Overdraft in spanish


pronunciation: soʊbɹ̩exiɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

overdraft1 = descubierto, sobregiro, giro en descubierto. 

Example: So I ended up overdrafting several times -- in the end, they were charging me 30 dollars each for overdrafts of less than ten dollars.


» overdraft charge = comisión por sobregiro.

Example: One of the ways that banks make a great deal of money is through overdraft charges.

» overdraft fee = comisión por sobregiro.

Example: The banks were habitually charging exorbitant rates on overdraft fees without prior notice.

overdraft2 = girar al descubierto, sobregirar. 

Example: So I ended up overdrafting several times -- in the end, they were charging me 30 dollars each for overdrafts of less than ten dollars.
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