Outrageous in spanish


pronunciation: indignɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

outrageous1 = ofensivo, injurioso, de escándalo, excesivo, exorbitante, desaforado. 

Example: There must be few other ways of leaving oneself so vulnerable to the slings and arrows of outrageous (or outraged) critics.


» how outrageous! = ¡qué barbaridad!, ¡qué escándalo!.

Example: 'How outrageous!', I proclaimed, 'I'm not a drinker, I'm a drunk, there's a big difference' = "¡Qué barbaridad!", grité, "No soy un borracho, estoy bebido, hay una gran diferencia".

outrageous2 = extravagante. 

Example: The letter sent Tomas Hernandez into a frenzy of conflicting reactions: ecstatic jubilation and ego-tripping, wild speculation and outrageous fantasy, compounded by confusion and indirection.

Outrageous synonyms

steep in spanish: escarpado, pronunciation: stip part of speech: adjective offensive in spanish: ofensiva, pronunciation: əfensɪv part of speech: adjective, noun exorbitant in spanish: exorbitante, pronunciation: ɪgzɔrbɪtənt part of speech: adjective unconscionable in spanish: excesivo, pronunciation: ənkɑnʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective hideous in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: hɪdiəs part of speech: adjective horrific in spanish: horrendo, pronunciation: hɔrɪfɪk part of speech: adjective horrid in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: hɔrəd part of speech: adjective usurious in spanish: usurioso, pronunciation: uʒʊriəs part of speech: adjective extortionate in spanish: exorbitante, pronunciation: ekstɔrʃənət part of speech: adjective immoderate in spanish: inmoderado, pronunciation: ɪmɑdɜreɪt part of speech: adjective
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