Ox in spanish


pronunciation: buei part of speech: noun
In gestures

ox [oxen, -pl.] = buey. 

Example: Harting primarily addresses the iconography of two altarpiece wings which depict a landscape with oxen and an ass.


» as strong as an ox = hecho un toro, más fuerte que un toro, fuerte como un toro, más fuerte que un roble, fuerte como un roble.

Example: The morning newspaper was an avid supporter of Miller and claimed he was 'as strong as an ox'.

» draught ox [draft ox] = buey de tiro.

Example: In the past, the local smith would do a bit of everything involving ironwork, including shoeing horses and even draught oxen.

» ox cart = carreta de bueyes.

Example: We have made wonderful inventions but in the courts we still move as slowly as the travelers that in olden times creeped along in ox carts and canal boats.

» team of oxen = yunta de bueyes.

Example: The children are allowed to fully interact with these animals, help yoke the oxen and in turn, each child gets to drive a team of oxen.

Ox synonyms

wild ox in spanish: buey salvaje, pronunciation: waɪldɑks part of speech: noun
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