Owner in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊpietɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

owner = dueño, propietario, titular. 

Example: The owner of the memex, let us say, is interested in the origin and properties of the bow and arrow.


» business owner = propietario de un negocio, propietario de una empresa.

Example: As a business owner, your company's financial health is of the utmost importance.

» copyright owner = titular del copyright.

Example: Fair use is a privilege or a right in someone other than the copyright owner to use protected works in certain ways such as researching, teaching, quoting, etc = El uso razonable es un privilegio o un derecho de una persona diferente del titular del copyright para usar los trabajos protegidos en ciertos casos como, por ejemplo, para la investigación, la enseñanza, la cita, etc.

» gun owner = propietario de arma.

Example: This lawsuit is not only baseless, it is an insult to the millions of law abiding gun owners in Texas and across this country.

» home owner = propietario de vivienda. 

Example: It is our experience homeowners get themselves worked up into virtual panic mode when a house surveyor starts asking questions.

» landowner = terrateniente, hacendado, propietario, latifundista. 

Example: In rural areas, too, great variations in wealth exist side by side, from affluent farmers and landowners on the one hand, to extremely low-paid farm workers on the other.

» property owner = propietario.

Example: Even with Groome's effort to ease tax burden pressures on individual property owners through industrial development, the tax rate is very steep.

» rights-owner = titular de los derechos de autor.

Example: Of increasing importance amongst those factors will be the fee charged by the rights-owner for copyright clearance.

» small business owner = pequeño empresario.

Example: A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.

» store owner = tendero.

Example: Gangs of hoodlums, aged as young as eight, are roaming the streets terrorising store owners and shoppers in broad daylight.

Owner synonyms

proprietor in spanish: propietario, pronunciation: prəpraɪətɜr part of speech: noun possessor in spanish: poseedor, pronunciation: pəzesɜr part of speech: noun
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