Overcome in spanish


pronunciation: supeɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

overcome1 = superar, doblegar, salvar. [Verbo irregular: pasado overcame, participio overcome]

Example: Analytical cataloguing seeks to overcome physical packaging.


» be overcome with + emotion = sobrecogerse de emoción, conmoverse por la emoción.

Example: A judge was overcome with emotion in court as he passed sentence over the death of a young father.

» overcome + a barrier = superar una barrera, salvar una barrera.

Example: In each case, library managers can take steps to overcome the barriers and help ensure successful collaboration.

» overcome + a challenge = superar un reto.

Example: Overcoming challenges and adversity is something Marlon Shirley knows about.

» overcome + a danger = superar un peligro.

Example: The good and bad fairies are categories of experience, and the triumph of the good fairy is a reassuring generalization about overcoming danger.

» overcome + a difficulty = superar una dificultad.

Example: A first trial gave unsatisfactory results because of flaws in the experimental design, and a second test was therefore planned to overcome these difficulties.

» overcome + a limitation = superar una limitación.

Example: Some of the above limitations of title indexes can be overcome by exercising a measure of control over the index terminology, and by inputting and instructing the computer to print a number of pre-determined links or references between keywords.

» overcome + an adversity = superar una adversidad.

Example: Overcoming challenges and adversity is something Marlon Shirley knows about.

» overcome + an obstacle = superar un obstáculo, salvar un obstáculo.

Example: However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.

» overcome + a problem = superar un problema.

Example: I have been struggling to overcome my problem with alcohol.

» overcome + a weakness = superar una deficiencia.

Example: In order to overcome some of the inherent weaknesses of the structure of DC it is important to chain index with reference to the essential relationships between subjects.

» overcome + Posesivo + anxiety = superar la ansiedad, vencer la ansiedad.

Example: How hard should I push my 9-year-old son to overcome his anxiety?.

» overcome + Posesivo + fear = superar el miedo, vencer el miedo.

Example: These women have many things in common but the one that stood out the most was them overcoming their fear of failure.

» overcome + Posesivo + nervousness = superar el nerviosismo.

Example: The author sets out seven points designed to help candidates overcome nervousness and make the best of themselves in job interviews.

» overcome + the credibility gap = superar un problema de credibilidad.

Example: From experience, it does appear to help in overcoming the credibility gap that the public have in associating libraries with information to help them with everyday problems.

overcome2 = dejar a Alguien inconsciente. [Verbo irregular: pasado overcame, participio overcome]

Example: If ammonia gas is used, care must be taken to duct the gas through an external ventilator to prevent the operator being overcome by fumes.

Overcome synonyms

master in spanish: dominar, pronunciation: mæstɜr part of speech: noun swim in spanish: nadar, pronunciation: swɪm part of speech: verb, noun overwhelm in spanish: abrumar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrwelm part of speech: verb overwhelmed in spanish: abrumado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrwelmd part of speech: adjective defeat in spanish: derrota, pronunciation: dɪfit part of speech: noun, verb weak in spanish: débiles, pronunciation: wik part of speech: adjective subdue in spanish: dominar, pronunciation: səbdu part of speech: verb overtake in spanish: adelantar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrteɪk part of speech: verb inundated in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: ɪnəndeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective surmount in spanish: superar a, pronunciation: sɜrmaʊnt part of speech: verb beaten in spanish: vencido, pronunciation: bitən part of speech: adjective swamped in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: swɔmpt part of speech: adjective defeated in spanish: derrotado, pronunciation: dɪfitəd part of speech: noun, adjective whelm in spanish: todo, pronunciation: hwelm part of speech: verb powerless in spanish: impotente, pronunciation: paʊɜrləs part of speech: adjective engulfed in spanish: envuelto, pronunciation: ɪngʌlft part of speech: adjective get over in spanish: superalo, pronunciation: getoʊvɜr part of speech: verb overthrown in spanish: derrocado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrθroʊn part of speech: verb routed in spanish: encaminado, pronunciation: rutɪd part of speech: verb overpower in spanish: dominar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrpaʊɜr part of speech: verb conquered in spanish: conquistado, pronunciation: kɑŋkɜrd part of speech: verb vanquished in spanish: vencido, pronunciation: væŋkwɪʃt part of speech: verb flooded in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: flʌdəd part of speech: adjective overpowered in spanish: dominado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrpaʊɜrd part of speech: adjective sweep over in spanish: barrer sobre, pronunciation: swipoʊvɜr part of speech: verb get the best in spanish: Obtener lo mejor, pronunciation: getðəbest part of speech: verb have the best in spanish: tener lo mejor, pronunciation: hævðəbest part of speech: verb
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