Overall in spanish

En general

pronunciation: enxeneɹ̩ɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

overall1 = global, total. [Adjetivo]

Example: There is not necessarily any overall plan for the development and maintenance of the schedules.


» give + an overall picture = dar una visión global, presentar una visión global.

Example: The results are analysed to give an overall picture of the resources, performance and usage of the various sources of information available to the library.

» overall majority = mayoría absoluta.

Example: The prospect of a hung Parliament, where no one party has an overall majority is now being seriously considered.

» overall picture = visión global.

Example: It is difficult to present an overall picture of community information services in Australia.

» overall value = valor global.

Example: On a 4 star rating, the drive was rated 4 on ease of installation, ease of use, and overall value; and 3 on product support.

» present + an overall picture = dar una visión global, presentar una visión global.

Example: It is difficult to present an overall picture of community information services in Australia.

overall2 = en general, en total, en conjunto, en su conjunto. [Adverbio]

Example: Overall, neither system proved ideal: LEXINET was deficient as regards lack of accessibility and excessive ambiguity; while the manual system gave rise to an over-wide variation of terms.

Overall synonyms

general in spanish: general, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun total in spanish: total, pronunciation: toʊtəl part of speech: adjective, noun boilersuit in spanish: mono, pronunciation: bɔɪlɜrsut part of speech: noun boilers suit in spanish: traje de calderas, pronunciation: bɔɪlɜrzsut part of speech: noun
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