Oxygenate in spanish


pronunciation: oʊksixenɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

oxygenate = oxigenar. 

Example: The effects we predict suggest that the first animals were the active agents that oxygenated the ocean around 600 million years ago.


» deoxygenate = desoxigenar.

Example: Study shows deoxygenating ballast water can prevent invasive species and ship corrosion.

» oxygenate + blood = oxigenar la sangre.

Example: In previous studies in the early 1900s, scientists attempted to oxygenate blood with intravenous oxygen, but they failed..

Oxygenate synonyms

oxygenize in spanish: oxigenar, pronunciation: ɑksdʒənaɪz part of speech: verb
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