Own in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊpioʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

own1 = propio. 

Example: The command function 'OWN' serves to use a system's own command when the general system, in this case EURONET, does not cater for a specialised function available on a particular system.


» abandon + Nombre + to + Posesivo + own devices = abandonar + Nombre + a + Posesivo + propia suerte.

Example: Ribbentrop had been abandoned to his own devices, no longer the central figure he had once been in the affairs of state.

» abandon + Nombre + to + Posesivo + own wits = abandonar + Nombre + a + Posesivo + propia suerte.

Example: Imagine a young man, alone and without supplies or tools, abandoned to his own wits in the middle of hostile enemy territory.

» a figment of + Posesivo + (own) imagination = producto de + Posesivo + imaginación.

Example: So, it happens that we become a figment of our own imagination -- a constantly changing chameleon, whose shades alter to suit its environment.

» after + Posesivo + own heart = de los + Pronombre Posesivo.

Example: He's a sapling after my own heart.

» all on + Posesivo + own = completamente solo, más solo que la una, por uno solo, por uno mismo.

Example: She managed to stay alive though for one month all on her own in a small cave in the woods.

» assert + Posesivo + own ideas and values = hacer prevaler + Posesivo + propias ideas y valores .

Example: Nevertheless the librarian must avoid the opposite extreme and he must avoid betraying his own ideals of freedom by attempting to assert his own ideas and values.

» a taste of + Posesivo + own medicine = un poco de + Posesivo + propia medicina, una dosis de + Posesivo + propia medicina.

Example: She may have been the only woman in his life who gave him a taste of his own medicine.

» at + Posesivo + (own) convenience = cuando + Pronombre + ser + conveniente, cuando (más) + Pronombre + convenir, cuando + Pronombre + resultar + mejor, cuando + Pronombre + venir + mejor.

Example: The staff in the Dean's Office are also here to assist you and we look forward to talking with you at your convenience.

» at + Posesivo + (own) cost = por + Posesivo + cuenta, por + Posesivo + propia cuenta, corriendo con los gastos, pagando de + Posesivo + bolsillo, a cuenta propia, por cuenta propia.

Example: In order to help in the work, she appointed a catechist, Maria Savari, at her own cost.

» at + Posesivo + own expense = por + Posesivo + cuenta, por + Posesivo + propia cuenta, corriendo con los gastos, pagando de + Posesivo + bolsillo, a cuenta propia, por cuenta propia, de + Posesivo + propio bolsillo.

Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference.

» at + Posesivo + (own) expense = a + Posesivo + expensas, a + Posesivo + costa, a cuenta propia.

Example: They believe that the main use for government is for some people to lord it over others at their expense.

» at + Posesivo + own pace = al propio ritmo de Uno.

Example: Academic libraries have developed at their own pace with both internal and external stimuli affecting them.

» at + Posesivo + own risk = por su cuenta y riesgo.

Example: The article 'Licence at your own risk' describes the complexities of negotiating licensing agreements.

» at + Posesivo + (own) risk = bajo + Posesivo + propio riesgo, bajo + Posesivo + propia cuenta (y riesgo).

Example: Participants attending this field trip do so at their own risk.

» become + Posesivo + own worst enemy = convertirse en + Posesivo + peor enemigo.

Example: There are many who think that towards the end of his life Gandhi became his own worst enemy and almost provoked his detractors into liquidating him.

» be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion = tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión.

Example: I mean everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they went off their rocker embracing our enemies.

» be (far) too clever for + Posesivo + own good = pasarse de listo.

Example: And he's ended up being far too clever for his own good and has presented a budget that does not make sense politically.

» be (far) too smart for + Posesivo + own good = pasarse de listo.

Example: Alec Hoag was then given the nickname 'Smart Alec' by the police for being too smart for his own good.

» before + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes = delante de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, ante + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, delante de + Posesivo + (propios) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (propios), ante + Posesivo + (propios) ojos. [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes]

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» be in a league of + Posesivo + own = ser un caso aparte, ser un caso completamente diferente, ser un caso excepcional.

Example: The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.

» bend + the rules to suit + Posesivo + own purposes = interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno.

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

» be of + Posesivo + own making = ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien, tener la culpa de Algo que se ha causado Uno mismo.

Example: This environment is one of the library's own making and includes intangibles that cannot be measured but that are necessary for quality performance.

» be on + Posesivo + own = estar solo.

Example: As she sat alone in the staff lounge at the end of her exhausting day, she reflected grimly that she was on her own as far as the assignments were concerned = Mientras se sentaba sola en la sala de personal al final de un día agotador, reflexionaba sombríamente que estaba sola en lo relativo a sus tareas.

» be + Posesivo + (own) fault = ser + Posesivo + (propia) culpa.

Example: Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.

» be + Posesivo + (own) worst enemy = ser + Posesivo + peor enemigo, perjudicarse a Uno mismo, tirarse piedras

contra + Posesivo + propio tejado.

Example: If you put a lot of effort into losing weight but just don't seem to get results, you may be your own worst enemy.

» betray + Posesivo + own ideals = traicionar los ideales de uno mismo.

Example: Nevertheless the librarian must avoid the opposite extreme and he must avoid betraying his own ideals of freedom by attempting to assert his own ideas and values.

» betray + Posesivo + own principles = traicionar los principios de uno mismo.

Example: The author examines the dominance of liberal anticommunism in McCarthyism, when professed liberals 'abjectly betrayed their own principles'.

» beyond + Posesivo + (own) means = fuera del alcance de + Posesivo + bolsillo(s).

Example: She was generous beyond her own means and was always there when anyone was in need.

» blow + Posesivo + own trumpet = tirarse flores, echarse flores, ostentar, fanfarronear.

Example: Even the president and his henchmen could not resist blowing their own trumpet.

» by + Posesivo + (own/very) nature = por + Posesivo + (propia/misma) naturaleza.

Example: Freedom, by its nature, cannot be imposed -- it must be chosen.

» call + Nombre + Posesivo + own = comprar, adquirir, hacerse de.

Example: This 12-room penthouse of the newly renovated Mark Hotel is up for sale but it will cost you a princely sum to call it your own.

» come into + Posesivo + own = producir el rendimiento máximo, demostrar su utilidad, hacerse útil, ser útil.

Example: Online access comes into its own for the type of search that has been introduced in Chapters 8 and 9.

» dig + Posesivo + own grave = cavar + Posesivo + propia tumba.

Example: The message was unmistakable: by blowing the whistle on union corruption she was digging her own grave.

» do it for + Posesivo + own good = hacer Algo por el propio bien de Alguien.

Example: She has since forgiven her mother and knows she did it for her own good.

» do it on + Posesivo + own = hacerlo por uno mismo, hacerlo solo, hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie.

Example: Unlike the nation's research libraries, which get what they need from LC, they must do it on their own, and it is very, very expensive.

» each in + Posesivo + own way = cada uno a + Posesivo + manera.

Example: All Christ's faithful are obliged by divine law, each in his or her own way, to do penance.

» each (one) to his own (taste) = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito, cada loco con su tema, cada maestrillo tiene su librillo.

Example: I think that as far as achieving success and happiness, it should be each to his own.

» each (one) to their own (taste) = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito, cada loco con su tema, cada maestrillo tiene su librillo.

Example: But like Coleen says each to their own, you can always change your name or just get people to call you something else.

» earn + Nombre + on + Posesivo + (own) merit(s) = ganarse Algo por + Posesivo + propios méritos, ganarse Algo a pulso.

Example: He even makes her realise that she does not have to sleep with her boss to get promotion but can earn it on her own merits.

» everyone to their (own) taste = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito.

Example: Like the flea said when he bit the elephant in the butt, 'everyone to his own taste'.

» everything happens in its own time = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: We may want things to happen at a particular time, but I keep learning over and over again that everything happens in its own time.

» everything in (its own) good time = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: Indeed, some might well wonder why it has been so late in the making, but I am reminded of the popular saying 'nothing happens before its time' and 'everything in its own good time'.

» find + Posesivo + own way = encontrar su propio modo de actuar.

Example: For much study and research, the researcher must find his own way, at least initially, because he has not yet clarified his mind or his aim to the point where he can pose precise questions.

» find + Posesivo + own roof = encontrar + Posesivo + propio techo.

Example: My friend's boyfriend picked me up at the airport and he let me crashed at his place until I can find my own roof.

» find + Posesivo + (own) voice = expresar + Posesivo + opinión, expresar + Posesivo + pensamientos.

Example: In her essay, Montaigne's adoptive daughter struggled to find her own voice while speaking as the authorized representative of her father.

» follow + Posesivo + (own) inclination(s) = guiarse por el instinto, seguir + Posesivo + instinto, dejarse guiar por el instinto, dejarse llevar por el instinto.

Example: She had a strong will, independent views, some contempt for the world, and followed her own inclinations without servitude to the opinion of others.

» follow + Posesivo + own lead = marchar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmo, bailar a + Propio + propio son, avanzar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmo, ir a + Posesivo + (propia) bola, ir por libre, actuar por libre, andar por libre.

Example: Though he typically follows his own lead, Robert values the opinions of others and will normally seek feedback from a number of individuals on the same subject.

» for its/their own sake = por sí mismo, por sí solo, para sí mismo.

Example: Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.

» form + Posesivo + (own) opinion = formarse una opinión.

Example: If you're such an ass-licker that you can't form your own opinions, tough!.

» for + Posesivo + own good = por + Posesivo + propio bien, para + Posesivo + propio bien.

Example: It is imperative for young people to learn to be empathetic, both for their own good and for the good of society as a whole.

» further + Posesivo + own interest = aprovecharse.

Example: Hypocrites are generally regarded as morally-corrupt, cynical egoists who consciously and deliberately deceive others in order to further their own interests.

» get by on + Posesivo + own = buscarse la vida, arreglárselas solo, valérselas solo, ingeniárselas solo, averiguárselas solo.

Example: Sickened by this parasitic femininity, she resolved to get by on her own and to see life for herself.

» get + Posesivo + own back = vengarse, desquitarse, resarcirse, pagar con la misma moneda, tomarse la revancha.

Example: Maria always takes the most horrific pics of me -- so I got my own back by taking a video of her having a poo in a public toilet!.

» get + Posesivo + (own) house in order = arreglar + Posesivo + (propia) vida, arreglar + Posesivo + (propios) asuntos.

Example: We Americans need to get our own house in order before trying to police the world.

» go + Posesivo + own way = ser independiente.

Example: The library which goes its own way might still find it beneficial to subscribe to the MARC service.

» have (it) + Posesivo + (own) way = salirse con las de Uno.

Example: He could perceive that she was a person who was accustomed to having her own way.

» have + Posesivo + own wheels = tener + Posesivo + propio coche.

Example: Needless to say, she was pretty stoked about the prospect of having her own wheels.

» hold + Posesivo + own = aguantar, mantenerse en pie, seguir en pie, mantenerse vigente, seguir vigente, saber defenderse.

Example: When summer heat kicks in, rely on these drought-tolerant plants to hold their own -- and still look beautiful.

» impose + Posesivo + (own) opinion = imponer + Posesivo + (propia) opinión.

Example: The film is told through the eyes of a bombed-out family; the director didn't want to impose her own opinions on the film.

» inhabit + a world of + Posesivo + own = vivir en un mundo aparte.

Example: Incunabulists tend to inhabit a world of their own which is remote from those concerned with later printed books.

» in + Posesivo + own way = a + Posesivo + manera, a + Posesivo + modo.

Example: Yet, in its own way, the press was taking the lead in putting pressure on the Community to adopt a more practical outlook, and by so doing kept the subject alive in the minds of the public.

» in + Posesivo + own right = por sí mismo, por lo que es, por lo que son, por su propio derecho, por derecho propio, por su parte, de pleno derecho, a título propio.

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.

» in + Posesivo + own words = en las palabras de uno mismo, con sus propias palabras.

Example: The enquirer should be encouraged to express himself freely and if necessary at length, so that we have as complete a statement as he is able to give of what he wants, in his own words.

» in + Posesivo + own (good) time = cuando + poder, conforme + poder, a + Posesivo + propio ritmo.

Example: Then when you've got a degree you can get a decent job and pay me back in your own good time.

» in + Posesivo + own (good) time = en + Posesivo + ratos libres, siempre que + poder + dedicarle (el) tiempo.

Example: A small committee of librarians, whenever they could spare time from their existing jobs and in their own time, began to build up a card file of information on available resources in the city.

» in + Posesivo + own manner = a + Posesivo + manera, a + Posesivo + modo.

Example: And for a while they were happy in their own manner; they had the confidence money affords.

» in + Posesivo + (own) mind = en + Posesivo + mente, en + Posesivo + cabeza, en + Posesivo + pensamiento.

Example: If in your mind your job is solely for the purpose of 'putting bread on the table,' you are, in a sense, prostituting your labor.

» in + Posesivo + own terms = según sus propias palabras.

Example: The most satisfactory results were obtained when the requester was obliged to formulate the request in detail in his own terms.

» in + Posesivo + own terms = según sus propias condiciones.

Example: The industry should aim to develop each market in its own terms.

» in + Posesivo + (own/very) nature = por + Posesivo + (propia/misma) naturaleza.

Example: Things which are not in commerce, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable.

» land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet = caer de pie, salir todo bien, salir todo redondo, aparecérsele la virgen a Alguien.

Example: He thought he had landed on his feet when he got a job at a large and prestigious firm, but he soon discovered there was more to the job than he imagined.

» leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices = dejar a Alguien que se las arregle solo, dejar a Alguien que se las apañe solo, dejar a Alguien a su libre albedrío, dejar de la mano de Dios, dejar a la buena de Dios.

Example: The profession is once again left to its own devices, subject to the tightening constraints of local government budgets.

» leave to + Posesivo + own devices = tener que arreglárselas solo, dejar que Alguien se las arregle solo.

Example: The profession is once again left to its own devices, subject to the tightening constraints of local government budgets.

» leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources = tener que arreglárselas solo, dejar que Alguien se las arregle solo.

Example: The new entrepreneur is largely left up to his own resources & connections & must possess the initiative to circumvent rules & take advantage of loopholes.

» let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way = dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera, dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya, darle alas a Alguien.

Example: I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.

» line + Posesivo + (own) pocket(s) = forrarse, beneficiarse económicamente, aprovecharse económicamente, enriquecerse, chupar de la teta, chupar del bote, llenarse el bolsillo.

Example: A number of Antiquaries feared that it was all a plot hatched by 'a few designing members' to line their own pockets.

» listen to + Posesivo + (own) heart = escuchar la voz del corazón, escuchar lo que dice el corazón.

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

» listen to + Pronombre + (own) body = escuchar + Posesivo + (propio) cuerpo.

Example: Winfree said the most important thing that a woman can do is listen to her own body like she did.

» make + Posesivo + own arrangements = hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta, organizar Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta.

Example: For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.

» make + Posesivo + (own) way back = volver, volver por + Posesivo + cuenta.

Example: Clouds rolled in and it was time to make our way back into the city to catch the overnight train.

» manage on + Posesivo + own = buscarse la vida, arreglárselas solo, valérselas solo, ingeniárselas solo, averiguárselas solo.

Example: Unfortunately, the arthritis was worsening to the point that she had trouble managing on her own at home.

» march to (the beat of) + Posesivo + (own) drum(mer) = marchar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmo, bailar a + Propio + propio son, avanzar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmo, ir a + Posesivo + (propia) bola, ir por libre, actuar por libre, andar por libre. [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drum o march to + Posesivo + own drum o march to + Posesivo + drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drummer o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drummer o march to + Posesivo + own drummer o march to + Posesivo + drummer]

Example: That means stocks in recent weeks have been marching to the beats of their own drummers rather than rising or falling in lockstep with the overall market.

» mind + Posesivo + own business = no meterse donde a Uno no le importa, no meterse donde a Uno no lo llaman, ocuparse de los propios asuntos de Uno, no entrometerse, no entrometerse en asuntos ajenos, no entremeterse, no entremeterse en asuntos ajenos.

Example: She wanted to tell him to mind his own business, but since she was a bit indebted to him, she just had to grin and bear it.

» no man is a prophet in his own land = nadie es profeta en su tierra.

Example: And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land.

» off + Posesivo + own bat = por + Posesivo + propia iniciativa, sin consultar con nadie, por + Posesivo + cuenta, por + Posesivo + propia cuenta, por cuenta propia.

Example: Off her own bat, the woman who hates having her photograph taken and never wears make-up, organised a professional photo shoot of herself.

» of its own = propio, aparte.

Example: The document has no title of its own.

» of + Posesivo + own = propio, de + Posesivo + propia cosecha.

Example: There is also a scheme afoot to help services create specialized data bases of their own using ECLAS norms.

» of + Posesivo + own accord = por + Posesivo + propia voluntad.

Example: Certainly, as we know from our previous discussion, no institution of its own accord would change at the breakneck pace at which our own field appears to be moving.

» of + Posesivo + (own) choice = que desee(n), que quiere(n), que prefiere(n), de + Posesivo + gusto.

Example: Libraries and information services should support the right of users to seek information of their choice.

» of + Posesivo + (own) choosing = que desee(n), que quiere(n), que prefiere(n), de + Posesivo + gusto.

Example: Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.

» on its own = por sí solo.

Example: A further refinement is to use a combination of bibliographic coupling and co-citation to give a 'similarity measure', which gives better results in terms of relevance than either method on its own.

» on + Posesivo + own = solo, por uno mismo.

Example: As a concluding exercise, therefore, it would be helpful for you to try some examples of analysis and translation on your own.

» on + Posesivo + own (good) time = en + Posesivo + ratos libres, siempre que + poder + dedicarle (el) tiempo.

Example: Since the library lacked a graphic artist he volunteered to handletter signs and to help with displays and art exhibits -- all on his own time.

» on + Posesivo + own merit(s) = por + Posesivo + propios méritos.

Example: She wanted to climb the success ladder on her own merits of intellect and ability.

» on + Posesivo + own terms = según sus propias condiciones, según + convenir.

Example: Libraries want to deal with issues on their own terms and not on the terms of their clients.

» on + Posesivo + own/very doorstep = en + Posesivo + misma puerta.

Example: This dance festival bigs up the diverse and exciting range of high quality dance theatre talent we've got on our very own doorstep.

» out of + Posesivo + own head = de + Posesivo + propia cabeza, de + Posesivo + propia cosecha.

Example: She takes my notes and puts them into literary form, and adds a good deal out of her own head.

» own goal = gol en propia meta, gol en propia portería.

Example: No one has ever lost a soccer game on a hat trick of three own goals -- at least not until recent developments in Washington.

» pay out of + Posesivo + (own) pocket = pagar de + Posesivo + (propio) bolsillo.

Example: Some types of insurance may not cover these types of doctor-patient interactions, so the patient may have to pay out of his own pocket.

» pay + Posesivo + own way = ser autosuficiente económicamente, pagarse + Posesivo + propios gastos.

Example: If they had to pay their own way, some schools would probably decide to spend their money elsewhere.

» pick on + someone/somebody + Posesivo + own age = meterse con alguien de + Posesivo + edad.

Example: What's wrong with this 30 year old guy when he can't pick on someone his own age?.

» pick on + someone/somebody + Posesivo + own size = meterse con alguien de + Posesivo + tamaño.

Example: That's the guy who needs to man up and pick on someone his own size.

» pull + Posesivo + (own) weight = hacer el esfuerzo necesario, colaborar, ayudar, arrimar el hombro, tirar del carro.

Example: Sometimes one person is left with all the work because their partner doesn't pull their weight.

» pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps = salir adelante por uno mismo, salir adelante sin la ayuda de nadie, superarse a sí mismo, buscarse la vida.

Example: The idea was to induce people to pull themselves upward -- morally and intellectually -- by their bootstraps.

» put + Posesivo + (own) personal stamp on = poner + Posesivo + (propio) sello personal en.

Example: The ability to put our own personal stamp on things we own is a great opportunity to stand out from the rest and really enjoy something unique.

» see it with + Posesivo + own two eyes = verlo con + Posesivo + propios ojos.

Example: Even though everyone told Jessica about Chester's affairs, she did not believe it until she saw it with her own two eyes.

» shine on + Posesivo + own = brillar por Uno mismo.

Example: But with all the reflected glory from Austen's books, the movie never truly shines on its own.

» stand on + Posesivo + own = ser autosuficiente.

Example: The ISBD presupposes that the description of a publication should be complete and stand on its own without the author heading.

» stand on + Posesivo + own = aparecer por sí solo.

Example: The classification number stands on its own to the upper left of the card and this will probably be acceptable in most cases.

» stand on + Posesivo + own (two) feet = ser independiente, valerse por Uno mismo, buscarse la vida.

Example: The article is entitled 'Map cataloging can stand on its own feet'.

» stand on + Posesivo + own (two) legs = ser independiente, valerse por Uno mismo, buscarse la vida.

Example: The main objective is to be able to help these children stand on their own two legs and take control of their lives through good education.

» stew in + Posesivo + own juice = ser independiente.

Example: Up to 1993, computer lawyers tended to stew in their own juice discussing the applicability of copyright law.

» strike out on + Posesivo + own = ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia.

Example: A great deal of interest is currently being paid to those who strike out on their own and take on the title of an 'entrepreneur'.

» take + justice into + Posesivo + own hands = tomarse la justicia por + Posesivo + propia mano.

Example: So, knowing that the law couldn't help her, she decided to take justice into her own hands.

» take + matters into + Posesivo + own hands = hacerse cargo de la situación, hacerse cargo del asunto, tomar carta en el asunto.

Example: However, Peter himself is forced to appear on the deck to stop the ship's captain from taking matters into his own hands.

» take on + its/their own momentum = adquirir su propia dinámica, adquirir su propio impulso.

Example: Through exploitation rose resistance and protest movements which took on their own momentum.

» take + Posesivo + (own) life = quitarse la vida, suicidarse.

Example: The painting shows Dido standing before a funeral pyre just prior to taking her own life.

» take + the law into + Posesivo + own hands = tomarse la justicia por + Posesivo + propia mano.

Example: A woman takes the law into her own hands after police ignore her pleas to arrest the man responsible for her husband's death.

» to each his own = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito, cada loco con su tema, cada maestrillo tiene su librillo.

Example: To each his own -- everyone has a penchant for something: food, clothes, shoes, accessories, cars, photography and the list just goes on.

» too + Adjetivo + for + Posesivo + own good = demasiado + Adjetivo + para su desgracia.

Example: The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.

» to the beat of + Posesivo + (own) drum(er) = por libre, de por libre, a + Posesivo + (propia) bola.

Example: He will play a game of footy and just play to the beat of his own drum not the team's.

» trust + Posesivo + (own) instincts = guiarse por el instinto, fiarse de + Posesivo + instintos, confiar en + Posesivo + instintos.

Example: Perhaps Giovanni should have trusted his instincts when he laid eyes on Rappaccini as the scientist tended to his perverse garden.

» try + Posesivo + own hand at = intentar hacer Algo por uno mismo, probar a hacer Algo por uno mismo.

Example: Besides MP3 and streaming audio, the raw transfers are also available for diy'ers to try their own hand at audio restoration.

» under + Posesivo + (own) responsibility = bajo + Posesivo + (propia) responsabilidad.

Example: The Chairman later circulated under his own responsibility summaries of all discussions held at the informal meetings.

» understand + Posesivo + own actions = entender + Posesivo + propias acciones, comprender + Posesivo + propias acciones.

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

» within + Posesivo + (own) ranks = entre + Posesivo + (propias) filas, entre + Posesivo + (propios) integrantes, entre + Posesivo + (propios) componentes, entre + Posesivo + (propios) miembros.

Example: Within their own ranks most librarians have been calling themselves professionals since Melvil Dewey made the claim.

» work at + Posesivo + own pace = trabajar a + Posesivo + propio ritmo.

Example: These enable students to work at their own pace.

» you are your own man = tú controlas tu (propio) destino.

Example: Dont let anyone defy who you are, dont be dependent on others to justify who you are, you are your own man.

own2 = poseer, tener. 

Example: For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.


» as if + Pronombre + own + the place = como Mateo por su casa, como si el lugar fuera/fuese + Pronombre Posesivo.

Example: Morgan noted that she walked in with great confidence, as if she owned the place.

» own + a car = tener coche, poseer coche.

Example: For the past 18 months I have survived without owning a car.

» re-establish + Posesivo + own identity = restablecer + Posesivo + propia identidad.

Example: This enabled them to re-establish their own identities and relieved them of the incidence of getting involved in 'library business'.

own3 = confesar, admitir. 

Example: 'I don't know what to say,' she owned and lapsed into silence.


» own up = confesar, admitir.

Example: But let's not forget that he owned up for what he did and even gave all his betting money to charity.

Own synonyms

have in spanish: tener, pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb possess in spanish: poseer, pronunciation: pəzes part of speech: verb ain in spanish: ain, pronunciation: eɪn part of speech: adjective
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