Outmoded in spanish


pronunciation: ɑntikuɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

outmoded = obsoleto, desfasado. 

Example: With computerization some libraries took the opportunity to replace outmoded abstracts bulletins with SDI services.

Outmoded synonyms

antique in spanish: antiguo, pronunciation: æntik part of speech: adjective, noun passe in spanish: pasado de moda, pronunciation: pæseɪ part of speech: adjective old-fashioned in spanish: anticuado, pronunciation: oʊldfæʃənd part of speech: adjective demode in spanish: pasado de moda, pronunciation: dɪmoʊd part of speech: adjective unfashionable in spanish: pasado de moda, pronunciation: ənfæʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective passee in spanish: Passee, pronunciation: pæsi part of speech: adjective unstylish in spanish: unstylish, pronunciation: ənstaɪlɪʃ part of speech: adjective old-hat in spanish: sombrero viejo, pronunciation: oʊldhæt part of speech: adjective out of fashion in spanish: fuera de moda, pronunciation: aʊtʌvfæʃən nonmodern in spanish: no moderno, pronunciation: nɑmədɜrn part of speech: adjective
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