Overeat in spanish

Comer con exceso

pronunciation: koʊmeɹ̩koʊneksθesoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

overeat = comer demasiado, comer en exceso, comer excesivamente, atracarse, abusar de la comida. [Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que algo se hace en exceso]

Example: Avoid calorie-rich diet, don't overeat.

Overeat synonyms

stuff in spanish: cosas, pronunciation: stʌf part of speech: noun gorge in spanish: garganta, pronunciation: gɔrdʒ part of speech: noun binge in spanish: borrachera, pronunciation: bɪndʒ part of speech: noun glut in spanish: exceso, pronunciation: glʌt part of speech: noun satiate in spanish: saciar, pronunciation: seɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb engorge in spanish: engullir, pronunciation: ɪŋgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb overindulge in spanish: el exceso, pronunciation: oʊvɜrɪndəldʒ part of speech: verb englut in spanish: englut, pronunciation: ɪŋglət part of speech: verb gormandize in spanish: glotonear, pronunciation: gɔrməndaɪz part of speech: verb ingurgitate in spanish: ingurgitar, pronunciation: ɪŋgɜrdʒɪteɪt part of speech: verb gormandise in spanish: mercancía, pronunciation: gɔrmændaɪz part of speech: verb pig out in spanish: cerdo fuera, pronunciation: pɪgaʊt part of speech: verb gourmandize in spanish: gourmandize, pronunciation: gʊrməndaɪz part of speech: verb overgorge in spanish: Overgorge, pronunciation: oʊvɜrgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb scarf out in spanish: bufanda fuera, pronunciation: skɑrfaʊt part of speech: verb

Overeat antonyms

munch pronunciation: mʌntʃ part of speech: noun, verb nibble pronunciation: nɪbəl part of speech: verb, noun
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