Owl in spanish


pronunciation: buoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

owl = búho, mochuelo. 

Example: Of them all, The Cosy owl by James Banks is perhaps the most instructive and moving novel.


» barn owl = lechuza, lechuza común.

Example: In spite of the fact that over 98% of roads are minor roads, over 90% of all barn owl road casualties are found dead on major roads (such as motorways and dual carriageways).

» night owl = ave nocturna, trasnochador, noctámbulo. [Persona que prefiere hacer sus vivencias de noche]

Example: The biological basis of preferences for morning or evening activity patterns ('early birds' and 'night owls') has been hypothesized but has remained elusive.

» screech owl = autillo.

Example: The Choctaw Indians say that if a screech owl was heard, a child under seven would die.

» snowy owl = búho nival, búho del Artico.

Example: Enjoy these snowy owls from the Arctic while they are here, but please observe/photograph them from a safe distance so as not to disturb them.

» tawny owl = autillo, cárabo.

Example: Tawny owls have fixed territories which they patrol very conscientiously and within the territory their roosting place is regularly changed.

Owl synonyms

bird of minerva in spanish: pájaro de minerva, pronunciation: bɜrdʌvmənɜrvə part of speech: noun bird of night in spanish: pájaro de la noche, pronunciation: bɜrdʌvnaɪt part of speech: noun
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