Overlook in spanish

Pasar por alto

pronunciation: pɑsɑɹ̩poʊɹ̩ɑltoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

overlook1 = pasar por alto, no tener en cuenta, no prestar atención, ignorar, soslayar, olvidarse de mencionar, no mencionar. 

Example: This can only achieved by examining the literature of the subject area thoroughly for any isolates that might possibly have been overlooked.


» overlook + the fact that = sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que, no prestar atención al hecho de que.

Example: The media have regularly stoked public feelings of shame by affirming that English football fans are synonymous with hooliganism, overlooking the fact that not all fans are 'hooligans'.

overlook2 = tener vistas a, mirar hacia, con vistas a, dominar, dar a. 

Example: In this sense the British Council libraries may be seen as a window, overlooking the British Isles, their virtues and characteristics.

overlook3 = supervisar. 

Example: Her work essentially involves overlooking the operations of the group a and some of its subsidiaries.

Overlook synonyms

face in spanish: cara, pronunciation: feɪs part of speech: noun, verb drop in spanish: soltar, pronunciation: drɑp part of speech: noun, verb miss in spanish: perder, pronunciation: mɪs part of speech: noun, verb command in spanish: mando, pronunciation: kəmænd part of speech: noun neglect in spanish: negligencia, pronunciation: nəglekt part of speech: noun, verb omit in spanish: omitir, pronunciation: oʊmɪt part of speech: verb dominate in spanish: dominar, pronunciation: dɑməneɪt part of speech: verb overtop in spanish: descollar sobre, pronunciation: oʊvɜrtɑp part of speech: verb overleap in spanish: saltar demasiado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrlip part of speech: verb leave out in spanish: dejar, pronunciation: livaʊt part of speech: verb look out over in spanish: mirar por encima, pronunciation: lʊkaʊtoʊvɜr part of speech: verb look across in spanish: mirar a través, pronunciation: lʊkəkrɔs part of speech: verb look out on in spanish: mirar hacia fuera en, pronunciation: lʊkaʊtɑn part of speech: verb

Overlook antonyms

attend to pronunciation: ətendtu part of speech: verb take to heart pronunciation: teɪktuhɑrt part of speech: verb
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