Over in spanish


pronunciation: teɹ̩minɑdoʊ part of speech: noun, adverb
In gestures

over1 = sobre, por encima de. 

Example: The conventional name of a government is the geographic name of the area over which the government has jurisdiction.


» all over = por todo + Nombre.

Example: You do not do the users a lot of good when you send them jumping all over the catalog simply to draw together material.

» all over again = de nuevo.

Example: There were so many mistakes that it would have been easier to start all over again than to correct the errors.

» all over + Alguien = encima de + Alguien. [Con el sentido de cubrir completamente]

Example: Now imagine your day at the office was spent surrounded by sweaty, smelly people, and one of them proceeded to puke all over you while you were live on camera.

» all over the city = por toda la ciudad, en toda la ciudad.

Example: We have hundreds of small groups meeting all over the city every day of the week.

» all over the country = de todo el país, en todo el país.

Example: Their example should be emulated in libraries all over the country.

» all over the globe = de todo el mundo.

Example: The World Wide Web allows users to access computers all over the globe.

» all over the place = por todas partes.

Example: The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.

» all over the place = desordenado, confuso, manga por hombro, patas arriba.

Example: Mr Hammond said the Liberal Democrats are 'all over the place' on the economy.

» all over the world = en todo el mundo, en el mundo entero.

Example: All of the schemes are here subjected to considerable criticism but we have as yet nothing better to replace them; they are used in libraries all over the world, and librarians have to learn to live with them.

» be all over = acabarse, terminarse, finalizar.

Example: We were outside for over an hour and we were glad when it was all over because it was a bit nippy.

» be at odds over = estar en desacuerdo sobre.

Example: Librarians and publishers are at odds over the solution to these new preservation problems.

» be over = acabar, terminar, finalizar.

Example: Alternatively, the loan policy may be changed to make documents due when the vacation is over.

» be over and done with = acabar de una vez por todas, terminar de una vez por todas.

Example: We might be over and done with someone but we don't always just get over them.

» be over the limit = haber bebido demasiado.

Example: Convicted drink drivers could have breathalysers installed in their cars to prevent them starting the engine if they are over the limit = A los conductores alcohólicos que han sido condenados se les podría instalar en su vehículos alcoholímetros que les impidiese encender el motor si han bebido demasiado.

» be over the moon = estar loco de contento, estar la mar de contento.

Example: Obviously I'm over the moon, but the hard work starts now -- it's the first step for me, but hopefully the first of many.

» be stable over time = permanecer estable con el tiempo.

Example: Results show that the 10 titles most requested educational journals are not stable over time.

» be way over = estar muy por encima de.

Example: This pedestrian bridge was unreachable as the river had breached its banks and was way over the footpath.

» be white all over = ser todo blanco.

Example: Children's teeth should be white all over -- if there are black or brown spots the child may have decay and should be seen by a dentist.

» come over here = ven aquí.

Example: And simultaneously he curled his index finger up and down that in the vocabulary of his gesture was meant to signify 'come over here'.

» do + Algo + over = rehacer, volver a hacer, hacer de nuevo.

Example: Theres never enough time to do it right, but theres always enough time to do it over.

» for over a decade = durante una década.

Example: Population growth rates were not only high, but at that point, they had been increasing substantially for over a decade.

» from all over the country = de todo el país, en todo el país.

Example: The library is regularly used by researchers from all over the country = Bibliotecarios de todo el país usan regularmente la biblioteca.

» from all over the globe = de todas las partes del mundo, de todo el mundo.

Example: What this has meant is that in the 20th century, ideas are being sourced from all over the globe; and at the speed oflight, so to speak.

» from all over the world = de todas las partes del mundo, de todo el mundo.

Example: The newsletter has generated interest from all over the world.

» from the world over = de todas las partes del mundo, de todo el mundo.

Example: This database contains details of 326 studies from the world over exploring the association between obesity with sedentary behaviour.

» get over here = venir aquí, llegar aquí.

Example: I've been told to get over here again and show my face!.

» in over a decade = en más de una década.

Example: She reminded fans of what made her famous in the first place by releasing her first new song in over a decade on Friday.

» just over + Expresión Temporal = algo más de + Expresión Temporal.

Example: I have been doing psychotherapy for just over two years and don't feel better.

» left-over [left over] = sobrante, que queda, sobra.

Example: Having extracted what appears to be the main problem, the analyst should now list the 'left over' problems.

» many times over = muchísimas veces.

Example: During a human lifetime every molecule of the body is replaced many times over.

» no use crying over spilt/spilled milk = lo hecho, hecho está; a lo hecho, pecho, a toro pasado, a buenas horas mangas verdes.

Example: It may be no use crying over spilt milk but had the original constitution been more people-driven, perhaps things could have turned out different.

» over + Expresión Temporal = durante + Expresión Temporal.

Example: The United States Labor Department, over the past year or more, has diligently worked on removing both age and sex reference from their official occupational titles in accordance with federal law.

» over again = de nuevo.

Example: And the whole cycle starts over again.

» over a lifetime = durante toda una vida.

Example: I remember being hesitant to buy a CD player because I was attached to my extensive collection of LPs collected over a lifetime.

» over a long period = durante un largo período de tiempo.

Example: Staff of Oldham public libraries decided to opt for a week-long event in 1988 rather than several smaller events spread over a long period.

» over a long period of time = durante un largo período de tiempo.

Example: This article assesses the development of authority control thinking and practice over a long period of time.

» over a long time scale = durante un largo período de tiempo.

Example: As items are recorded in bibliographic publications over a long time scale you may already have it in stock.

» over and above = por encima de, además de.

Example: Such posts were regarded as a welcome bonus over and above the traditional base market.

» over and above all = muy por encima de todo.

Example: Over and above all this and the book's most subtle feature is the novel's metaphoric nature.

» over and over = una y otra vez.

Example: After you have chosen a story you long to tell, read it over and over and then analyse it.

» over and over again = una y otra vez, repetidamente.

Example: The practical experience of any librarian at a catalog information desk will confirm this over and over again.

» over an indefinite period of time = durante un período de tiempo indefinido.

Example: Such documents are often not, strictly speaking, anonymous but, because they are written by several authors or appear at intervals over an indefinite period of time as in the case of periodicals and directories they tend to be known by their titles.

» over an indefinite span of time = durante un período de tiempo indefinido.

Example: A periodical, unlike a book, appears at intervals over an indefinite span of time.

» over a period of a/one year = durante un período de un año, durante un año.

Example: The building was nine inches off plumb and was jacked back into position incrementally over a period of one year.

» over a period of + Expresión Temporal = durante un período de + Expresión Temporal.

Example: The research will be carried out over a period of several years.

» over a period of time = durante un período de tiempo determinado, durante cierto tiempo.

Example: Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.

» over a period of time = con el paso del tiempo, con el tiempo, a la larga.

Example: The vibration may cause the chips to work loose over a period of time, and if they have to be pushed back into their sockets, it is very easy to bend or break one of the 'legs'.

» over a period of years = en el transcurso de algunos años, durante algunos años.

Example: While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.

» overarm = con la mano por encima. [Golpeando algo, generalmente una pelota, de arriba hacia abajo o lanzándolo sujetándolo por encima]

Example: A good badminton player has a wide variety of shots at his disposal, most of which are overarm shots.

» over a two-year period = en dos años, en un bienio.

Example: The purpose of this analysis was to document the change in body mass index (BMI) over a two-year period in poor women from urban Mexico.

» overhear = oír por casualidad. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio overheard]

Example: As he recovers, he overhears a well-intentioned social worker murmuring soothingly about a juvenile facility, and contrives an escape.

» over here = aquí.

Example: Eventually the situation should improve over here.

» over-long hours = horarios de trabajo demasiado cargados.

Example: Their response to the grinding monotony of repetitive labour and over-long hours was frequent absenteeism.

» over long periods of time = durante largos períodos de tiempo.

Example: Separate batches might be bound up more or less simultaneously (perhaps by different binders), but more often they were bound seriatim, occasionally over long periods of time.

» over many years = durante el transcurso de muchos años, durante muchos años.

Example: Local history collections are being built up in many countries, whether as deliberate policy, based on collections of local antiquaries, or developed casually over many years = En muchos países se están creando colecciones de historia local, ya sea como fruto de una política delibrada, a partir de de colecciones de anticuarios de la localidad, o creadas de un modo casual durante el transcurso de muchos años.

» overpass = paso elevado.

Example: Each overpass has a call-box near each end.

» over + Posesivo + dead body = ¡ni pensarlo!, ¡de ninguna manera!, ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver!.

Example: 'Over my dead body' was his response to proposals to scale back the $1.35 trillion in tax cuts planned for the next ten years = "Por encima de mi cadáver" fue su respuesta a los propuestas de recortar los 1.35 trillones de dólares en los presupuestos planeados para los próximos diez años.

» over recent years = durante los últimos años.

Example: Over recent years the number and frequency of firework displays (both public and private) has increased.

» over several hours = durante varias horas.

Example: The crock pot is one of the best tools for low-effort cooking, especially for meals designed to cook over several hours.

» over several months = durante varios meses, en el transcurso de varios meses.

Example: My approach to decluttering junk rooms is to do it little by little over several months.

» over the age of = por encima de + Edad, mayor(es) de. [Usado generalmente para referirse a la edad]

Example: Cucumbers cause gas in everyone over the age of thirty.

» over the autumn = durante el otoño.

Example: The valley turns a dramatic rusty orange colour over the autumn as the bracken starts to die back.

» over the centuries = a través de los siglos, durante siglos.

Example: India has a documented heritage of stable family life and structure that has been able to withstand the vicissitudes over the centuries.

» over the coming days = durante los próximos días, en los próximos días.

Example: Pollen counts are set to soar across southern England over the coming days.

» over the coming weeks = durante las próximas semanas, en las próximas semanas.

Example: The Northern Lights will be more active than usual over the coming weeks.

» over the counter = legal, de fácil acceso, asequible en establecimiento comercial, sin receta médica.

Example: With minor revision, the design recommendations were appropriate for developing over the counter medicinal leaflets.

» over the counter = directamente al público, directamente al cliente.

Example: Crossed cheque means that it can only be paid into a bank account and cannot be paid in cash over the counter.

» over the course of = en el transcurso de, durante el transcurso de. [También during the course of y in the course of]

Example: Over the course of the next 20 years libraries will be undergoing significant retooling so that they can move beyond their traditional roles.

» over the course of a few months = en cuestión de meses, en cuestión de unos cuantos meses.

Example: Over the course of a few months, her life became a shambles.

» over the course of + Posesivo + life = durante el transcurso de + Posesivo + vida, en el transcurso de + Posesivo + vida.

Example: She became very involved in many cultural and charitable organizations over the course of her life.

» over the course of the centuries = en el transcurso de los siglos, con el transcurso de los siglos.

Example: Over the course of the centuries, it grew into one of antiquity's most advanced cultures.

» over the course of this century = en el transcurso de este siglo.

Example: But this development is now coming to an end, and we will not experience a similarly rapid increase in population growth over the course of this century.

» over the course of time = con el transcurso del tiempo, con el paso del tiempo.

Example: These 'stages of development' in the life cycle of a company presage a turnaround situation for that company over the course of time.

» over the course of weeks = en el transcurso de semanas, durante el transcurso de semanas.

Example: These creams stimulate the body's natural immune system over the course of weeks.

» over the course of weeks or/to months = en el transcurso de semanas o meses, durante el transcurso de semanas o meses.

Example: The main cause of kidney stones is a lack of fluids, which allows salts and minerals to concentrate and crystallize over the course of weeks to months.

» over the ensuing years = en los años que siguieron.

Example: The establishment of the local situs intangibles tax in 1931 in Ohio and its use for sole support of public libraries led to various problems over the ensuing years.

» over the fall = durante el otoño.

Example: In contrast, Florida's continued popularity over the fall has played a role in rising fares.

» over-the-fence friendliness = amabilidad entre vecinos.

Example: Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.

» over the hill = de edad avanzada, muy mayor, carroza, en el ocaso, para el arrastre, con un pie en la tumba. [Usado generalmente para referirse a las personas de más de cuarenta años]

Example: People over the hill are past the 'rush hour' of life and can just relax and enjoy!.

» over the holidays = durante las vacaciones.

Example: Learn more about these 8 yoga moves that'll help keep you calm and collected over the holidays.

» over the horizon = próximo, cercano, inminente.

Example: This article surveys the changes which have already occurred and those which are just over the horizon.

» over the last couple of months = en los dos últimos meses, durante los dos últimos meses.

Example: Over the last couple of months, drug companies had been holding their horses in the hope that the new budget would bring them some relief.

» over the last few days = en los últimos días, durante los últimos días.

Example: The Syrian military has pushed forward with its offensive in Aleppo and liberated several neighborhoods from the militants over the last few days.

» over the last few decades = durante las últimas décadas, en las últimas décadas.

Example: This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.

» over the last few years = durante los últimos años, en los últimos años.

Example: Over the last few years people from all parts of the globe have experienced violence, abuse, loss and tragedy.

» over the last + Número + years = durante los últimos + Número + años.

Example: The growth of Internet access over the last five years is staggering = El crecimiento del acceso a Internet ha sido asombroso durante los últimos cinco años.

» over the last year = durante el último año, en el último año.

Example: Over the last years dramatic changes have occurred in the way libraries operate with the introduction of automated circulation systems.

» over the long haul = a largo plazo, a la larga.

Example: But over the long haul you'll just find that your data is easier and cheaper to get at if you use XML.

» over the long run = a largo plazo, a la larga.

Example: Some feel that these sessions can be 'self-defeating over the long run because they are based on a reward-punishment psychology that serves to intensify the pressure on the individual'.

» over the long term = a largo plazo, a la larga.

Example: This project ought to develop over the long term from a system designed to support the exchange of entries in micro-print to a fully automated network for the processing of records.

» over the next few days = en los próximos días, durante los próximos días.

Example: The weather across Germany is expected to be warm and summery over the next few days.

» over the next few months = durante los próximos meses, en los próximos meses.

Example: Over the next few months, they will be donating thousands of pounds to help warm-hearted people and community projects.

» over the next few weeks = en las próximas semanas, durante las próximas semanas.

Example: With schools about to break up for the summer, millions of Brits will be packing their suitcases and jetting off on holiday over the next few weeks.

» over the next few years = durante los próximos años, en los próximos años.

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» over the next several months = durante los próximos meses, en los próximos meses.

Example: They became close over the next several months but never quite fell in love -- at least not the head-over-heels, gooey-eyed kind that makes you ache inside.

» over the next twelve months = en los próximos doce meses, durante los próximos doce meses.

Example: To date the group have met three times and will convene a further six times over the next twelve months.

» over the next year = durante el próximo año.

Example: Over 80 per cent of those questioned in Europe, the US and Japan expect further growth in expenditure of an average of 15 per cent over the next year.

» over the past + Expresión Temporal = en los últimos + Expresión Temporal, durante los últimos + Expresión Temporal.

Example: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.

» over the past decade = en la última década, en el transcurso de la última década.

Example: Over the past decade concern over the destruction of the world's coastal rainforests has reached global proportions.

» over the past decades = en las últimas décadas, de las últimas décadas, en el transcurso de las últimas décadas.

Example: Hairdressing and cosmetology have become some of the most reliable, enjoyable and advantageous careers over the past decades.

» over the past few days = durante los últimos días, en los últimos días.

Example: Rain and snowfall over the past few days has made a significant dent in the water deficit around California.

» over the past few decades = durante las últimas décadas, en las últimas décadas.

Example: Over the past few decades, Judeo-Spanish traditional songs have received a great deal of attention from scholars.

» over the past few months = durante los últimos meses, en los últimos meses.

Example: Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.

» over the past few weeks = durante las últimas semanas, en las últimas semanas.

Example: Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.

» over the past few years = durante los últimos años, en los últimos años.

Example: While there have been some praiseworthy improvements over the past few years, many biased headings persist which demean the very people who use the catalog.

» over the past week = en la última semana, durante la última semana.

Example: She has been making public appearances on a nearly daily basis over the past week promoting various projects, and she stepped out yet again today to visit a children's hospice.

» over the past weeks = en las últimas semanas, durante las últimas semanas.

Example: We have had an unprecedented amount of rain over the past weeks.

» over the past year = durante el año pasado.

Example: However, over the past year they have launched a number of Internet products and services.

» over the phone = por teléfono.

Example: The server will allow users to record voice messages over the phone.

» over there = allí, allá.

Example: Simply to be among books, glancing at one here, reading a page from one over there, enjoying them all as objects to be touched, looked at, even smelt, is a deep satisfaction.

» over the recent past = en los últimos años.

Example: Developed libraries can quote a whole series of discrete services built up over the recent past, which somehow need to be integrated.

» over the short haul = a corto plazo.

Example: Over the short haul the body might be able to handle high doses of a chemical without it causing damage.

» over the short run = a corto plazo.

Example: The concept is that wages don't change over the short run.

» over the spring = durante la primavera.

Example: House price growth will peak over the spring period with buyer activity set to fade overall into 2015.

» over the summer = durante el verano.

Example: Please make sure not to leave your bicycle in the bicycle shed over the summer.

» over the telephone = por teléfono.

Example: She points to the fact that shoppers are quite happy to give credit card details over the telephone, with little or no security.

» over the telephone lines = por línea telefónica.

Example: At the end of the day, transactions can be sent over the telephone lines to the central computer.

» over the transom = sin solicitarlo.

Example: Most of the information the government was able to get in these kinds of cases came in over the transom from people the prosecutors had never heard of before.

» over the weekend = durante el fin de semana, en el fin de semana, el fin de semana.

Example: After playing five games over the weekend, his arms and legs weren't up to strength.

» over the winter = durante el invierno.

Example: Unlike many of their peers, geraniums can easily be stored over the winter and enjoyed again next year.

» over the year = con el paso del año, con el transcurso del año, a lo largo del año.

Example: Over the year I found I was always the last one to know about any incidents or complaints unless someone wanted money.

» over the years = a través de los años, con el paso del tiempo, con el correr del tiempo, con el transcurso de los años, con el tiempo, desde hace años, desde hace tiempo.

Example: Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.

» over time = a través del tiempo, con el transcurso del tiempo, con el paso del tiempo, con el tiempo, a través de la historia, a lo largo de la historia.

Example: A search can be extended over time by cycling, that is, starting with a source document, identifying those documents which it cites, and then identifying those documents which the original cited document cites, and so on.

» overwater = por encima del agua.

Example: This romantic luxury honeymoon destination is the first resort to introduce overwater accommodation.

» overwork = exceso de trabajo, trabajo excesivo.

Example: He was unmarried and died of exhaustion through overwork, leaving many debts.

» prefer + Nombre + over + Nombre = preferir una Cosa a Otra, preferir una Cosa sobre Otra.

Example: The author discusses the differences between quantitive and qualitative evaluation and the instances in which one approach may be preferred over the other = El autor analiza las diferentes entre la evaluación cuantitativa y la cualitativa y los casos en los que un método puede preferirse sobre el otro.

» sale + over the counter = venta directa al público.

Example: The normal trade binding for most of the hand-press period was an inexpensive covering of calf or sheep, and it appears that retailers actually stocked copies of most books in this form for sale over the counter.

» start + all over again = comenzar de nuevo.

Example: It would be better to revive and rejuvenate the library while it is still alive thant to let it die and then have to start all over again.

» start (it/all) over (again) = comenzar de nuevo, empezar de nuevo, volver a empezar.

Example: I can appreciate the frustration, annoyance, irritation, aggravation, and exasperation of having to start over again.

» stopover = parada, escala, alto en el camino. [Generalmente implica una parada en una ciudad para visitarla y luego continuar con el viaje]

Example: This article discusses the strategic location of the Islands as a stopover and spring-board for more far-flung explorations along the African coast.

» the world over = en todo el mundo, de todo el mundo, por todo el mundo, en el mundo entero.

Example: Every scientist, social scientist or humanist draws upon the findings and the thoughts of his predecessors or his current colleagues the world over.

» three times over = tres veces, por partida triple.

Example: Scientists claim they've found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth's mantle so vast that could fill the Earth's oceans three times over.

» turnover = movimiento de personal, renovación de personal.

Example: Inadequate compensation leads to poor performance, absenteeism, excessive turnover, grievances, and strikes.

» turnover = volumen de ventas, volumen de negocios, salida, renovación de fondos, facturación.

Example: Yet the genuine stockholding bookseller is committed to holding good stocks of books for the customers' benefit which means that he does not aim simply at buying in the books with the quickest turnover.

» twice over = dos veces, por partida doble.

Example: Grandchildren are your children twice over.

» well over + Expresión Numérica = por encima de, mucho más de.

Example: The database now contains well over 23 million records.

» world over, the = en todo el mundo, de todo el mundo. [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Despite its faults and inadequacies the public library brings pleasure to, and satisfies some of the needs of, millions the world over.

over2 [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que algo se hace en exceso]


» overabundance = superabundancia. 

Example: They lack an understanding of an empathy with the character, and are hampered by an overabundance of unimportant detail.

» overabundant = superabudante, excesivo. 

Example: He contends, however, that the seemingly formless, overabundant, inchoate texture of the novel might also suggest a valid mode for the novelization of slavery.

» overachiever = persona que rinde más de lo esperado. 

Example: The upshot is that Japan is now called a country of 115 million overachievers.

» overact = sobreactuar. 

Example: Recently an anoynmous person told me that when I act on stage, I have a tendency to overact.

» overactive = hiperactivo. 

Example: Those with hyperhidrosis appear to have overactive sweat glands.

» over + Adjetivo = demasiado + Adjetivo. 

Example: Over severe truncation must be carefully avoided.

» overage = demasiado mayor en relación con Algo. 

Example: It looks at the overage and the dropout problems in the school and the various strategies that were used to combat these difficulties.

» overaged = desfasado, antiguo. 

Example: Bielefeld University is replacing its overaged mainframe data processing systems in the library.

» over-ambition = superambición, exceso de ambición, ambición excesiva. 

Example: The UN fell victim to over-ambition by trying to make peace in civil wars - conflicts that are essentially unresolvable.

» over-ambitious = ambicioso en exceso, excesivamente ambicioso, superambicioso. 

Example: A seven per cent economic growth projection is over-ambitious.

» overbearing = arrogante, prepotente, insufrible, avasallador, despótico, autoritario, dominante, opresivo. 

Example: Overbearing parents are likely to raise obsessive kids, according to a new study.

» overbid = pagar demasiado. [Verbo irregular: pasado overbid/overbade, participio overbid/overbidden. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que algo se hace en exceso]

Example: Among the factors which have contributed to the current troubles by the paperback publishing market are overbidding for blockbuster titles, distribution methods, overproduction and overspending.

» overbook = sobrereservar, admitir un número de reservas mayor a las plazas existentes, estar al completo, sobrecargar, saturar, abarrotar. 

Example: At any rate, since hotels in Vienna are usually overbooked in May we strongly recommend you to book your hotel as early as possible.

» overbooking = sobrereserva. 

Example:  It used to be in cases of overbookings that airlines usually could find a passenger who would volunteer to give up a seat in exchange for cash.

» overburden = sobrecargar, recargar, abrumar, agobiar. 

Example: Our prison system is greatly overburdened by non-violent drug offenders.

» overburdened = sobrecargado, recargado, agobiado, abrumado. 

Example: The net result is a heavily overburdened cross-reference structure.

» over + Cantidad = más de + Cantidad. 

Example: The ISDS has now been in operation for over ten years.

» overcapacity [over-capacity] = capacidad excesiva. 

Example: There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.

» overcharge = cobrar demasiado, cobrar en exceso, cobrar de más, facturar de más. 

Example: There are cases in which this firm has overcharged up to 300 percent and these overcharges can on average cost you about an extra $10 to $15 a month.

» overcharge = cobro excesivo, exceso de cobro. 

Example: There are cases in which this firm has overcharged up to 300 percent and these overcharges can on average cost you about an extra $10 to $15 a month.

» overcharge = sobrecargar. 

Example: Leaving the phone plugged in once the charged icon is present won't overcharge the battery; the battery stops accepting the charge.

» overcharge = sobrecarga. 

Example: If a battery has dried out due to an overcharge, you can try to recovery it by refilling with distilled water and slowly recharging it.

» overcomplex = demasiado complejo. 

Example: In the interest of economy, and in order to avoid an overcomplex catalogue these rules recommend selective use of added entries.

» overcomplicated [over-complicated] = demasiado complicado. 

Example: Some considered the rules over-complicated and fussy, whereas others were of the opinion that more detail was required.

» overconcern = preocupación excesiva. 

Example: Unless librarians move away from their present overconcern with their systems and lack of concern with their users they will become redundant and the task of providing information will be taken out of their hands.

» overconfidence = exceso de confianza, confianza excesiva. 

Example: Was it due to overconfidence, too much reliance on the efficient markets model, or an explosive mixture of human nature and the free market?.

» overconfident = demasiado seguro de uno mismo, demasiado confiado en uno mismo. 

Example: When subjects are overconfident they stop looking for information long before they have found material that is relevant.

» overcook = recocer, cocinar demasiado, requemar. 

Example: My only concern is getting everything done at the same time without overcooking any of the ingredients.

» overcrowded = aglomerado, atestado, masificado, abarrotado, superpoblado, hacinado, petado. 

Example: Cooperative storage of materials on a regional or national basis promises to become the best way of coping with overcrowded libraries.

» overcrowding [over-crowding] = aglomeración, apiñamiento, exceso de habitantes, masificación, congestionamiento, hacinamiento. 

Example: We can learn from good shopwindow displays and from the best museums about such matters as grouping of books shown and the number included (clutter is ugly and overcrowding confuses the eye).

» overdependence = sobredependencia. 

Example: Excessive crying, pawing, and other attention-seeking behaviors can be a sign of your cat's overdependence on you.

» overdetermination = sobredeterminación. 

Example: Overdetermination is the idea that a single observed effect is determined by multiple causes at once (any one of which alone might be enough to account for the effect).

» overdetermine = sobredeterminar. 

Example: In contemporary analytic philosophy an event or state of affairs is said to be overdetermined if there are more than one distinct, sufficient causes of it.

» overdo = pasarse, excederse, propasarse, desmandarse, sobrepasarse. 

Example: If you overdo the exercises there are consequence that can occur including muscle damage, heart problems, and osteoarthritis.

» overdone = exagerado. 

Example: Yesterday I got an email from someone saying that some people find me annoying, cloying, and overdone, amongst other things.

» overdosage = sobredosis. 

Example: Drug dosage must be adjusted to kidney function to avoid toxic overdosage in patients with impaired renal function.

» overdose = sobredosis. 

Example: Some of the information supplied by a library is directed towards solving pragmatic problems of everyday living such as 'What ca I do about an abandoned car outside my front door?', 'I want to buy my son out of the Navy', 'My friend has just taken an overdose'.

» overdraw = girar al descubierto, sobregirar, tener un descubierto. 

Example: Bank charges for going overdrawn or for bounced cheques are the equivalent of a charge for breach of contract, known as liquidated damages, and the courts can enforce payment.

» overdrink = beber demasiado, abusar de la bebida, abusar del alcohol, beber en exceso, beber excesivamente. 

Example: A diet that is too high in minerals, especially sodium or potassium, can lead to overdrinking.

» over-eager [overeager] = demasiado entusiasmado, excesivamente entusiasmado, demasiado ansioso, excesivamente ansioso, superentusiasmado. 

Example: 'Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family = "Pirados" tiene toda la diversión de las películas sobre bodas: un novio reticente, una novia demasiado entusiasmada y una familia perturbada emocionalmente .

» overeat = comer demasiado, comer en exceso, comer excesivamente, atracarse, abusar de la comida. 

Example: Avoid calorie-rich diet, don't overeat.

» over-emphasis [overemphasis] = énfasis excesivo. 

Example: Education in many developing countries is still dominated by an emphasis on memorization and rote learning, a central syllabus allowing little room for initiative, and an overemphasis on examinations and certificates.

» over-emphasise [over-emphasize, -USA] = poner demasiado énfasis en Algo, sobreenfatizar. [También escrito overemphasise/overemphasize. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que algo se hace en exceso]

Example: Libraries have invested much money and prestige in their OPACs, and will be tempted to overemphasise them in user education programmes.

» over-enthusiastic [overenthusiastic] = demasiado entusiasta. 

Example: One cannot help wondering if they would have caused so much dissension if they had not been associated with the over-enthusiastic pruning mentioned above.

» overestimate [over-estimate] = sobreestimar, sobrevalorar. 

Example: It is virtually impossible to overestimate the importance of LC on bibliographic control in the nation's libraries or, for that matter, in the libraries of the world.

» overestimate = sobrevaloración, sobre(e)stimación. 

Example: If the numbers contributing to your estimate were rounded up, the estimate is an overestimate, and if they were rounded down, it is an underestimate.

» overestimation = sobrevaloración, sobre(e)stimación. 

Example: In fact, the penalty paid for overestimation tends to increase linearly, while the one paid for underestimation tends to increase exponentially.

» overevaluation = sobrevaloración, sobre(e)stimación. 

Example: Failure to consider uncertainties such as price may result in a significant underevaluation or overevaluation of the project.

» over-exceed = sobreexceder, sobreexcederse, sobrepasar, sobrepasarse. 

Example: This is another way to make sure you do not over-exceed your budget and regret it later.

» overexcite = sobreexcitar, acelerar, excitar demasiado. 

Example: Her mother scolded him for overexciting her before eating.

» overexcited = sobreexcitado. 

Example: Technically, this exaggerated fear response results from an overexcited limbic system.

» over expectant = con demasiadas expectativas, que espera demasiado. 

Example: The Web has acquired a bad name largely as a result of naive and over expectant users.

» overexpenditure = gasto excesivo. 

Example: The project was significantly delayed and incurred an overexpenditure several times the original budget.

» overexploit = sobreutilizar. 

Example: Most of the world's fisheries are already overexploited failing to meet increasing worldwide demand for seafood.

» overfill = sobrellenar, llenar en exceso, llenar demasiado, llenar hasta rebosar. 

Example: While it may not seem like a big deal to overfill the oil in your car, it can cause major malfunctions and potentially cost you thousands of dollars.

» overfish = pescar en exceso. 

Example: The following is a list of those fish which are being overfished or caught using wasteful or destructive fishing methods.

» overfishing = exceso de pesca. 

Example: Saltwater fishing using seines can contribute to overfishing and subsequent environmental degradation.

» overheat = recalentarse, calentarse excesivamente, calentarse demasiado. 

Example: The government has launched an investigation into cell phone batteries that can overheat or even explode, potentially injuring phone users.

» overheated = recalentado, sobrecalentado. 

Example: Such eddies are formed by the sudden uprushing of overheated moist masses of air into the high very cold levels during thunder storms.

» overheating = recalentamiento, sobrecalentamiento. 

Example: Children and pregnant women need to take extra precautions to avoid overheating on days of extreme heat.

» overindulge = mimar demasiado, consentir demasiado. 

Example: The answer has eluded the best-intentioned parents who overprotect, overindulge, and overschedule their children's lives.

» overindulgence = abusos, excesos. 

Example: In this world of instant gratification and overindulgence we lose sight of the fact that we are what we eat.

» overjoyed = contentísimo, súper contento, supercontento, lleno de alegría, rebosante de alegría, alborozado, exultante. 

Example: They preformed four phenomenal songs for us, which left us in an overjoyed and excited mood; it was a brilliant way to start the day!.

» overlaid = superpuesto, sobrepuesto. 

Example: Physiologically, speech is an overlaid function, or, to be more precise, a group of overlaid functions.

» overload = sobrecarga, exceso de carga, carga excesiva. 

Example: Overload occurs when individuals cannot feasibly meet the demands made upon them.

» overload = sobrecargar, recargar, saturar. 

Example: Otherwise, drinking too much fluid at once, even a pint or two of spring water, simply overloads the kidneys without actually hydrating the body.

» overmatch = eclipsar, superar, mejorar, mojarle la oreja a, ganarle la vez a, ganarle la partida a. [También escrito over-match. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que algo se hace en exceso]

Example: Adams is a lovely and subtle performer, but she is overmatched by her co-star and handicapped by the material = Adams es una artista encantadora y sutil, pero el papel le viene demasiado grande y se ve superada por su compañero de reparto.

» overneat = excesivamente pulcro. 

Example: A woman who from being a slattern becomes overneat, or from being overneat becomes a slattern, is most certainly in love.

» over-optimistic [overoptimistic] = demasiado optimista. 

Example: Unfortunately, many of the predictions have proved to be overoptimistic.

» overpaint = pintar sobre Algo ya pintado. 

Example: Clobbering is a form of decoration where the original designs or patterns have been disregarded or deliberately altered or disguised by overpainting with enamels and/or gilding.

» over-pious = excesivamente beato. 

Example: Some teachers argue against book clubs, claiming that they bring together only a certain kind of avid reader, the literary equivalent of the religiously effete and over-pious.

» over-polluted = súper contaminado, supercontaminado. 

Example: Commuters breathing from a portable oxygen canister is a fairly normal sight in over-populated and over-polluted Tokyo.

» overpopulated = superpoblado.

Over synonyms

across in spanish: a través de, pronunciation: əkrɔs part of speech: adjective, adverb complete in spanish: completar, pronunciation: kəmplit part of speech: adjective, verb ended in spanish: terminó, pronunciation: endəd part of speech: adjective concluded in spanish: concluido, pronunciation: kənkludəd part of speech: adjective terminated in spanish: terminado, pronunciation: tɜrməneɪtəd part of speech: adjective immoderate in spanish: inmoderado, pronunciation: ɪmɑdɜreɪt part of speech: adjective all over in spanish: por todas partes, pronunciation: ɔloʊvɜr part of speech: adjective, adverb
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