Outstanding in spanish


pronunciation: eksθepθioʊnɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

outstanding1 = pendiente. 

Example: Dialog also wants relief from outstanding royalty claims from the American Chemical Society.


» outstanding balance = saldo pendiente.

Example: If you have an outstanding balance you will receive a request for payment detailing your account overview and including a secure link to our payment gateway = En el caso de que tenga algún saldo pendiente, recibirá una petición de pago con los datos de su cuenta y un enlace seguro a nuestra pasarela de pago.

» outstanding debt = deuda pendiente.

Example: This article explains the process of insolvency and the order of priority in the payment of outstanding debts.

» outstanding invoice = factura pendiente.

Example: This is a good method to record outstanding orders, outstanding invoices, titles sent to the bindery, etc.

» outstanding order = pedido pendiente.

Example: This is a good method to record outstanding orders, outstanding invoices, titles sent to the bindery, etc.

outstanding2 = destacado, excepcional, prominente, excelente, relevante, culminante. 

Example: The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.


» outstanding leader = figura, figura prominente, figura relevante.

Example: The introductions to the chapters are by outstanding leaders in their fields who provide inside information about the nature of the work.

» outstanding personality = personalidad relevante.

Example: At times the waves of change created by outstanding personalities who enter the social arena are so wide and extensive that they make an intense and far-reaching impact on the ideas of mankind.

Outstanding synonyms

salient in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: seɪliənt part of speech: adjective great in spanish: genial, pronunciation: greɪt part of speech: adjective major in spanish: mayor, pronunciation: meɪdʒɜr part of speech: adjective prominent in spanish: prominente, pronunciation: prɑmənənt part of speech: adjective conspicuous in spanish: conspicuo, pronunciation: kənspɪkjuəs part of speech: adjective superior in spanish: superior, pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective obvious in spanish: obvio, pronunciation: ɑbviəs part of speech: adjective spectacular in spanish: espectacular, pronunciation: spektækjəlɜr part of speech: adjective striking in spanish: sorprendentes, pronunciation: straɪkɪŋ part of speech: adjective owing in spanish: debido, pronunciation: oʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective owed in spanish: debido, pronunciation: oʊd part of speech: adjective unpaid in spanish: no pagado, pronunciation: ənpeɪd part of speech: adjective undischarged in spanish: sin descargar, pronunciation: əndɪskɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective
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