Overgrown in spanish


pronunciation: deskuidɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

overgrown = demasiado grande. 

Example: Deregulation compelled the energy utility business to restructure its inwardly directed culture and its overgrown and rivalrous internal services function.


» be overgrown = estar cubierto de maleza.

Example: The quarry is disused and most of the area is covered in spoil heaps which are now overgrown.

» be overgrown with = estar cubierto de, estar invadido por.

Example: This is so overgrown with brambles, you wouldn't know there was once a garden there.

Overgrown synonyms

covered in spanish: cubierto, pronunciation: kʌvɜrd part of speech: adjective wooded in spanish: enselvado, pronunciation: wʊdɪd part of speech: adjective
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