Overnight in spanish

Durante la noche

pronunciation: duɹ̩ɑntelɑnoʊtʃe part of speech: adverb, adjective
In gestures

overnight1 = durante la noche, por la noche. 

Example: In the example, reference material is loaned only overnight to graduate students and professors.


» overnight loan = préstamo nocturno.

Example: If this is the first time the charge-out function has been used for the day, the user will be asked to confirm or change the closing time for the day, the opening time for the next day, and the time overnight loans are due the next day.

» overnight stay = pasar la noche, pernocta.

Example: Accommodation must be arranged should the visit require an overnight stay = Si la visita requiere pasar la noche, se debe reservar el alojamiento de antemano.

» overnight train = tren nocturno.

Example: Clouds rolled in and it was time to make our way back into the city to catch the overnight train.

» sleep overnight = pasar la noche, dormir la noche.

Example: When you're on a long trip in your RV, a trip that will take two days or more, you probably need to stop someplace to sleep overnight.

» stay overnight = pasar la noche, dormir la noche.

Example: This is a guide to haunted places you can visit or stay overnight in.

overnight2 = de la noche a la mañana, de un modo rápido. 

Example: The development of optical fibres for information transmission has exciting potential here, but there is a very large investment in the present systems which cannot be swept aside overnight.


» overnight success = éxito repentino.

Example: Making customers aware of these products will be a gradual process and not on overnight success.

overnight3 = pernocta. 

Example: We'll then spend four days away exploring the beautiful Highland lochs and glens, with overnights in Highland towns, before going on to Glasgow.

Overnight synonyms

long in spanish: largo, pronunciation: lɔŋ part of speech: adjective, adverb nightlong in spanish: larga noche, pronunciation: naɪtlɔŋ part of speech: adjective
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