Outreach in spanish

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pronunciation: supeɹ̩ɑɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

outreach [out-reach] = extensión bibliotecaria. [Estratagema utilizada para hacer que el lector conozca y use la biblioteca]

Example: Community education is another form of outreach that aims to educate the public about the availability of services that can help them, about their entitlement to benefits, or about their rights under the law.


» cultural outreach = extensión de la cultura.

Example: The article is entitled 'Community and cultural outreach services at Boulder Public Library'.

» library outreach = extensión bibliotecaria, servicios de extensión bibliotecaria, dinamización bibliotecaria.

Example: The author looks at library outreach services for children and emphasizes the value of 'partnering': the process of 2 or more entities coming together for the purpose of developing synergistic solutions to their challenges.

» library outreach programme = programa de extensión bibliotecaria, programa de dinamización bibliotecaria.

Example: It has been found that library outreach programmes which fail are most likely to do so because the library has acted in isolation.

» outreach activity = actividad de extensión bibliotecaria.

Example: The author of 'A tune they can whistle' stresses the importance of a user-oriented approach to outreach activities.

» outreach programme = servicio de extensión bibliotecaria.

Example: Outreach programmes are costly to maintain in a declining economy.

» outreach service = servicio de extensión bibliotecaria.

Example: The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.
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