strengthen brittle paper without unbinding the books.

» brown paper = papel estraza.

Example: Anyway, in my youth, almost all packages were wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.

» carbon interleaved paper = con papel de calco intercalado.

Example: A line printer can only produce about four readable copies using carbon interleaved paper, so additional copies must either be produced by photocopying or by rerunning the computer, both of which are relatively costly.

» carbon paper = papel de calco.

Example: Carbon paper is paper coated on one side with loosely adhering dye used for transferring impressions of writing, typewriting, drawing, etc.

» coated paper = papel cuché, papel estucado. [Papel con acabado muy liso que se prepara tratando su superficie con caolín y caseína para mejorar su calidad de impresión]

Example: Coated paper or art paper is paper with a smooth, glossy surface produced by coating with china clay and casein glue, generally used for fine art books.

» coloured paper = papel de colores.

Example: The indexes are easily identifiable because they are printed on coloured paper.

» coloured-paper issue = edición en papel coloreado.

Example: Coloured-paper issues became common in Italian printing of the sixteenth century, the earliest examples being three Aldine editions of 1514 with special copies printed on blue paper.

» commercial paper = papel comercial, valor comercial, efectos negociables.

Example: The U.S. government's bailout plan did little to improve conditions in the commercial paper market where spooked investors continue to favor short-term debt.

» contact paper = papel adhesivo.

Example: The 2nd copy of each titles was covered in contact paper while the 3rd copy was left unprotected.

» continuous paper = papel continuo.

Example: The former will be needed for single sheets of plain paper, while the latter is used for continuous paper which is perforated.

» copy paper = papel de imprenta. [Papel que posee una características especiales para su uso en fotocopiadoras, impresoras, etc]

Example: A supply of copy paper should be fanned out and stacked in the feed tray and this must be raised to the correct level for feeding into the printer.

» deacidified paper = papel desacidificado, papel de acidez neutralizada.

Example: Topics include storage aspects of maps and their physical media (paper, plasticised paper, deacidified paper).

» digital paper = papel digital.

Example: Digital paper is based on MelinexR, a flexible polyester film, which is coated with a reflective layer, and acts as a substrate.

» durable paper = papel durable, papel permanente, papel duradero. [Papel que no se deteriora fácilmente con el uso]

Example: Margins usually are not justified and the books, while sturdily bound and printed on durable paper, are not physically attractive.

» emery paper = papel de esmeril, papel esmeril, papel de lija.

Example: Marks left by the hammer can be smoothed with emery paper.

» endpapers = guardas, hojas de cortesía. [En encuadernación, hojas en blanco que se colocan al final de las hojas impresas de una obra antes de la cubierta]

Example: Working from the inside outwards, there will probably be one or two leaves of blank paper at each end of the book, which are of a different colour or texture from the printed leaves; these are the endpapers, which were added by the binder.

» esparto paper = papel de esparto. [En imprenta, papel que contiene en su totalidad o en gran parte celulosa de esparto]

Example: Esparto paper, which is bulky and easy to print on, was made in commercial quantities in Britain from 1863, and quickly became popular with British printers who used it increasingly for bulking out thin books.

» fan (out) + paper = abanicar el papel. [Acción de separar las hojas de un taco de papel cogiéndolo como si fuera un abanico]

Example: It is wise to fan the paper to separate the sheets and let air in between them, otherwise several sheets might stick together and clog up the printer.

» gift wrapping paper = papel de envolver regalos.

Example: No waste: save used gift wrapping paper and reuse it next year.

» glossy paper = papel satinado.

Example: Finally, test the coating of a glossy paper by rubbing it with a piece of silver.

» graph paper = papel cuadriculado. [Usado especialmente para dibujar gráficas]

Example: Cleo Passantino produced a long sheet of graph paper with a sawtooth squiggle traced down the center of it.

» greaseproof paper = papel de cera.

Example: The original, known as a translucency, is normally a line drawing on a sheet of translucent paper which resembles tracing paper or greaseproof paper.

» hand-made paper = papel hecho a mano.

Example: Early-nineteenth-century hand-made paper, however, differed from that of the hand-press period on account both of new methods of bleaching, and of changes in the form of the hand mould.

» height-to-paper = altura del tipo movible. [En imprenta, distancia entre la base del tipo movible y la superficie del ojo]

Example: Standardization never became quite complete, especially as regards height-to-paper; the Clarendon Press sturdily retains the so-called Dutch height of 23-851 mm. to this day, and various aberrant heights may still be found in Europe.

» height-to-paper [heights-to-paper, -pl.] = altura tipográfica.

Example: Little progress towards the standardization of type sizes and of height-to-paper was made until after 1875, and printers everywhere continued to suffer the inconvenience of being unable on occasion to mix the types of different foundries = Hasta después de 1875 se avanzó poco en la normalización de los tamaños de las letras y de la altura tipográfica y los impresores de todas partes continuaron sufriendo el inconveniente en ocasiones de ser incapaces de mezclar las letras de diferentes talleres de fundición.

» kitchen paper = papel de cocina, toallita de papel.

Example: This dispenser will store 32cm wide cling film and kitchen foil internally and kitchen paper can be attached to the bottom if required.

» laid hand-made paper = papel verjurado manual.

Example: Towards the end of the century a few makers exploited the antiquarian appeal of laid hand-made paper by reviving the single-faced laid mould.

» laid paper = papel verjurado. [En la fabricación de papel, aquel papel hecho en formas o módulos cuya base era un estructura reticular de alamabre que descansaba sobre unas barras todo lo cual dejaba una huella en el papel visible al trasluz; las huellas producidas por la retícula de alambre de denomina "puntizones" (wire) y la producida por las barras "corondeles" (chain)]

Example: But the first 28 sheets of Baskerville's Virgil of 1757 were printed on an unprecedented wove paper, and the rest, plus a number of whole-sheet and single-leaf cancels, were printed on laid paper.

» laminated paper = papel plastificado.

Example: Usually pamphlet boxes are made of plastic or stout cardboard which may be covered with colourful cloth or laminated paper.

» ligneous paper = papel lignario. [Papel obtenido de la madera]

Example: Use recycled or ligneous papers for a document of potential archival value.

» limp paper binding = encuadernación flexible en papel.

Example: The technique of limp vellum binding can still benefit from improvements and can be adapted for use with other materials, as in the limp paper binding.

» lining papers = guardas de la contratapa. [En encuadernación, hojas en blanco que se pegan a la contratapa de la encuadernación de un libro]

Example: Lining papers are papers at the beginning and end of a book pasted to the binding and leaving an additional fly-leaf.

» liquid paper = papel líquido, líquido corrector, típex.

Example: When you use liquid paper on legal documents, they will become invalid.

» litmus paper = papel de tornasol, barómetro.

Example: Because some of these indicators are not as sensitive litmus paper, determining to which acids each indicator is sensitive presents an enjoyable challenge for students.

» loo paper = papel higiénico.

Example: In 1857 the first factory solely making loo paper came into existence.

» loose-leaf paper = hojas sueltas.

Example: Often the material will be collected on cards or loose-leaf paper so that internal reorganization is quite an easy matter and re-writing is thereby cut down to a minimum.

» machine-made laid paper = papel verjurado hecho a máquina.

Example: The first dandy rolls were made in the laid pattern, and thus produced a machine-made laid paper, but wove dandies were also in use from 1828.

» machine-made paper = papel hecho a máquina.

Example: Although light-and-shade marks were later successfully adapted for machine-made paper, they were too expensive for normal use in hand moulds.

» mouldmade paper = papel a mano-máquina. [Papel fabricado a máquina pero imitando el papel hecho a mano o de tina]

Example: The introduction of mouldmade paper (which is a fine machine-made rag paper which looks like hand-made) in about 1920 reduced the production of real hand-made yet further.

» non-paper [non paper] = que no está en papel.

Example: The conservation problems of non paper materials were discussed.

» on paper = sobre el papel, en teoría.

Example: On paper, most girls would name the boy-next-door as their ideal mate, although in the real world you're often passed over for more masculine men.

» pad of paper = bloque de papel.

Example: The other woman nodded, smiling slightly, and began to make concentric circles on a pad of paper.

» paper acidity = acidez del papel.

Example: This article discusses how the longevity of paper is affected by paper acidity and trace metal compounds in the paper.

» paper bag = bolsa de papel.

Example: It takes more than four times as much energy to manufacture a paper bag as it does to manufacture a plastic bag.

» paper-based = basado en el papel, en papel, impreso, en formato papel.

Example: Moving from traditional paper-based publishing system to publishing in electronic form on CD-ROM is not a straightforward task.

» paper bin = papelera.

Example: Telephone books can also be recycled along with newspaper and can be put in paper bins.

» paperboard = cartón.

Example: This book discusses all the main types of packaging based on paper and paperboard.

» paper boards = encuadernación en cartoné. [Encuadernación en la que se forra el libro con unas tapas de cartón cubiertas de papel]

Example: Books were sometimes sold in paper wrappers and paper boards even at this early date.

» paperbound = en rústica.

Example: In 1975 the Oklahoma Public Library converted its 5 bookmobiles from hardback to paperbound material.

» paperboy = repartidor de periódicos.

Example: He's been our paperboy for years, and he's never been late one morning.

» paper carrier = bolsa de papel.

Example: Instructional materials can be taken from room to room within the library in mesh carryall bags, rucksacks, and paper carriers.

» paper clip = clip para el papel.

Example: The artwork collection consists of 100 pictures and images of typical office supplies (paper clips, rubber bands, pencils) that can enhance the appearance of presentations and reports.

» paper confetti = confeti.

Example: And once sugar-coated, coriander was used before paper confetti became the vogue.

» paper container = recipiente de papel.

Example: Factories are manufacturing hundreds of diversified products: paper containers, overalls, wire products, icepicks, furniture, building supplies, soap, buttons, wallpaper, kitchenware, shirts, cosmetics, carpets, paint -- the list goes on.

» paper cover = cubierta de papel.

Example: It became common to equip pamphlets with wrappers (made by pasting a paper cover to the spine, and sometimes also to the endpapers, of the sewn booklet) from the mid seventeenth century.

» paper document = documento en papel, documento impreso.

Example: The organisation and retrieval of paper documents are discussed in the light of new perspectives opened up by optical discs, hypertext and artificial intelligence.

» paper fibre = fibra de papel.

Example: In the mechanised paper fibre process individual pages are soaked and split so that acid-free paper can be put between the two layers.

» paper flow = papeleo, trámites.

Example: Computers have facilitated the paper flow within the organization -- a formerly arduous and staff-intensive effort = Los ordenadores han facilitado el papeleo en las organizaciones, un esfuerzo que antes era arduo y que necesitaba bastante dedicación de personal.

» paper handling = trámites relacionados con la documentación.

Example: The company has implemented an image processing programme to tackle the 3 business problems of paper handling, work control, and management information.

» paper image = filigrana.

Example: No two paper moulds of the hand-press period were ever precisely identical, and individual moulds can be identified by their paper images; even the two moulds of a pair, which were deliberately made to look alike, can be told apart by the paper made in them.

» paper image = imagen escaneada.

Example: Ariel is the Research Libraries Group document image transmission software for sending paper images (TIFF files, specifically) of scanned documents over the Internet to other Ariel sites.

» paper industry = industria papelera, industria del papel.

Example: During the same period an English white paper industry was developed which supplied an increasing proportion of the paper used by English printers, even though the finest qualities had still to be imported from abroad.

» paper jacket = funda de papel.

Example: However, the usual protection for a mid-nineteenth-century cloth-bound book -- if it had any -- was a plain paper jacket, sometimes cut with a window to show the lettering on the spine, and it was not until the 1880s that printed dust-jackets became common.

» paper jam = atasco de papel.

Example: One of his many responsibilities is to assist with the use of photocopiers and printers, replenish them when necessary, and deal with paper jams.

» paper-keeping = trabajo burocrático.

Example: This article discusses the BBC's programme research and information services, paper-keeping and documentation services, commercial services, and outlines future predictions.

» paper knife = abrecartas, cortapapeles.

Example: The other folds were normally opened later by the binder's plough, or with a paper knife.

» paperless = sin papel. [Adjetivo que se utiliza para describir la situación en la que el papel ha sido sustituido por otros medios audiovisuales como soporte documental. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: However, to use terminals producing printed output would be to negate part of the fundamental philosophy of the 'paperless' system.

» paper-maker = papelero.

Example: The paper-makers, spurred on by the urgent need to increase their supply of raw material, eventually mastered the new technique.

» paper-making [papermaking] = fabricación de papel, confección de papel.

Example: The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.

» paper-making machine = máquina continua de papel. [Sustituo mecánico de la tina de hacer papel a mano que produce una cinta de papel sin interrupción]

Example: The early paper-making machines were dependent, as the hand vats had been, upon linen and (when they became available) cotton rags as their chief source of raw material.

» paper manufacturing = fabricación de papel.

Example: Drying is an important process in paper manufacturing, where steam-heated cylinders are used to dry paper.

» paper mill = fábrica de papel, papelera.

Example: Paper from several paper mills in the Slovak and Czech republics was tested to determine its aging resistance.

» paper money = papel moneda, billetes de banco.

Example: Guides to Thailand warn you never to stop windswept paper money with a stomp -- the King is on all bills, you would practically be committing treason.

» paper mould = forma de hacer papel.

Example: No two paper moulds of the hand-press period were ever precisely identical, and individual moulds can be identified by their paper images; even the two moulds of a pair, which were deliberately made to look alike, can be told apart by the paper made in them.

» paper padded = acolchado con papel.

Example: This article assesses whether paper padded or bubble padded envelopes are more durable for interlibrary loans.

» paper paste-down = guarda. [Hoja doblada que pegada a la cara interna de las pastas y al libro sirve para mantenerlos unidos]

Example: A strip of paper or vellum was pasted on to the spine to reinforce it, and a skin of the right size was stuck down over the spine and the outside of both boards, the overlapping edges being turned in and secured inside the boards under a paper paste-down.

» paper plate = plato de papel.

Example: If you have runny nail polish, pour some onto a paper plate, add a bit of flour and stir it up with something like a toothpick.

» paper-printed = impreso en papel.

Example: The publishers send the citations to these paper-printed articles to MEDLINE so that they are indexed.

» paper publication = publicación en papel.

Example: This is an attempt to duplicate the features of a paper publication in a reduced size.

» paper-pusher = burócrata, administrativo, chupatintas.

Example: The article is entitled 'The technicolor coat of the academic library personnel officer: the evolution from paper-pusher to policy maker'.

» paper quality = calidad del papel.

Example: Librarians and publishers must work together to establish standards for library books in the areas of binding quality and paper quality.

» paper sack = saco de papel.

Example: For example, we may say `manufacture of paper sacks' or `paper sack manufacture'; `the process of communication' or `the communication process'.

» paper society = sociedad del papel.

Example: The conference focused on the following themes, seminars and break-out discussions: books in a post paper society; the shifting sands of retail trends; no more bunting on the publishing boat; and consumer attitudes to price.

» paper splitting = separación mediante papel.

Example: Paper splitting is a technique that involves the placing of 2 sheets of support paper coated with gelatine on to both surfaces of the object to be split and separated at the right moment, when there is sufficient bonding between support papers and object.

» paper stock = papel, existencias de papel.

Example: As far as durability is concerned, comic books are now published on heavier, higher quality paper stock; the days of newsprint are largely gone = En lo que respecta a la durabilidad, los tebeos se publican ahora en papel de mayor grosor y calidad; los días del papel de "periódico" de baja calidad en general pertenecen al pasado.

» paper storm, the = invasión del papel, la. [Expresión utilizada para describir el crecimiento vertiginoso de las publicaciones en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte. Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The 'paper storm' or the 'literature explosion' are evocative terms coined to draw attention to the dramatic nature of the growth of literature.

» paper towel = papel de cocina, toallita de papel.

Example: In another unit, children test different brands of paper towels to see which one will absorb the most water in 30 seconds.

» paperweight = pisapapeles.

Example: Examples of types of specific material designation that would be described in the physical description area are: hand puppet, jigsaw puzzle, film loop, film reel, paperweight, stereograph reel, and so on.

» paperwork = papeleo, trámite burocrático, burocracia, gestiones.

Example: However, the vendor will not receive any paperwork unless a previously deferred order is changed to an active one.

» paper world, the = mundo del papel impreso, el.

Example: The electronic world will not supplant the paper world and the old collection development paradigms will continue to be relevant.

» paper wrapper = envoltorio de papel de estraza.

Example: Type that was not in use was stored in baskets or paper wrappers.

» paper wrappers = encuadernación en rústica. [Encuadernación en la que se forra el libro con una cubierta de papel resistente]

Example: Books were sometimes sold in paper wrappers and paper boards even at this early date.

» paste paper = papel de pasta.

Example: Paste paper is a decorative paper, often used as cover papers or endsheets in books, produced by pressing or sliding objects into a wet paste or starch mixture that has been spread on paper.

» permanent paper = papel permanente. [Papel resistente al deterioro químico]

Example: Most publishers still use acidic paper, despite the availability of permanent paper.

» pith paper = papel de arroz, papel de China.

Example: This article gives a practical overview of conservation of picture on pith paper.

» plasticised paper = papel plastificado.

Example: Topics include storage aspects of maps and their physical media (paper, plasticised paper, deacidified paper).

» printed paper board = pasta estampada.

Example: Edition binding in leather was offered as an alternative to cloth or printed paper boards for such things as poetical gift books, works of piety, and textbooks.

» printing paper = papel de imprenta.

Example: The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.

» print on paper = impresión en papel.

Example: While many believe that print on paper will never die, new formats are already changing working practice in many spheres.

» pulp and paper mill = fábrica de papel, papelera.

Example: With our employees, with our community, the stress of the pulp and paper mill's shutdown is starting to hit home.

» push around + bits of paper = no hacer nada, perder el tiempo.

Example: Managers always tell me about the time they spend pushing around bits of paper, and attending meetings that seem to go nowhere.

» put + Nombre + on paper = plasmar Algo en papel.

Example: Before we even start a job, we make sure you know each and every aspect of it, we put it on paper and see it to the end.

» put + pen to paper = escribir.

Example: Some writers of fiction write because they cannot do otherwise they have an almost uncontrollable urge to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard.

» rag paper = papel de trapo, papel de tela. [Papel en cuya elaboración se ha utilizado preferentemente pasta de trapo]

Example: The introduction of mouldmade paper (which is a fine machine-made rag paper which looks like hand-made) in about 1920 reduced the production of real hand-made yet further.

» recycled paper = papel reciclado.

Example: The use of acid paper is preferable to using recycled paper.

» rice paper = papel de arroz, papel de China.

Example: Rice paper is a non-fibrous, delicate paper made from the pith of a small tree found in Asia.

» run-off paper = papel de multicopista.

Example: The run-off paper must be thick and absorbent to cope with the thick layer of ink deposited on it by the duplicator.

» sanding paper = lija, papel de lija.

Example: The cheapest way to bevel it is probably by sanding it down with some sanding paper or a file if something like that is available.

» sandpaper = lija, papel de lija.

Example: This paper describes the origins of the Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company from 1902 when it started producing sandpaper.

» scrap of paper = trozo de papel.

Example: All you need to get started is an idea, a sketch, or a scrap of paper.

» scrap paper = papel inservible.

Example: Find some scrap paper and jot down the subject areas taught in schools.

» set + pen to paper = escribir.

Example: Once pen was set to paper, the graphic record superseded the need to retain large amounts of information within human memory.

» sheet of paper = hoja de papel, folio.

Example: A quire originally meant 4 sheets of paper or parchment folded over and sewn to make 8 leaves.

» slip of paper = hoja de papel.

Example: With the advent of computers, transactions like payments of salaries, share dividends, tax deductions, etc., could now be handled by the transfer of data, rather than of slips of paper.

» tissue paper = papel de seda.

Example: Flexible moulds made of laminated paper called 'flong' were first used in Lyons in 1829 and were blotting and tissue paper pasted together, and the mould was formed by beating damp flong on the face of the type.

» toilet paper = papel higiénico.

Example: If we need a title to satisfy demand, we will buy it on spiral bound toilet paper if that is the only way we can get it.

» tracing paper = papel de calco, papel de calcar.

Example: The original, known as a translucency, is normally a line drawing on a sheet of translucent paper which resembles tracing paper or greaseproof paper.

» waste-paper basket = papelera.

Example: They hunted high and low, even examining the waste-paper baskets, but to no avail.

» waste paper bin = papelera.

Example: For example, to delete a file to move a folder into a waste paper bin.

» waxed paper = papel de cera.

Example: Toffee apples may be stored wrapped individually in greaseproof or waxed paper.

» web of paper = cinta de papel continuo, hoja de papel continuo. [En la fabricación de papel, trama ininterrumpida de fibras que se forma al secarse la pasta de papel sobre la cinta transportadora de un molino de papel]

Example: From the 1820s a dry end was added to the Fourdrinier machine which dried and smoothed the web of paper as it emerged from the wet end.

» white paper = blanco. [En imprenta, cara de un pliego que se imprime primero antes de imprimir la segunda cara o "reiteración"]

Example: The reiteration was then printed off in much the same way as the white paper, this time in reverse order of sheets.

» woodchip paper = papel de virutas.

Example: The main current problem involves 19th century books made from poor quality woodchip paper; the manufacturing method was similar to that used in Austria except that the paper was bleached.

» wove paper = papel vitela, papel avitelado. [Papel hecho a mano en una forma o módulo cuya base es una estructura reticular de alambre muy tupido que deja una huella en forma de rombos muy débil y uniforme sobre el papel]

Example: By 1759, however, Whatman had produced a wove paper without shadows by making the paper in double-faced moulds with two wire meshes fastened one on top of the other with a small space in between.

» wrapping paper = papel de envolver, papel de embalar.

Example: Eventually the solution was found in long rectangular see-through plastic containers used for storing Christmas wrapping paper.

» writing paper = papel de escribir.

Example: The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.

paper2 = periódico. 

Example: What we see on the media and read on the paper is not the same as coming from you, as someone who lives there.


» daily paper = diario.

Example: A journalism student has won a scholarship that will give him newsroom experience on a daily paper.

» evening paper = periódico vespertino, diario vespertino.

Example: A century ago there were more than three times as many evening papers as morning ones.

» local paper = periódico local.

Example: So be wary of adverts in the local paper where a dog breeder is selling several different breeds of dog.

» morning paper = periódico matutino, periódico de la mañana, diario matutino, diario matinal.

Example: Sometimes of an evening, after my miserable journeyings through the day, I would stand for hours in the Strand, leaning against the shutters of a closed shop, and watching the compositors at work by gaslight on the opposite side of the way, upon a morning paper.

» newspaper = periódico, diario. [Publicación periódica que aparece con frecuencia regular y que proporciona información de última hora sobre acontecimientos actuales a menudo acompañados de comentarios]

Example: A newspaper is a periodical appearing at very frequent intervals and giving the latest information on current events often with comments.

paper3 = ponencia, artículo, comunicación, contribución, documento. 

Example: In particular, a data base may be concerned to list separately individual periodical articles and single papers in conference proceedings.


» academic paper = artículo científico.

Example: Graduate students who are either working on research grants or have published academic papers on research in the field are included.

» background paper = artículo introductorio. [Artículo or información que se distribuye a los participantes en un congreso, reunión, discusión, etc. con anterioridad a su celebración para que éstos puedan tomar conciencia de los temas a tratar]

Example: The background papers on education prepared for the conference did not include the role of libraries in the eradication of illiterary.

» briefing paper = informe.

Example: The company has launched a series of briefing papers to assist customers in making sense of market.

» call for papers = convocatoria de presentación de artículos, convocatoria de presentación de ponencias, convocatoria de presentación de comunicaciones, plazo de presentación.

Example: Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.

» Command papers = publicaciones del parlamento.

Example: The reports to the committee in the British context of Parliament are the White papers and Blue books collectively known as Command papers.

» committee paper = informe de una comisión.

Example: They can help in effective note-taking, digestion of current literature, and the analysis of committee papers.

» conference paper = ponencia.

Example: The bibliographic data bases allow the searcher to retrieve references to work that has appeared in documents such as journal articles, conference papers, books, dissertations, patents and technical reports.

» contributed paper = comunicación. [Generalmente en un congreso]

Example: The first 2 days of the conference were devoted to contributed papers which were presented in 4 broad topical sessions: cognitive aspects, mediating, the user and documents.

» deliver + a paper = presentar una comunicación.

Example: This is a paper delivered at a seminar of the Orange Free State Branch of the South African Society of Archivists on 11 Feb 85.

» discussion paper = artículo de opinión, documento de debate. [Método de debate que toma como punto de partida un documento que presenta ideas, normalmente polémicas, que dan pie a ser rebatidas o apoyadas]

Example: The UKLDS or the UK Library Database System is a proposal from the Cooperative Automation Group (CAG) which was first disseminated in a discussion paper published in 1982.

» exam paper = examen.

Example: Not all lecturers will make past exam papers available to students.

» give + a paper = presentar una comunicación, presentar una ponencia.

Example: One of the first major papers was probably that by M. Beckman entitled 'Library Buildings' which she gave to the 1982 IFLA Conference in Montreal.

» green paper = libro verde, proyecto de ley.

Example: The green paper on the financing of the public library service forces librarians to look closely at the choices facing them on how libraries of the future are to be funded.

» historical paper = documento histórico.

Example: The historical papers section includes more than 300 documents reflecting the struggle for national liberation.

» issue(s) paper = artículo que presenta las cuestiones a favor y en contra relacionadas con un tema.

Example: The 3 issue papers were presented by Thomas Ballard, who was sceptical of automation projects and resource-sharing in public libraries.

» keynote paper = ponencia principal.

Example: This article is based on a keynote paper presented at seminar on information policy, planning and research.

» key paper = ponencia dada por invitado especial.

Example: Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.

» parliamentary papers = publicaciones del parlamento.

Example: The generic name for the class of publications of parliament in the United Kingdom is 'parliamentary papers.

» personal papers = documentos personales.

Example: This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.

» plenary paper = ponencia de la sesión plenaria.

Example: I am aware as I begin this plenary paper that members of the library profession that are drawn to this presentation are most likely interested in the issues for managing indigenous information.

» position paper = declaración de postura oficial.

Example: This article presents the official position paper on academic libraries.

» present + a paper = presentar una comunicación.

Example: This a revised version of a paper presented at the 1984 meeting of the Society of American Archivists in Washington, D.C = Ésta es una versión revisada de una comunicación presentada en el encuentro de 1984 de la Sociedad de Archiveros Americanos en Washington, Distrito Federal.

» question paper = examen, preguntas de examen.

Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = Existe una vieja broma que dice que los profesores de económicas nunca necesitan ponerle a los alumnos nuevas preguntas de examen ya que las respuestas cambian cada año.

» read + a paper = presentar una ponencia, leer una ponencia.

Example: Authors of scientific articles often read a paper that fails to cite their prior work when they feel that it should have done so.

» research paper = trabajo de investigación. [Tarea de investigación asignada al alumno por el profesor al final de la cual deberá entregar un trabajo escrito]

Example: A separate service location was set up in the library to help students acquire research paper skills necessary for an English Class.

» research paper = artículo de investigación. [Artículo que presenta los resultados, metodología, etc. de una investigación realizada]

Example: The abstracts of research papers will typically have each of the following: the purpose and scope of the investigation; the methodology employed; the results obtained; the conclusions drawn; incidental findings.

» research + paper = preparar un trabajo de clase.

Example: In the early days of bibliographical databases, undergraduates students could be seen using them to research papers for literature courses.

» scientific paper = artículo científico, publicación científica.

Example: About 70% of scientific papers are now in English.

» senatorial papers = archivo senatorial.

Example: The initial decision to refolder all of the senatorial papers affected the processing rates.

» sit + a paper = hacer un examen.

Example: Around the country schoolchildren and university students are swotting and sweating as they prepare to sit papers that could decide their future.

» solicit + papers = solicitar artículos, solicitar comunicaciones.

Example: The conference also solicits papers on all issues in IT Education.

» student paper = trabajo, ensayo. [Tema asignado al alumno por el profesor sobre el cual tendrá que presentar un trabajo escrito]

Example: 5 data collection instruments were used: printouts of data base searches executed by students; a questionnaire; bibliographies from student papers; serial holdings of the university library; and interviews with instructors.

» technical paper = artículo técnico.

Example: Adjacent technical papers bound in journals may often be unrelated.

» term paper = trabajo de clase. [Trabajo escrito que debe realizar el estudiante a lo largo de un curso]

Example: I agree whole-heartedly that the subject approach is used chiefly by the beginner, whether it is a historical researcher or a high school student who is looking for term paper material.

» White Paper = Libro Blanco. [Informe del gobierno en el que hace público sus ideas sobre un tema determinado antes de presentar un proyecto de ley en el parlamento]

Example: The UK Government's White Paper on the National Health Service (NHS) recommends a radical overhaul of the NHS in terms of its management.

» working paper = borrador de trabajo.

Example: Working papers are defined as drafts of potential periodical articles, papers given at conferences or seminars, or other research results, not yet in their final form for publication in conventional media.

» write + a paper = escribir un artículo.

Example: She is writing a paper comparing tungsten and bismuth deficiency in relation to liver disease.

paper4 = notificación. 

Example: In May 1973 a paper was sent to all universities detailing the norms for university library accommodation, whereby the accommodation entitlements were further reduced to about one in five.

paper5 = empapelar, cubrir con papel. 

Example: Fortunately, all the damage is behind a set of shelves which are packed with books, so there's no need to paper the wall -- nobody will ever see it.


» paper over + the cracks = correr un tupido velo sobre, echar un tupido velo sobre, hacer la vista gorad, guardar las apariencias, mantener las apariencias, salvar las apariencias, guardar las formas.

Example: There are fears that the recent encouraging economic data papers over the cracks of some of the real issues at the heart of China's economy.

Paper synonyms

report in spanish: informe, pronunciation: ripɔrt part of speech: noun, verb theme in spanish: tema, pronunciation: θim part of speech: noun composition in spanish: composición, pronunciation: kɑmpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun newspaper in spanish: periódico, pronunciation: nuzpeɪpɜr part of speech: noun wallpaper in spanish: papel pintado, pronunciation: wɔlpeɪpɜr part of speech: noun newspaper publisher in spanish: editor de periodicos, pronunciation: nuzpeɪpɜrpʌblɪʃɜr part of speech: noun
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