Ownership in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊpiedɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

ownership = propiedad. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The masthead is the statement of title, ownership, editors, etc., of a newspaper or periodical.


» book ownership = posesión de libros propios.

Example: Everything points to the importance of book ownership as both a reflection of, and a formative influence on, a family's attitude to reading = Todo apunta a la importancia de la posesión de libros tanto como reflejo tanto de la actitud de una familia hacia la lectura como por su influencia en la formación de la misma.

» employee ownership = empleado como propietario, el; trabajador como propietario.

Example: Employee ownership plans carve a path toward what could be called responsible capitalism.

» home ownership = propiedad inmobiliaria.

Example: She works with people from all walks of life and truly believes that home ownership is within anybody's reach.

» ownership stamp = sello de propiedad.

Example: The next step is to minimise the effects of any possible disaster by using waterproof ownership stamps.

» sense of ownership = sentido de pertenencia, sentirse partícipe.

Example: Participants revealed a sense of ownership in the process, problem, and product through maturity and experience.

Ownership synonyms

possession in spanish: posesión, pronunciation: pəzeʃən part of speech: noun
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