Outside in spanish

Fuera de

pronunciation: fueɹ̩ɑde part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

outside1 = externo, remoto, exterior, de fuera. 

Example: A facility which extends beyond library housekeeping permits the viewing of outside data bases.


» outside drink = bebida de fuera.

Example: Remember you cannot bring outside food or drinks into the play-centre (except baby food).

» outside edge = canto externo, borde externo.

Example: When sharpening a drill bit, never hone the outside edge or circumference of the bit.

» outside food = comida de fuera.

Example: Remember you cannot bring outside food or drinks into the play-centre (except baby food).

» outside funding = financiación externa.

Example: Librarians and libraries are always asked to do too much with too little, so the search for outside funding through grants, gifts and fundraisers is a constant in library life.

» outside of = aparte de, además de.

Example: Outside of that there is nothing solicited from them in the first two months.

» outside (of) marriage = fuera del matrimonio, extramatrimonial, extramarital.

Example: Sex outside marriage is not allowed in Islam.

» outside the purview of = al margen de.

Example: Administrative decisions, which are made behind the scenes sometimes outside the purview of a reference department or section, usually determine which reference services are offered.

» outside the window = fuera de la ventana.

Example: I hear the wind howling outside the window and feel so safe and cocooned here on my couch -- what bliss!.

» outside-world = opinión pública.

Example: The Publications Office may fairly be said to present itself to the outside-world as a distributor by way of sale, since its overt involvement in free distribution is essentially accessory to that.

» outside world, the = mundo exterior, el.

Example: The canopy bed harkens back to a simpler time when bedrooms were a peaceful retreat from the outside world.

» think out(side) + (of) the box = salirse de convencionalismos, pensar de un modo diferente, pensar creativamente, pensar de forma creativa, romper los esquemas, salirse del molde.

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

outside2 = frente a, fuera de. 

Example: Some of the information supplied by a library is directed towards solving pragmatic problems of everyday living such as 'What ca I do about an abandoned car outside my front door?', 'I want to buy my son out of the Navy', 'My friend has just taken an overdose'.


» fall outside = caer fuera de.

Example: These issues demonstrably fall outside the likely preoccupations of IT-based information specialists with organisational concerns.

» fall outside + Posesivo + interest = caer fuera del interés de uno.

Example: The description of documents in catalogue entries is called descriptive cataloguing and this also falls outside our present interest.

» fall outside + the scope of = caer fuera del alcance de, caer fuera del objetivo de.

Example: An in-depth discussion about most elements of developing library plans fall outside the scope of this article.

» lie outside + the scope of = estar fuera del interés, estar fuera del alcance, caer fuera del interés de.

Example: Consideration of PRECIS and the chain procedure lies outside the scope of this particular volume.

» outside (of) = fuera (de).

Example: This degree of standardisation is not the pattern outside of this specific area of application.

» outside (of) + Posesivo + comfort zone = fuera de la seguridad de + Posesivo + entorno conocido, fuera de + Posesivo + entorno conocido, fuera de + Posesivo + elemento, fuera de + Posesivo + territorio (conocido), fuera de + Posesivo + contexto normal, fuera de + Posesivo + salsa, fuera de + Posesivo + zona de confort, fuera de + Posesivo + área de confort.

Example: Many individuals have difficulty with the process of change because it can create much anxiety getting outside one's comfort zone.

» outside + Posesivo + jurisdiction = fuera de + Posesivo + competencia.

Example: By creating a secular state and regarding religion as a natural right outside the jurisdiction of the state, the founders opted for persuasion rather than coercion.

outside3 = afuera. 

Example: While I was outside waiting to be picked up people where talking to me and I was finding it hard to concentrate.


» be brass monkey(s) (weather/outside/out there) = hacer un frío que pela, hacer un frío de cojones.

Example: It's brass monkey weather here at the moment, but at least the sun is shining on the snow and ice, and we have no overcast skies and rain.

» from the outside = desde fuera.

Example: Her contributions as a scholar who has studied these issues in Russia for many years 'from the outside' will be enhanced by those of Russian colleagues who will speak about the issues 'from the inside'.

» go + outside = salir, salir a la calle, salir de la casa.

Example: We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.

» on the outside = por fuera.

Example: There are some fruits where it appears that the seeds are carried on the outside.

» set + foot (out of/outside) the house = pisar la calle, salir de casa.

Example: By the end of the exercise I think everyone watching was wondering how two such old crocks could dare to set foot out of the house.

» step outside = salir, salir (a)fuera, salir a la calle.

Example: Innovation is happening at such a fast pace that if you can't step outside your own world you will not see it clearly.

Outside synonyms

away in spanish: lejos, pronunciation: əweɪ part of speech: adverb international in spanish: internacional, pronunciation: ɪntɜrnæʃənəl part of speech: adjective, noun extraneous in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: ekstreɪniəs part of speech: adjective remote in spanish: remoto, pronunciation: rɪmoʊt part of speech: adjective extra in spanish: extra, pronunciation: ekstrə part of speech: adjective external in spanish: externo, pronunciation: ɪkstɜrnəl part of speech: adjective maximum in spanish: máximo, pronunciation: mæksəməm part of speech: adjective, noun extrinsic in spanish: extrínseco, pronunciation: ekstrɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective alfresco in spanish: al aire libre, pronunciation: ɑlfreskoʊ part of speech: adjective, adverb outdoor in spanish: al aire libre, pronunciation: aʊtdɔr part of speech: adjective unlikely in spanish: improbable, pronunciation: ənlaɪkli part of speech: adjective extracurricular in spanish: Extra curricular, pronunciation: ekstrəkɜrɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective outdoors in spanish: al aire libre, pronunciation: aʊtdɔrz part of speech: noun exterior in spanish: exterior, pronunciation: ɪkstɪriɜr part of speech: noun, adjective maximal in spanish: máximo, pronunciation: mæksəməl part of speech: adjective extramural in spanish: extramuros, pronunciation: ɪkstræmjɜrəl part of speech: adjective inaccurate in spanish: incorrecto, pronunciation: ɪnækjɜrət part of speech: adjective largest in spanish: mas grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒəst part of speech: adjective ecto in spanish: ecto, pronunciation: ektoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun outdoorsy in spanish: al aire libre, pronunciation: aʊtdɔrsi part of speech: adjective out of doors in spanish: fuera de las puertas, pronunciation: aʊtʌvdɔrz part of speech: adverb out-of-door in spanish: afuera de la puerta, pronunciation: aʊtʌvdɔr part of speech: adjective

Outside antonyms

within pronunciation: wɪðɪn part of speech: adverb inside pronunciation: ɪnsaɪd part of speech: adverb, noun interior pronunciation: ɪntɪriɜr part of speech: noun, adjective indoors pronunciation: ɪndɔrz part of speech: adverb
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