Overlapping in spanish


pronunciation: supeɹ̩poʊsiθioʊn part of speech: adjective
In gestures

overlap2 = solapar. 

Example: One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is to what extent the coverage of the data base overlaps with other data bases in similar subjects.


» overlap + legs = entrecruzar las piernas.

Example: He adjusted himself comfortably in the chair, overlapped his legs, and blew a smoke ring that dissolved two feet above her head.

overlapping1 = solapamiento. 

Example: The picture in many cities was a patchwork one, with frequent overlapping and often gaps in coverage.

overlapping2 = cuyos cometidos se solapan, que se solapan. 

Example: Interpretation and re-interpretation take place not in isolation, but in the context of overlapping social agencies.


» XT (overlapping term) = TX (término que solapa a otro en el significado).

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

Overlapping synonyms

related in spanish: relacionado, pronunciation: rɪleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective lapping in spanish: lapeado, pronunciation: læpɪŋ part of speech: noun imbrication in spanish: imbricación, pronunciation: ɪmbrɪkeɪʃən part of speech: noun related to in spanish: relacionado con, pronunciation: rɪleɪtɪdtu part of speech: adjective clinker-built in spanish: construido en clinker, pronunciation: klɪŋkɜrbjuɪlt part of speech: adjective lap-jointed in spanish: articulado, pronunciation: læpdʒɔɪntɪd part of speech: adjective lap-straked in spanish: falda de piernas, pronunciation: læpstreɪkt part of speech: adjective lap-streaked in spanish: racha de vueltas, pronunciation: læpstreɪkt part of speech: adjective lap-strake in spanish: regazo, pronunciation: læpstreɪk part of speech: adjective clincher-built in spanish: construido con cubierta, pronunciation: klɪntʃɜrbjuɪlt part of speech: adjective lap-streak in spanish: racha de vueltas, pronunciation: læpstrik part of speech: adjective
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