Overlap in spanish


pronunciation: supeɹ̩poʊsiθioʊn part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

overlap1 = solapamiento, coincidencia. 

Example: Despite this overlap, the other side of the picture is that some materials are covered inadequately or even not at all.


» coverage overlap = solapamiento de cobertura.

Example: This article applies multidimensional scaling analysis to demonstrate graphically the modified concept of coverage overlap.

» journal coverage overlap = solapamiento en la cobertura de las revistas. [En bibliometría, la proporción entre los títulos de revistas o los artículos comunes a dos fuentes secundarias y la suma total de revistas o artículos citados en ellas]

Example: Journal coverage overlap has been classically defined as the ratio of the number of either journal titles or articles in the intersection of two secondary sources to the number in their union.

» overlap function = función de solapamiento.

Example: A number of methods may be used to establish how closely a document description matches a search formulation, but the two most important developed by the SMART team are the cosine correlation coefficient and the overlap function.

» overlap test = prueba del solapamiento.

Example: This article describes 3 methods -- the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test -- which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.

overlap2 = solapar. 

Example: One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is to what extent the coverage of the data base overlaps with other data bases in similar subjects.


» overlap + legs = entrecruzar las piernas.

Example: He adjusted himself comfortably in the chair, overlapped his legs, and blew a smoke ring that dissolved two feet above her head.

Overlap synonyms

lap in spanish: regazo, pronunciation: læp part of speech: noun convergence in spanish: convergencia, pronunciation: kənvɜrdʒəns part of speech: noun intersection in spanish: intersección, pronunciation: ɪntɜrsekʃən part of speech: noun
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