Overflowing in spanish


pronunciation: desboʊɹ̩dɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

overflow2 = derramarse, desbordarse. 

Example: This article describes the impact of flooding on the Public Library of Des Moines, Iowa, when the Raccoon River overflowed in Jul 93.


» overflow on = continuar en.

Example: If the qualifier overflows on the next line, it is indented eight spaces, to distinguish it from the display, which is indented two spaces.

overflow3 = quedarse pequeño. 

Example: Its extensive collection, a mixture of the rare and valuable and a wide range of modern printed material, overflows its cramped premises.

overflowing1 = que se derrama, desbordado. 

Example: This article describes how the Law Society Library coped with a flood which was the result of overflowing drains on the roof.

overflowing2 = sobrante, en exceso. 

Example: A new facility was then created 10 years ago to microfilm its overflowing paper files.


» overflowing with = con una inmensa cantidad de.

Example: In a world overflowing with new media, it may be just what the print world needs.

overflowing3 = desbordante, rebosante. 

Example: With her overflowing sensibility and sense of humor, poetess Carilda Oliver Labra affirmed that it is a unique opportunity 'that this wonderful fair of culture and love is dedicated to me'.

Overflowing synonyms

high in spanish: alto, pronunciation: haɪ part of speech: adjective full in spanish: completo, pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective runoff in spanish: escapada, pronunciation: rʌnɔf part of speech: noun awash in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: əwɑʃ part of speech: verb, noun afloat in spanish: a flote, pronunciation: əfloʊt part of speech: adverb inundated in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: ɪnəndeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective overflow in spanish: rebosar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrfloʊ part of speech: noun, verb swollen in spanish: hinchado, pronunciation: swoʊlən part of speech: adjective overspill in spanish: desbordamiento, pronunciation: oʊvɜrspɪl part of speech: noun flooding in spanish: inundación, pronunciation: flʌdɪŋ part of speech: noun flooded in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: flʌdəd part of speech: adjective in flood in spanish: en la inundación, pronunciation: ɪnflʌd
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