Page in spanish
pronunciation: pɑxinɑ part of speech: noun

page1 = página, plana, folio. [Cada cara de una hoja de un documento cuando ambas están numeradas o cuando estando las hojas sin numerar se hayan impresas por las dos caras]
Example: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.more:
» abstract page = página de resúmenes. [Página que se coloca al principio o final de todo documento que contiene más de un artículo y que incluye la descripción bibliográfica y un resumen de cada uno de los artículos]
Example: An abstract page is a page, preferably detachable, placed at the beginning or end of every publication comprising more than one contribution, and including a bibliographic description and an abstract of each contribution.» added title page = anteportada, portada adjunta. [La portada que, en ocasiones, precede o sigue a la escogida como base para la redacción del registro]
Example: An added title page is a title page preceding or following the title page chosen as the basis for the description of the item and which may be more general, as a series title page, or equally general, as a title page in another language.» aid page = ayuda en pantalla.
Example: All on-line users face the problem of coping with an ever-increasing amount of on-line documentation including: manuals; thesauri; data base chapters; bluesheets and aid pages; newsletters, etc.» ASP (Active Server Page) = ASP (Página Web Activa).
Example: ASP (Active Server Page) is a convenient and powerful alternative to CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripting, for Web database connectivity.» be on the same page = estar en la misma onda, ser de un mismo parecer, tener un mismo parecer, pensar igual, estar de acuerdo, ser de un mismo sentir, pensar del mismo modo, pensar de la misma forma, pensar de la misma manera.
Example: Everyone on the team was on the same page; everyone had a shared vision and similar expectations -- it seemed like the meeting was productive.» business pages, the = sección de economía, la.
Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.» cam page = página videocámara. [En Internet, página web que conectada a una cámara muestra los hechos que acontecen en tiempo real]
Example: Internet peep shows, known as cam pages, spy pages, and office cams offer a type of telepresence.» contents page = sumario. [Página del índice de contenido]
Example: Certainly it will always be necessary to examine the document content, concentrating particularly on the clues offered by the title, the contents page, chapter headings, and any abstracts, introduction, prefaces or other preliminary matter.» contents page bulletin = boletín de sumarios.
Example: Contents page bulletins which comprise copies of contents pages of periodicals collated and dispatched to users are also reliant upon titles.» cover page = portada.
Example: Manuscripts must be written in English and should include a cover page with title, name and e-mail address of author(s), an abstract, and a list of identifying keywords.» dog-ear + a page = doblar la esquina de una página. [Generalmente para indicar por dónde nos quedamos leyendo]
Example: I can't stand seeing corners of pages bent in any book, I think I'd prefer to risk losing my bookmark over dog-earing pages!.» even page = página par.
Example: This technique makes use of two sets of header and footer controls, one for odd pages and one for even pages.» facing page = página opuesta. [Página opuesta a la que se está leyendo, normalmente la página derecha o impar]
Example: The countries are represented by letter codes that can be found in the corresponding table on the facing page.» facing pages = páginas contrapuestas. [Las dos páginas que se muestran al abrir un documento]
Example: This can be used to adjust the length of the book or balance facing pages.» flip + pages = pasar hojas.
Example: This is something that doesn't work well in a book, where you have to flip pages.» front page [front-page] = portada, primera plana.
Example: The author explores the shift from Victorian to modern front page design in US newspapers.» full-page = de página completa.
Example: Finally a second set of plates was cast from the original, full-page, moulds.» home page [homepage] = home page, página de inicio, página web principal, portada de presentación, página de presentación. [En Internet, página principal con información sobre una empresa, organización o persona]
Example: The more common meaning of 'home page' refers to the main web page for a business, organization, person or simply the main page out of a collection of web pages.» inverted pages = compaginación invertida. [En imprenta, edición generalmente de un texto bilingüe en el que cada versión empieza por un extremo diferente del libro y ambas terminan en el medio por lo que el lector debe girar el libro para pasar de una versión a otra]
Example: A tête-bêche or inverted pages publication is normally used to present in one volume two bilingual editions of a work in such a way that each starts at a different end of the book and both end in the middle so that the reader has to turn it over to change from one version to the other.» made-up page = página compuesta.
Example: This development can then link directly with yet another separately developing area -- the electronic transmission of made-up pages for printing at a remote location.» odd page = página impar.
Example: This technique makes use of two sets of header and footer controls, one for odd pages and one for even pages.» odd page number = página impar.
Example: The recto is the right-hand page of a book, usually bearing an odd page number, or the side of a printed sheet intended to be read first.» opening pages, the = primeras páginas, las.
Example: This novel grasps the attention of the reader from the opening pages, creating expectancy in their heart.» page border = orla.
Example: Special issues were seldom embellished with typographical changes (such as additional page borders) until the nineteenth century.» page break = salto de página.
Example: Page breaks can be inserted into print output by using the SET V n command where n indicates the number of lines per page.» Page Down key = tecla de Avance de Página.
Example: Since only twenty or so items can be displayed on the screen at a time, the ↑ (Up), ↓ (Down), Page Up and Page Down keys are used to scroll through the listing.» page formatting = formateo de página.
Example: It integrates into a single system a wide range of IT capabilities, including CD-ROM and WORM optical discs, scanning, OCR, laser printers, low and high resolution displays, softstrips and page formatting techniques = Integra en un único sistema una amplia variedad de medios técnicos, como discos ópticos CD-ROM y WORM, escaneado, OCR, impresoras láser, presentaciones en pantalla de baja y alta resolución, códigos de barras y técnicas para el formateo de páginas.» page layout = distribución de la página, presentación de la página.
Example: Readability is defined in terms of good page layout and design = La legibilidad se mide en términos del buen diseño y distribución de la página.» page length = extensión de página.
Example: Use this command to set number of lines per page to 55 lines (a good page length for most personal computer printers).» page numbering = numeración de páginas.
Example: Standard features of text formatting are: left and right margins, line spacing, page-breaks, page size, page numbering and justification.» page proof = prueba.
Example: Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.» page size = tamaño de página.
Example: Standard features of text formatting are: left and right margins, line spacing, page-breaks, page size, page numbering and justification.» pages of = páginas y páginas de.
Example: Profiles in newspapers and magazines, autograph-signing appearances in bookshops -- any device at all that reveals the person behind the book -- does far more for an author's readership than yards of reviews or pages of expensive advertisements.» Page Up key = tecla de Retroceso de Página.
Example: Since only twenty or so items can be displayed on the screen at a time, the ↑ (Up), ↓ (Down), Page Up and Page Down keys are used to scroll through the listing.» PgDn (Page Down) = AvPág (Avance Página).
Example: Use PgUp (Page Up) and PgDn (Page Down) to move through records in SHOW.» PgUp (Page Up) = RePág (Retroceso de Página).
Example: Use PgUp (Page Up) and PgDn (Page Down) to move through records in SHOW.» portal page = página web.
Example: In addition to supporting conventional searching, the catalogue will allow dynamic generation of Web pages with resources organized appropriately for integration with library 'portal pages': Web pages that provide a set of useful links to other places on the Web.» preliminary pages = preliminares. [Portada o portadas de una publicación, juntamente con el verso de cada portada y las páginas que preceden a la portada o portadas]
Example: The CIP data is compiled by the BLBSD from preliminary pages of forthcoming works whilst these are still in proof form.» recto page = recto, anverso.
Example: When the heaps of all the sheets of a book had been dried and piled together again, they were set out in signature order on a long table, with the first recto pages upwards and to the near side.» series title page = portada de la serie. [Portada adicional que recoge el título de la serie y que puede recoger otra información como la mención de responsabilidad, información numérica, título de la obra dentro de la serie, etc]
Example: The series title page is an added title page bearing the series title proper and usually, though not necessarily, other information about the series.» set + page = componer una página.
Example: A single bill was made out, and each man took an equal share of the payment, regardless of how many pages he had set; deductions were made only for failings such as unpunctuality.» spy page = página espía. [En Internet, página web que conectada a una cámara muestra los hechos que acontecen en tiempo real]
Example: Internet peep shows, known as cam pages, spy pages, and office cams offer a type of telepresence.» tear out + a page = arrancar una página.
Example: The offenders vary from forgetful lecturers to a student who lost the books and cannot pay the fine, to a student who had torn out pages from a book and now faces an expulsion from the Institute.» three-page = de tres páginas.
Example: A three-page summary of the study is available from the authors via electronic mail.» thumb + pages = hojear.
Example: She thumbed the pages slowly, explaining that the study had been conducted to try to ascertain student attitudes toward the media center, why they used it, which facilities they used, and to see if they had suggestions for bettering it.» title page = portada. [Página al comienzo de una obra o de parte de ella que lleva su título completo y, casi siempre, el nombre del autor y los datos de publicación]
Example: For books, the chief source of information for some elements of the description is the title page.» title page cataloguing = catalogación según la portada. [En catalogación, obtención de los datos a incluir en el asiento basándose sólamente en la portada, sin ningún intento por crear encabezamientos uniformes para la obra en cuestión]
Example: But a descriptive approach to bibliographic cataloging would be title page cataloging; the result of this approach in our catalogs would be appalling.» turn over + a new page = empezar una nueva etapa en la vida, hacer borrón y cuenta nueva.
Example: The article 'Turning over a new page' discusses the rebuilding of the National Library and its collections following the Khmer Rouge occupation of 1975-9.» turn over + the page = volver la página, pasar la página.
Example: Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.» turn + pages = pasar hojas.
Example: For users unable to read Braille or who cannot turn pages, the system incorporates a voice synthesizer.» turn to + page + Número = pasar a la página + Número.
Example: Indeed, thinking back over the first page, as I turned to page two, Slake seemed perhaps a shade too afflicted, an antihero with everything loaded against him.» two-page = de dos páginas.
Example: A good illustration of this is the two-page advertisement placed in the Financial Times during the run-up to the 1984 European Parliament election.» Web page [Webpage] = página Web. [En Internet, información que contienen los servidores Web, normalmente divida en "páginas" que pueden o no ocupar una o más pantallas del monitor de un ordenador]
Example: Caching involves retaining copies of Web pages that have previously been visited by customers of that service.» white pages directory = guía de teléfonos, guía telefónica, listín telefónico, listín de teléfonos.
Example: The article 'Will white page CD-ROM directories turn yellow, or, er, green of envy?' considers whether it is worth buying any white pages CD-ROM now that such information is freely available over the Internet.» white pages telephone directory = guía de teléfonos, guía telefónica, listin de teléfonos, listín telefónico.
Example: In this case a publisher won the right to republish 'white pages' telephone directory information on the basis that there was no originality in the creation of the original directory information.» Yellow Pages = Páginas Amarillas.
Example: From partially-automated directory assistance to talking Yellow Pages and interactive services, telephone directory applications have addressed the constraints of non-visual menus, limited input capability, and natural versus synthetic output.page2 = auxiliar de biblioteca, ordenanza de biblioteca.
Example: She was frequently late for work, and she spent so much time talking with other pages and other people in the library that she was not getting her work done.more:
» library page = subalterno de biblioteca. [Personal de biblioteca sin titulación profesional que desempeña funciones que no están directamente relacionadas con las tareas bibliotecarias propias, como pueden ser vigilancia, fotocopia, colocación de libros en los estantes, etc]
Example: She was frequently late for work, and she spent so much time talking with other library pages and other people in the library that she was not getting her work (through)3 = pasar hojas, avanzar.
Example: The system displays the records in brief format and the user can 'page' through the matches until the required record is found.more:
» page + backward = pasar hojas hacia atrás, ir hacia atrás.
Example: The borrower can page forward and backward, enter a new search term, switch to another file, do a truncated search, or end.» page + forward = pasar hojas hacia delante, ir hacia delante.
Example: If there are too many borrower and/or material types to be displayed on one screen, the system automatically pages forward each time the ENTER key is pressed.