Overhead in spanish

Gastos generales

pronunciation: gɑstoʊsxeneɹ̩ɑles part of speech: adjective, adverb, noun
In gestures

overhead1 = por encima. 

Example: This is no doubt the only library that is entered through a silo with hay forks hanging through original barn beams overhead.


» hang overhead = colgar del techo.

Example: Large guides to banks of shelving, typically placed on the end of the stack, but possibly also hung overhead or displayed in some other manner close to a bank of shelves.

» overhead bin = compartimento superior. [Generalmente referido a un avión]

Example: He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.

» overhead locker = compartimento superior. [Generalmente referido a un avión]

Example: All cabin baggage must fit under the seat in front or in the overhead lockers.

» (overhead) power lines = líneas de alta tensión, tendido eléctrico.

Example: Crane operators and crew members may be electrocuted when they work near overhead power lines.

» overhead projection = proyección de transparencias.

Example: This paper offers advice and tips on the use of visual aids concentrating on the basic aids of slide projection and overhead projection.

» overhead projection transparency = transparencia.

Example: The catalogue covers filmstrips, slides, films, filmloops, portfolios, posters, charts, overhead projection transparencies, kits, cassettes, gramophone records, work cards, educational games, spirit masters, etc.

» overhead projector = retroproyector.

Example: A transparency is a sheet of transparent material bearing an image and designed for use with an overhead projector or a light box.

» overhead slide = transparencia.

Example: The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.

overhead2 = gastos generales, gastos adicionales, gastos indirectos, gastos de estructura. [Gastos que cualquier empresa tiene que están indirectamente relacionados con la fabricación de un producto, como pueden ser gastos de luz, agua, mantenimiento del producto, etc]

Example: Automated support services give vendors an edge in a competitive marketplace, but may be costly in terms of overhead.


» incur + overheads = tener gastos generales.

Example: What overheads in storage and time does proximity searching incur?.

» overhead costs = gastos generales, gastos adicionales, gastos indirectos, gastos de estructura.

Example: If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.

overhead3 = suplemento. 

Example: All users are charged direct search costs plus an overhead for each request to allow for indirect costs (labour, hardware, software, training, system malfunction).


» cognitive overhead = esfuerzo cognitivo, esfuerzo mental, esfuerzo intelectual.

Example: Disorientation and cognitive overhead are two of the most significant problems associated with navigating in a complex information space.

» overhead operation = cometido adicional.

Example: Economy drives in corporations, especially for overhead operations such as libraries, occur because management never knows what it should spend on support services and feels that it does not hurt to try to make cuts.

Overhead synonyms

aerial in spanish: aéreo, pronunciation: eriəl part of speech: adjective, noun smash in spanish: aplastar, pronunciation: smæʃ part of speech: verb, noun elevated in spanish: elevado, pronunciation: eləveɪtɪd part of speech: adjective budget items in spanish: artículos del presupuesto, pronunciation: bʌdʒɪtaɪtəmz part of speech: noun operating cost in spanish: costo operacional, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪtɪŋkɑst part of speech: noun viewgraph in spanish: gráfico de vista, pronunciation: vaɪgræf part of speech: noun disk overhead in spanish: sobrecarga de disco, pronunciation: dɪskoʊvɜrhed part of speech: noun operating expenses in spanish: los gastos de explotación, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪtɪŋɪkspensəz command processing overhead in spanish: sobrecarga de procesamiento de comandos, pronunciation: kəmændprɑsesɪŋoʊvɜrhed part of speech: noun command overhead in spanish: gastos generales de comando, pronunciation: kəmændoʊvɜrhed part of speech: noun command processing overhead time in spanish: procesamiento de comandos de tiempo de sobrecarga, pronunciation: kəmændprɑsesɪŋoʊvɜrhedtaɪm part of speech: noun

Overhead antonyms

surface pronunciation: sɜrfəs part of speech: noun subsurface pronunciation: sʌbsɜrfəs part of speech: adjective
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