Output in spanish


pronunciation: sɑlidɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

output1 = producto, salida de datos, resultado. 

Example: The output from a post-co-ordinate index depends both on the input to the system, and the physical nature of the store.


» calorific output = gasto de calorías.

Example: Weight loss is a fairly logical thing -- if calorific intake is less than calorific output, you lose weight.

» communication output file = fichero de salida de datos.

Example: Prior to using this utility you must have established a communication output file using the System Configurator.

» computer output microform (COM) = COM (microforma producida por ordenador).

Example: Catalogue output is available as COM, cards, magnetic tapes, and accessions lists.

» direct + output = enviar información a.

Example: For example, enter SET PRINT COM2 if you want to direct output to a serial printer that is connected to the COM2 port of your computer.

» line printer output = listado de impresora de líneas.

Example: Line printer output is most common in local indexes and catalogues.

» output diskette = disco de salida.

Example: It takes advantage of any 'dead' disk space generated by previous deletions or editing of MARC records saved to the output diskette.

» output equipment = dispositivo de salida.

Example: Examples of other output equipment include: (a) graphic display terminals (for displaying diagrams and charts); (b) graph plotters (for printing diagrams and charts); (c) speech synthesizers.

» output-oriented = según la información obtenida, según el resultado obtenido.

Example: ESA-IRS which carries over 100 top science and technology databases switched from connect-time to output-oriented pricing in 1989.

» output ranking = ordenación jerárquica del resultado de la búsqueda.

Example: The simplest kind of output ranking, known as quorum matching, simply ANDS all query terms together, then drops any one, then any two, and so on, to give a weakly ordered output.

» output stage = etapa final, término, final.

Example: To rephrase this in terms already used, they involve effort at the input stage in order to reduce effort at the output stage = Expresando esto con términos ya usados, suponen un esfuerzo en la etapa inicial con objeto de reducir el esfuerzo en la etapa final.

» print output = resultado impreso.

Example: Page breaks can be inserted into print output by using the SET V n command where n indicates the number of lines per page.

» rank + document output = ordenar los documentos recuperados en orden de pertinencia.

Example: Systems which rank document output do already exist, for example the SMART system discussed in chapter 28.

» ranked output = resultado ordenado jerárquicamente.

Example: The ranked output also allowed Salton to develop the normalized recall measure used in a modified form by Cleverdon in Cranfield II, and a corresponding normalized precision figure.

» search output = resultado de la búsqueda.

Example: The higher the specificity of indexing the more likely it is that search outputs will show high precision.

» voice input and output = reconocimiento de la voz.

Example: In other cases, the capacity and performance of computer equipment prove to be the limiting factor, although continuing advances in fields like data networks, voice input and output, and computer vision keep pushing these limits further and further back.

» voice output = voz artificial.

Example: Voice output is considered on p. 149.

output2 = producción. 

Example: A slight decline -- about 1% -- in the book title output of US publishers took place in 1988, compared with 1987, largely attributable to a falling-off of mass market paperback output, especially in fiction.


» bibliographic output = producción bibliográfica.

Example: This data base is intended to control the bibliographic output of Australian agriculture, and to provide the means whereby lists, bibliographies, etc. may be generated for the purposes of the cooperating bodies.

» output indicator = indicador de producción, índice de producción.

Example: Scientists in 11 laboratories described their research activities over 5 years and provided output indicators, including publications in the refereed and general literature = Científicos de 11 laboratorios describieron sus actividades investigadoras durante 5 años y proporcionaron indicadores de producción, incluidas publicaciones en la literatura general y en la evaluada por expertos.

» output measure = medida de productividad, índice de productividad, medida de rendimiento, índicador de rendimiento, índice de rendimiento, índice de uso.

Example: Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.

» output-oriented = relativo a la productividad.

Example: There is an increasing demand from those who control library expenditure for output-oriented statistics.

» publication output = producción científica.

Example: A study of 20 schools in the USA showed that publication output is not consistent for schools associated with Carnegie Research institutions.

» publishing output = producción editorial.

Example: A current national bibliography reflects the culture, character and current interests of a country by recording its publishing output.

» scholarly output = producción científica.

Example: The forces encouraging increasing scholarly output go a long way towards explaining the operation of the system and the genesis of the crisis.

» scientific output = producción científica.

Example: This article reviews the scientific output of the State of Kuwait on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its independence.

output3 = producir. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio output]

Example: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.

Output synonyms

yield in spanish: rendimiento, pronunciation: jild part of speech: noun, verb turnout in spanish: apagar, pronunciation: tɜrnaʊt part of speech: noun outturn in spanish: ejecución, pronunciation: aʊtɜrn part of speech: noun end product in spanish: Producto final, pronunciation: endprɑdəkt part of speech: noun output signal in spanish: señal de salida, pronunciation: aʊtpʊtsɪgnəl part of speech: noun
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