Overdue in spanish


pronunciation: ɑtɹ̩ɑsɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

overdue1 = documento vencido. [En circulación, documento cuya plazo de préstamo se ha cumplido]

Example: This package enables the library to carry out the following functions: title searches; keyword searches; generating overdues; generating chasers; printing applications, generating loan statistics; generating reports.


» overdue fine = sanción por préstamo vencido.

Example: The most familiar method -- overdues fines -- has continued to produce a great deal of debate.

» overdue notice = aviso de vencimiento.

Example: Overdue, recall, and other notices and listings are an important part of circulation, acquisition, and periodicals procedures.

» overdue policy = normas de préstamos vencidos.

Example: This information is defined by the overdue policy of the library.

overdue2 = de plazo vencido, vencido. 

Example: If the book was overdue when returned, a record is placed in a separate file, the fines file, and a notation is made in the borrower record.


» become + overdue = vencer.

Example: The full fine is charged from the time the document became overdue.

» be overdue = tener el plazo vencido.

Example: If the book was overdue when returned, a record is placed in a separate file, the fines file, and a notation is made in the borrower record.

» overdue book = libro de préstamo vencido.

Example: This article looks at one method, adopted by the Sheppard Memorial Library, Greenville, North Caroline, to cope with the problem of overdue books.

» overdue document = documento vencido.

Example: This will cause the system to react differently to a request to renew an overdue document.

overdue3 = esperado hace tiempo. 

Example: The article 'The role of legal bibliographies in law collection development: an overdue debunking' evaluates the merit of the works recommended in the AALS list of law books recommended for libraries.


» be long overdue = ser muy necesario, ser sumamente necesario, deber haber ocurrido antes.

Example: In a profession which is composed largely of women, this research is most welcome and long overdue.

» long overdue = vencido hace tiempo, cumplido hace tiempo.

Example: The particular issue has to do with an elderly library user being arrested for failing toreturn some long overdue expensive art books.

» long overdue = muy necesario.

Example: The need for regulation of librarians from within the library profession is seen as long overdue.

Overdue synonyms

due in spanish: debido, pronunciation: du part of speech: adjective delinquent in spanish: delincuente, pronunciation: dɪlɪŋkwənt part of speech: adjective, noun owed in spanish: debido, pronunciation: oʊd part of speech: adjective
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