Oxygen in spanish


pronunciation: oʊksixenoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

oxygen = oxígeno. 

Example: The lethal effect of displacement of oxygen by an inert gas, such as nitrogen, on insect populations was investigated.


» activated oxygen = oxígeno activo.

Example: Activated oxygen -- also known as ozone -- is produced by adding an electrical charge to pure oxygen.

» gasp for + oxygen = respirar con dificultad, faltar el oxígeno.

Example: She struggled behind him, trying to make her legs work when her throat was gasping for oxygen.

» medicinal oxygen = oxígeno medicinal.

Example: All aircraft carry these pressurized medicinal oxygen bottles for emergency use by passengers.

» oxygen atom = átomo de oxígeno.

Example: An oxygen molecule is a small dumbbell less than a nanometer across: two oxygen atoms with two electrons flying between acting as the bonding agent.

» oxygen canister = botella de oxígeno, bombona de oxígeno.

Example: Commuters breathing from a portable oxygen canister is a fairly normal sight in over-populated and over-polluted Tokyo.

» oxygen cylinder = botella de oxígeno, bombona de oxígeno.

Example: Oxygen cylinders should be handled with care because serious explosions have resulted from contact between oil and high pressure oxygen.

» oxygen line = tubo de oxígeno.

Example: Early waist gunner positions were directly across from each other, often causing the gunners to bump into one another and getting entangled in each other's oxygen lines.

» oxygen mask = máscara de oxígeno.

Example: If an aircraft depressurises, pilots should don oxygen masks immediately.

» oxygen molecule = molécula de oxígeno.

Example: An oxygen molecule is a small dumbbell less than a nanometer across: two oxygen atoms with two electrons flying between acting as the bonding agent.

» oxygen starvation = falta de oxígeno, falta de oxigenación.

Example: The most likely causes of brain damage among low birthweight infants are prematurity and infections, not oxygen starvation.

» oxygen tank = botella de oxígeno, bombona de oxígeno.

Example: A person using an oxygen tank should never smoke or be in the same room as a person smoking while the oxygen tank is turned on.

Oxygen synonyms

o in spanish: o, pronunciation: part of speech: noun atomic number 8 in spanish: número atómico 8, pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun
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