Owing in spanish


pronunciation: debidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

owe = deber. [Participio presente owing]

Example: In fact, less than half of the parents who are owed child support actually receive the full amount.


» owe + a fine = deber una multa.

Example: The number of the borrower who owes the fine is displayed.

» owe + money = deber dinero.

Example: Even though child support and alimony payments are spelled out in explicit detail as part of divorce settlement agreements, most divorced women and children don't receive the money they are owed.

» owe + Nombre + a favour = deber un favor.

Example: We owe her a favour, but I'm disinclined to put our children at risk for anyone.

» owe + Nombre + one = deber una a Alguien, estar en deuda con.

Example: He smiled and just thought about how he owed her one for all the times she has done things for him.

» the world doesn't owe + Pronombre + a living = el mundo no + Pronombre + debe nada.

Example: Once you realise that the world doesn't owe you a living and adopt an attitude of looking out for yourself, things will begin to improve.

» the world doesn't owe + Pronombre + anything = el mundo no + Pronombre + debe nada.

Example: The world doesn't owe you anything and the sooner you get that through your thick skull, the less it'll hurt.

Owing synonyms

outstanding in spanish: excepcional, pronunciation: aʊtstændɪŋ part of speech: adjective owed in spanish: debido, pronunciation: oʊd part of speech: adjective undischarged in spanish: sin descargar, pronunciation: əndɪskɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective
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