Outweigh in spanish

Pesar más que

pronunciation: pesɑɹ̩mɑske part of speech: verb
In gestures

outweigh = superar, sobrepasar, pesar más que, compensar por. [También escrito out-weigh. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que una persona o cosa supera a otra]

Example: It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.


» far outweigh = sobrepasar con creces, superar con creces.

Example: According to the study, the benefits of statins for lowering cholesterol far outweigh the risks.

Outweigh synonyms

preponderate in spanish: preponderar, pronunciation: pripɑndɜreɪt part of speech: verb overbalance in spanish: perder el equilibrio, pronunciation: oʊvɜrbæləns part of speech: verb outbalance in spanish: superar, pronunciation: aʊtbæləns part of speech: verb
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