Overweight in spanish

Exceso de peso

pronunciation: eksθesoʊdepesoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

overweight = exceso de peso, demasiado gordo, sobrepeso, metido en carnes, entrado en carnes. [Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que algo se hace en exceso]

Example: The author suggests that university libraries can put their unmanageably overweight serials budget on a sensible diet by limiting new subscriptions.


» grossly overweight = como una foca, como una ballena, gordísimo, hecha una foca, hecha una ballena, hecha una vaca.

Example: She is grossly overweight, no will power where food is concerned, looks far less attractive and seems to do little to rectify any of this.

Overweight synonyms

heavy in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: hevi part of speech: adjective fat in spanish: gordo, pronunciation: fæt part of speech: adjective, noun fleshy in spanish: carnoso, pronunciation: fleʃi part of speech: adjective corpulence in spanish: corpulencia, pronunciation: kɔrpjələns part of speech: noun adiposis in spanish: adiposis, pronunciation: ædɪpoʊsəs part of speech: noun stoutness in spanish: corpulencia, pronunciation: staʊtnəs part of speech: noun
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