Oval in spanish


pronunciation: oʊbɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

oval1 = óvalo, círculo ovalado. 

Example: One was drawn with curved lines and ovals and the other was formed with straight lines and rectangles.

oval2 = ovalado, oval. 

Example: Each unit moves around an oval track on a continuous chaindrive in sequence, passing on both sides of a loading and unloading point = Cada unidad se mueve en secuencia alrededor de una pista oval sobre una cadena de tracción continua, pasando a ambos lados de un punto de carga y descarga.


» oval-shaped = de forma ovalada, en forma ovalada.

Example: The 11 college buildings form a harmonious group in the Georgian style about an oval-shaped campus.

Oval synonyms

ellipse in spanish: elipse, pronunciation: ɪlɪps part of speech: noun ovate in spanish: aovado, pronunciation: oʊveɪt part of speech: adjective elliptical in spanish: elíptico, pronunciation: ɪlɪptɪkəl part of speech: adjective rounded in spanish: redondeado, pronunciation: raʊndəd part of speech: adjective ovoid in spanish: ovoide, pronunciation: oʊvɔɪd part of speech: adjective prolate in spanish: prolate, pronunciation: proʊleɪt part of speech: adjective elliptic in spanish: elíptico, pronunciation: elɪptɪk part of speech: adjective oviform in spanish: oviforme, pronunciation: oʊvəfɔrm part of speech: adjective egg-shaped in spanish: en forma de huevo, pronunciation: egtʃeɪpt part of speech: adjective
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