Overseas in spanish

De ultramar

pronunciation: deultɹ̩ɑmɑɹ̩ part of speech: adjective, adverb
In gestures

overseas1 = en el extranjero, en ultramar. 

Example: The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.


» move + overseas = irse a vivir al extranjero, mudarse al extranjero.

Example: Many future expats want to move overseas, but don't think everything through.

» serve + overseas = con destino en el extranjero.

Example: The wife of a military officer serving overseas told detectives she fatally shot her teenage son because he was 'mouthy'.

overseas2 = extranjero, de ultramar. 

Example: The National Library of Australia is the only library in the country with a large collection of overseas documents and in this capacity holds exhibitions of these materials.


» overseas country = país extranjero.

Example: This article describes examples of knowledge networks already in existence in Australia and other overseas countries.

» overseas holidays = vacaciones en el extranjero.

Example: Miserable summer weather and signs the economic slump may be bottoming out have led Britons to start looking at overseas holidays again.

» overseas student = estudiante extranjero.

Example: The present increasse in numbers of overseas students in Australian tertiarian institutions has implications for libraries.

» overseas territory = territorio dependiente.

Example: The United Kingdom drives on the left, but the overseas territory of Gibraltar drives on the right.

Overseas synonyms

foreign in spanish: exterior, pronunciation: fɔrən part of speech: adjective abroad in spanish: en el extranjero, pronunciation: əbrɔd part of speech: adverb oversea in spanish: de ultramar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrsi part of speech: adjective beyond the sea in spanish: más allá del mar, pronunciation: bɪɑndðəsi part of speech: adverb over the sea in spanish: sobre el oceano, pronunciation: oʊvɜrðəsi part of speech: adverb
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