Outwards in spanish

Hacia fuera

pronunciation: ɑθiɑfueɹ̩ɑ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

outwards = hacia (a)fuera. 

Example: From the later fifteenth century books were more often stored on their edges than on their sides, but for most of the sixteenth century they were normally placed fore-edge outwards on the shelf, the title of the book being written across the fore-edge in ink.


» inside outwards = de dentro hacia fuera.

Example: Working from the inside outwards, there will probably be one or two leaves of blank paper at each end of the book, which are of a different colour or texture from the printed leaves; these are the endpapers, which were added by the binder.

» turn + Nombre + outwards = volver hacia fuera, girar hacia fuera, doblar hacia fuera.

Example: The superior and inferior rectus muscles turn the eye upwards, and downwards, the lateral and medial ones turn it outwards and inwards.

Outwards synonyms

outward in spanish: hacia fuera, pronunciation: aʊtwɜrd part of speech: adjective

Outwards antonyms

inward pronunciation: ɪnwɜrd part of speech: adjective, adverb inwards pronunciation: ɪnwɜrdz part of speech: adverb
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