Overthrown in spanish


pronunciation: deroʊkɑdoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

overthrow2 = derrocar. [Verbo irregular: pasado overthrew, participio overthrown]

Example: The result was that by the close of the 1940s new interests were developing which were destined to overthrow the preeminence of microfilm as a documentation concern.

overthrown = Participio pasado del verbo overthrow (derrocar). 

Example: This article analyses 4 descriptive cataloguing orthodoxies of the past -- corporate authorship, uniform personal headings, main entry, dominance of the card catalogue -- maintaining that each has been overthrown either overtly or covertly.

Overthrown synonyms

overcome in spanish: superar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrkəm part of speech: verb overwhelmed in spanish: abrumado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrwelmd part of speech: adjective beaten in spanish: vencido, pronunciation: bitən part of speech: adjective defeated in spanish: derrotado, pronunciation: dɪfitəd part of speech: noun, adjective routed in spanish: encaminado, pronunciation: rutɪd part of speech: verb conquered in spanish: conquistado, pronunciation: kɑŋkɜrd part of speech: verb vanquished in spanish: vencido, pronunciation: væŋkwɪʃt part of speech: verb
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