Overrun in spanish


pronunciation: inbɑdiɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

overrun [over-run]1 = exceso de gastos, exceso en el presupuesto. [Gastarse más dinero que el asignado]

Example: Findings show that both the Cobol and Natural projects experienced similar overruns.


» budget overrun = exceso en el presupuesto. [Gastarse más de lo presupuestado]

Example: Problems like delay, budget overruns, sub-standard performance or even complete failure still occur frequently in IT projects.

» cost overrun = exceso de gastos, exceso en el presupuesto.

Example: Following cost overruns of 330 million pounds on the British Library, the government's record of building procurement is being examined.

overrun [over-run]2 = exceso de tirada. 

Example: Canadian book publishing is organized and economically based on importing books from outside which are produced as overruns at a very low cost.

overrun [over-run]3 = invadir. 

Example: Doomsayers persist in the belief that the book world has been overrun by philistinism.

overrun [over-run]4 = desbordar, excederse, pasarse del límite. 

Example: The frequency of telephone reference enquiries has overrun the ability of the reference staff to respond.

Overrun synonyms

overflow in spanish: rebosar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrfloʊ part of speech: noun, verb plagued in spanish: plagado, pronunciation: pleɪgd part of speech: adjective infest in spanish: infestar, pronunciation: ɪnfest part of speech: verb troubled in spanish: preocupado, pronunciation: trʌbəld part of speech: adjective infested in spanish: infestado, pronunciation: ɪnfestəd part of speech: adjective run over in spanish: atropellar, pronunciation: rʌnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb brim over in spanish: rebosar, pronunciation: brɪmoʊvɜr part of speech: verb overproduction in spanish: superproducción, pronunciation: oʊvɜrprədʌkʃən part of speech: noun well over in spanish: más de, pronunciation: weloʊvɜr part of speech: verb
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